import io import os import re import shutil import threading import time from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional from platypush.config import Config from platypush.message import Mapping from platypush.message.response import Response from import CameraRecordingStartedEvent, \ CameraRecordingStoppedEvent, CameraVideoRenderedEvent, \ CameraPictureTakenEvent, CameraFrameCapturedEvent from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class StreamingOutput: def __init__(self): self.frame = None self.buffer = io.BytesIO() self.ready = threading.Condition() @staticmethod def is_new_frame(buf): # JPEG header begin return buf.startswith(b'\xff\xd8') def write(self, buf): if self.is_new_frame(buf): # New frame, copy the existing buffer's content and notify all clients that it's available self.buffer.truncate() with self.ready: self.frame = self.buffer.getvalue() self.ready.notify_all() return self.buffer.write(buf) class CameraPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to control generic cameras over OpenCV. Triggers: * :class:`` when a new video recording/photo burst starts * :class:`` when a video recording/photo burst ends * :class:`` when a sequence of captured is successfully rendered into a video * :class:`` when a snapshot is captured and stored to an image file Requires: * **opencv** (``pip install opencv-python``) """ _default_warmup_frames = 5 _default_sleep_between_frames = 0 _default_color_transform = 'COLOR_BGR2BGRA' _default_frames_dir = None _max_stored_frames = 100 _frame_filename_regex = re.compile('(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)_(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+).jpe?g$') def __init__(self, device_id=0, frames_dir=None, warmup_frames=_default_warmup_frames, video_type=0, sleep_between_frames=_default_sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames=_max_stored_frames, color_transform=_default_color_transform, scale_x=None, scale_y=None, rotate=None, flip=None, **kwargs): """ :param device_id: Index of the default video device to be used for capturing (default: 0) :type device_id: int :param frames_dir: Directory where the camera frames will be stored (default: ``~/.local/share/platypush/camera/frames``) :type frames_dir: str :param warmup_frames: Cameras usually take a while to adapt their luminosity and focus to the environment when taking a picture. This parameter allows you to specify the number of "warmup" frames to capture upon picture command before actually capturing a frame (default: 5 but you may want to calibrate this parameter for your camera) :type warmup_frames: int :param video_type: Default video type to use when exporting captured frames to camera (default: 0, infers the type from the video file extension). See `here `_ for a reference on the supported types (e.g. 'MJPEG', 'XVID', 'H264' etc') :type video_type: str or int :param sleep_between_frames: If set, the process will sleep for the specified amount of seconds between two frames when recording (default: 0) :type sleep_between_frames: float :param max_stored_frames: Maximum number of frames to store in ``frames_dir`` when recording with no persistence (e.g. streaming over HTTP) (default: 100) :type max_stored_frames: int :param color_transform: Color transformation to apply to the captured frames. See for a full list of supported color transformations. (default: "``COLOR_BGR2BGRA``") :type color_transform: str :param scale_x: If set, the images will be scaled along the x axis by the specified factor :type scale_x: float :param scale_y: If set, the images will be scaled along the y axis by the specified factor :type scale_y: float :param rotate: If set, the images will be rotated by the specified number of degrees :type rotate: float :param flip: If set, the images will be flipped around the specified axis. Possible values:: - ``0`` - flip along the x axis - ``1`` - flip along the y axis - ``-1`` - flip along both the axis :type flip: int """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._default_frames_dir = os.path.join(Config.get('workdir'), 'camera', 'frames') self.default_device_id = device_id self.frames_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(frames_dir or self._default_frames_dir)) self.warmup_frames = warmup_frames self.video_type = video_type if isinstance(video_type, str): import cv2 self.video_type = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*video_type.upper()) self.sleep_between_frames = sleep_between_frames self.max_stored_frames = max_stored_frames self.color_transform = color_transform self.scale_x = scale_x self.scale_y = scale_y self.rotate = rotate self.flip = flip self._is_recording = {} # device_id => Event map self._devices = {} # device_id => VideoCapture map self._recording_threads = {} # device_id => Thread map self._recording_info = {} # device_id => recording info map self._output = None def _init_device(self, device_id, frames_dir=None, **info): import cv2 self._release_device(device_id) if device_id not in self._devices: self._devices[device_id] = cv2.VideoCapture(device_id) if device_id not in self._is_recording: self._is_recording[device_id] = threading.Event() self._recording_info[device_id] = info if frames_dir: os.makedirs(frames_dir, exist_ok=True) self._recording_info[device_id]['frames_dir'] = frames_dir return self._devices[device_id] def _release_device(self, device_id, wait_thread_termination=True): if device_id in self._is_recording: self._is_recording[device_id].clear() if device_id in self._recording_threads: if wait_thread_termination:'A recording thread is running, waiting for termination') if self._recording_threads[device_id].is_alive(): self._recording_threads[device_id].join() del self._recording_threads[device_id] if device_id in self._devices: self._devices[device_id].release() del self._devices[device_id] self.fire_event(CameraRecordingStoppedEvent(device_id=device_id))"Device {} released".format(device_id)) if device_id in self._recording_info: del self._recording_info[device_id] @staticmethod def _store_frame_to_file(frame, frames_dir, image_file): import cv2 if image_file: filepath = image_file else: filepath = os.path.join( frames_dir,'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f.jpg')) cv2.imwrite(filepath, frame) return filepath def _get_stored_frames_files(self, frames_dir): ret = sorted([ os.path.join(frames_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(frames_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(frames_dir, f)) and, f) ]) return ret def _get_avg_fps(self, frames_dir): files = self._get_stored_frames_files(frames_dir) frame_time_diff = 0.0 n_frames = 0 for i in range(1, len(files)): m1 =, files[i - 1]) m2 =, files[i]) if not m1 or not m2: continue t1 = datetime.timestamp(datetime(*map(int, m1.groups()))) t2 = datetime.timestamp(datetime(*map(int, m2.groups()))) frame_time_diff += (t2 - t1) n_frames += 1 return n_frames / frame_time_diff if n_frames and frame_time_diff else 0 def _remove_expired_frames(self, frames_dir, max_stored_frames): files = self._get_stored_frames_files(frames_dir) for f in files[:len(files) - max_stored_frames]: os.unlink(f) def _make_video_file(self, frames_dir, video_file, video_type): import cv2 files = self._get_stored_frames_files(frames_dir) if not files: self.logger.warning('No frames found in {}'.format(frames_dir)) return frame = cv2.imread(files[0]) height, width, layers = frame.shape fps = self._get_avg_fps(frames_dir) video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_file, video_type, fps, (width, height)) for f in files: video.write(cv2.imread(f)) video.release() self.fire_event(CameraVideoRenderedEvent(filename=video_file)) shutil.rmtree(frames_dir, ignore_errors=True) def _recording_thread(self): def thread(duration, video_file, image_file, device_id, frames_dir, n_frames, sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames, color_transform, video_type, scale_x, scale_y, rotate, flip): import cv2 device = self._devices[device_id] color_transform = getattr(cv2, color_transform or self.color_transform) rotation_matrix = None self._is_recording[device_id].wait()'Starting recording from video device {}'.format(device_id)) recording_started_time = time.time() captured_frames = 0 evt_args = { 'device_id': device_id, } if video_file or image_file: evt_args['filename'] = video_file or image_file if frames_dir: evt_args['frames_dir'] = frames_dir self.fire_event(CameraRecordingStartedEvent(**evt_args)) while device_id in self._is_recording and self._is_recording[device_id].is_set(): if duration and time.time() - recording_started_time >= duration \ or n_frames and captured_frames >= n_frames: break ret, frame = if not ret: self.logger.warning('Error while retrieving video frame') continue frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, color_transform) if rotate: rows, cols = frame.shape if not rotation_matrix: rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rotate, 1) frame = cv2.warpAffine(frame, rotation_matrix, (cols, rows)) if flip is not None: frame = cv2.flip(frame, flip) if scale_x or scale_y: scale_x = scale_x or 1 scale_y = scale_y or 1 frame = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) if self._output: result, frame = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame) if not result: self.logger.warning('Unable to convert frame to JPEG') continue self._output.write(frame.tobytes()) elif frames_dir: self._store_frame_to_file(frame=frame, frames_dir=frames_dir, image_file=image_file) captured_frames += 1 self.fire_event(CameraFrameCapturedEvent(filename=image_file)) if max_stored_frames and not video_file: self._remove_expired_frames( frames_dir=frames_dir, max_stored_frames=max_stored_frames) if sleep_between_frames: time.sleep(sleep_between_frames) self._release_device(device_id, wait_thread_termination=False) if image_file: self.fire_event(CameraPictureTakenEvent(filename=image_file))'Recording terminated') if video_file:'Writing frames to video file {}'. format(video_file)) self._make_video_file(frames_dir=frames_dir, video_file=video_file, video_type=video_type)'Video file {}: rendering completed'. format(video_file)) return thread @action def start_recording(self, duration: Optional[float] = None, video_file: Optional[str] = None, video_type: Optional[str] = None, device_id: Optional[int] = None, frames_dir: Optional[str] = None, sleep_between_frames: Optional[float] = None, max_stored_frames: Optional[int] = None, color_transform: Optional[str] = None, scale_x: Optional[float] = None, scale_y: Optional[float] = None, rotate: Optional[float] = None, flip: Optional[int] = None): """ Start recording :param duration: Record duration in seconds (default: None, record until ``stop_recording``) :param video_file: If set, the stream will be recorded to the specified video file (default: None) :param video_type: Overrides the default configured ``video_type`` :param device_id: Override default device_id :param frames_dir: Override default frames_dir :param sleep_between_frames: Override default sleep_between_frames :param max_stored_frames: Override default max_stored_frames :param color_transform: Override default color_transform :param scale_x: Override default scale_x :param scale_y: Override default scale_y :param rotate: Override default rotate :param flip: Override default flip """ device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else self.default_device_id if device_id in self._is_recording and \ self._is_recording[device_id].is_set():'A recording on device {} is already in progress'. format(device_id)) return self.status(device_id=device_id) recording_started = threading.Event() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def on_recording_started(event): recording_started.set() attrs = self._get_attributes(frames_dir=frames_dir, sleep_between_frames=sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames=max_stored_frames, color_transform=color_transform, scale_x=scale_x, scale_y=scale_y, rotate=rotate, flip=flip, video_type=video_type) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if attrs.frames_dir: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences attrs.frames_dir = os.path.join(attrs.frames_dir, str(device_id)) if video_file: video_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(video_file)) attrs.frames_dir = os.path.join(attrs.frames_dir, 'recording_{}'.format('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'))) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self._init_device(device_id, video_file=video_file, video_type=attrs.video_type, frames_dir=attrs.frames_dir, sleep_between_frames=attrs.sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames=attrs.max_stored_frames, color_transform=attrs.color_transform, scale_x=attrs.scale_x, scale_y=attrs.scale_y, rotate=attrs.rotate, flip=attrs.flip) self.register_handler(CameraRecordingStartedEvent, on_recording_started) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self._recording_threads[device_id] = threading.Thread( target=self._recording_thread(), kwargs={ 'duration': duration, 'video_file': video_file, 'video_type': attrs.video_type, 'image_file': None, 'device_id': device_id, 'frames_dir': attrs.frames_dir, 'n_frames': None, 'sleep_between_frames': attrs.sleep_between_frames, 'max_stored_frames': attrs.max_stored_frames, 'color_transform': attrs.color_transform, 'scale_x': attrs.scale_x, 'scale_y': attrs.scale_y, 'rotate': attrs.rotate, 'flip': attrs.flip, }) self._recording_threads[device_id].start() self._is_recording[device_id].set() recording_started.wait() self.unregister_handler(CameraRecordingStartedEvent, on_recording_started) return self.status(device_id=device_id) @action def stop_recording(self, device_id=None): """ Stop recording """ device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else self.default_device_id frames_dir = self._recording_info.get(device_id, {}).get('frames_dir') self._release_device(device_id) shutil.rmtree(frames_dir, ignore_errors=True) def _get_attributes(self, frames_dir=None, warmup_frames=None, color_transform=None, scale_x=None, scale_y=None, rotate=None, flip=None, sleep_between_frames=None, max_stored_frames=None, video_type=None) -> Mapping: import cv2 warmup_frames = warmup_frames if warmup_frames is not None else self.warmup_frames frames_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(frames_dir)) if frames_dir is not None else self.frames_dir sleep_between_frames = sleep_between_frames if sleep_between_frames is not None else self.sleep_between_frames max_stored_frames = max_stored_frames if max_stored_frames is not None else self.max_stored_frames color_transform = color_transform if color_transform is not None else self.color_transform scale_x = scale_x if scale_x is not None else self.scale_x scale_y = scale_y if scale_y is not None else self.scale_y rotate = rotate if rotate is not None else self.rotate flip = flip if flip is not None else self.flip if video_type is not None: video_type = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*video_type.upper()) if isinstance(video_type, str) else video_type else: video_type = self.video_type return Mapping(warmup_frames=warmup_frames, frames_dir=frames_dir, sleep_between_frames=sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames=max_stored_frames, color_transform=color_transform, scale_x=scale_x, scale_y=scale_y, rotate=rotate, flip=flip, video_type=video_type) @action def take_picture(self, image_file: str, device_id: Optional[int] = None, warmup_frames: Optional[int] = None, color_transform: Optional[str] = None, scale_x: Optional[float] = None, scale_y: Optional[float] = None, rotate: Optional[float] = None, flip: Optional[int] = None): """ Take a picture. :param image_file: Path where the output image will be stored. :param device_id: Override default device_id :param warmup_frames: Override default warmup_frames :param color_transform: Override default color_transform :param scale_x: Override default scale_x :param scale_y: Override default scale_y :param rotate: Override default rotate :param flip: Override default flip """ device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else self.default_device_id image_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(image_file)) picture_taken = threading.Event() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def on_picture_taken(event): picture_taken.set() if device_id in self._is_recording and \ self._is_recording[device_id].is_set():'A recording on device {} is already in progress'. format(device_id)) status = self.status(device_id=device_id).output.get(device_id) if 'image_file' in status: shutil.copyfile(status['image_file'], image_file) return {'path': image_file} raise RuntimeError('Recording already in progress and no images ' + 'have been captured yet') attrs = self._get_attributes(warmup_frames=warmup_frames, color_transform=color_transform, scale_x=scale_x, scale_y=scale_y, rotate=rotate, flip=flip) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self._init_device(device_id, image_file=image_file, warmup_frames=attrs.warmup_frames, color_transform=attrs.color_transform, scale_x=attrs.scale_x, scale_y=attrs.scale_y, rotate=attrs.rotate, flip=attrs.flip) self.register_handler(CameraPictureTakenEvent, on_picture_taken) self._recording_threads[device_id] = threading.Thread( target=self._recording_thread(), kwargs={ 'duration': None, 'video_file': None, 'image_file': image_file, 'video_type': None, 'device_id': device_id, 'frames_dir': None, 'n_frames': warmup_frames, 'sleep_between_frames': None, 'max_stored_frames': None, 'color_transform': color_transform, 'scale_x': scale_x, 'scale_y': scale_y, 'rotate': rotate, 'flip': flip }) self._recording_threads[device_id].start() self._is_recording[device_id].set() picture_taken.wait() self.unregister_handler(CameraPictureTakenEvent, on_picture_taken) return {'path': image_file} @action def status(self, device_id=None): """ Returns the status of the specified device_id or all the device in a ``{ device_id => device_info }`` map format. Device info includes ``video_file``, ``image_file``, ``frames_dir`` and additional video info """ resp = Response(output={ id: { 'image_file': self._get_stored_frames_files(info['frames_dir'])[-2] if 'frames_dir' in info and len(self._get_stored_frames_files(info['frames_dir'])) > 1 and 'image_file' not in info else info.get('image_file'), **info } for id, info in self._recording_info.items() if device_id is None or id == device_id }, disable_logging=True) return resp @action def get_default_device_id(self): return self.default_device_id def get_stream(self): return self._output def __enter__(self): device_id = self.default_device_id self._output = StreamingOutput() self._init_device(device_id=device_id) self.start_recording(device_id=device_id) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop_recording(self.default_device_id) self._output = None # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: