""" .. moduleauthor:: Fabio Manganiello """ import os import socket import threading import time from typing import Optional from platypush.plugins import action from platypush.plugins.camera import CameraPlugin, StreamingOutput class CameraPiPlugin(CameraPlugin): """ Plugin to control a Pi camera. Requires: * **picamera** (``pip install picamera``) """ _default_resolution = (800, 600) _default_listen_port = 5000 def __init__(self, resolution=(_default_resolution[0], _default_resolution[1]), framerate=24, hflip=False, vflip=False, sharpness=0, contrast=0, brightness=50, video_stabilization=False, iso=0, exposure_compensation=0, exposure_mode='auto', meter_mode='average', awb_mode='auto', image_effect='none', color_effects=None, rotation=0, crop=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), listen_port: int = _default_listen_port, **kwargs): """ See https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/python/README.md for a detailed reference about the Pi camera options. :param listen_port: Default port that will be used for streaming the feed (default: 5000) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.camera_args = { 'resolution': tuple(resolution), 'framerate': framerate, 'hflip': hflip, 'vflip': vflip, 'sharpness': sharpness, 'contrast': contrast, 'brightness': brightness, 'video_stabilization': video_stabilization, 'ISO': iso, 'exposure_compensation': exposure_compensation, 'exposure_mode': exposure_mode, 'meter_mode': meter_mode, 'awb_mode': awb_mode, 'image_effect': image_effect, 'color_effects': color_effects, 'rotation': rotation, 'crop': tuple(crop), } self._camera = None self.listen_port = listen_port self._time_lapse_thread = None self._recording_thread = None self._streaming_thread = None self._time_lapse_stop_condition = threading.Condition() self._recording_stop_condition = threading.Condition() self._can_stream = False # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyPackageRequirements def _get_camera(self, **opts): if self._camera and not self._camera.closed: return self._camera import picamera self._camera = picamera.PiCamera() for (attr, value) in self.camera_args.items(): setattr(self._camera, attr, value) for (attr, value) in opts.items(): setattr(self._camera, attr, value) return self._camera @action def close(self): """ Close an active connection to the camera. """ if self._output and self._camera: self._camera.stop_recording() if self._camera and not self._camera.closed: self._camera.close() self._camera = None @action def start_preview(self, **opts): """ Start camera preview. :param opts: Extra options to pass to the camera (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/python/README.md) """ camera = self._get_camera(**opts) camera.start_preview() @action def stop_preview(self): """ Stop camera preview. """ camera = self._get_camera() try: camera.stop_preview() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) @action def take_picture(self, image_file, preview=False, warmup_time=2, resize=None, close=True, **opts): """ Take a picture. :param image_file: Path where the output image will be stored. :type image_file: str :param preview: Show a preview before taking the picture (default: False) :type preview: bool :param warmup_time: Time before taking the picture (default: 2 seconds) :type warmup_time: float :param resize: Set if you want to resize the picture to a new format :type resize: list or tuple (with two elements) :param opts: Extra options to pass to the camera (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/python/README.md) :param close: If True (default) close the connection to the camera after capturing, otherwise keep the connection open (e.g. if you want to take a sequence of pictures). If you set close=False you should remember to call ``close`` when you don't need the connection anymore. :return: dict:: {"image_file": path_to_the_image} """ camera = None try: camera = self._get_camera(**opts) image_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(image_file)) if preview: camera.start_preview() if warmup_time: time.sleep(warmup_time) capture_opts = {} if resize: capture_opts['resize'] = tuple(resize) camera.capture(image_file, **capture_opts) if preview: camera.stop_preview() return {'image_file': image_file} finally: if camera and close: self.close() def __enter__(self): camera = self._get_camera() self._output = StreamingOutput() camera.start_recording(self._output, format='mjpeg') def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() @action def capture_sequence(self, n_images, directory, name_format='image_%04d.jpg', preview=False, warmup_time=2, resize=None, **opts): """ Capture a sequence of images :param n_images: Number of images to capture :type n_images: int :param directory: Path where the images will be stored :type directory: str :param name_format: Format for the name of the stored images. Use %d or any other format string for representing the image index (default: image_%04d.jpg) :type name_format: str :param preview: Show a preview before taking the picture (default: False) :type preview: bool :param warmup_time: Time before taking the picture (default: 2 seconds) :type warmup_time: float :param resize: Set if you want to resize the picture to a new format :type resize: list or tuple (with two elements) :param opts: Extra options to pass to the camera (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/python/README.md) :return: dict:: {"image_files": [list of captured images]} """ try: camera = self._get_camera(**opts) directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(directory)) if preview: camera.start_preview() if warmup_time: time.sleep(warmup_time) camera.exposure_mode = 'off' camera.shutter_speed = camera.exposure_speed g = camera.awb_gains camera.awb_mode = 'off' camera.awb_gains = g capture_opts = {} if resize: capture_opts['resize'] = tuple(resize) images = [os.path.join(directory, name_format % (i+1)) for i in range(0, n_images)] camera.capture_sequence(images, **capture_opts) if preview: camera.stop_preview() return {'image_files': images} finally: self.close() @action def start_time_lapse(self, directory, n_images=None, interval=0, warmup_time=2, resize=None, **opts): """ Start a time lapse capture :param directory: Path where the images will be stored :type directory: str :param n_images: Number of images to capture (default: None, capture until stop_time_lapse) :type n_images: int :param interval: Interval in seconds between two pictures (default: 0) :type interval: float :param warmup_time: Time before taking the picture (default: 2 seconds) :type warmup_time: float :param resize: Set if you want to resize the picture to a new format :type resize: list or tuple (with two elements) :param opts: Extra options to pass to the camera (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/python/README.md) """ if self._time_lapse_thread: return None, 'A time lapse thread is already running' camera = self._get_camera(**opts) directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(directory)) if warmup_time: time.sleep(warmup_time) capture_opts = {} if resize: capture_opts['resize'] = tuple(resize) def capture_thread(): try: self.logger.info('Starting time lapse recording to directory {}'.format(directory)) i = 0 for filename in camera.capture_continuous(os.path.join(directory, 'image_{counter:04d}.jpg')): i += 1 self.logger.info('Captured {}'.format(filename)) if n_images and i >= n_images: break self._time_lapse_stop_condition.acquire() should_stop = self._time_lapse_stop_condition.wait(timeout=interval) self._time_lapse_stop_condition.release() if should_stop: break finally: self._time_lapse_thread = None self.logger.info('Stopped time lapse recording') self._time_lapse_thread = threading.Thread(target=capture_thread) self._time_lapse_thread.start() @action def stop_time_lapse(self): """ Stop a time lapse sequence if it's running """ if not self._time_lapse_thread: self.logger.info('No time lapse thread is running') return self._time_lapse_stop_condition.acquire() self._time_lapse_stop_condition.notify_all() self._time_lapse_stop_condition.release() if self._time_lapse_thread: self._time_lapse_thread.join() # noinspection PyMethodOverriding @action def start_recording(self, video_file=None, directory=None, name_format='video_%04d.h264', duration=None, split_duration=None, **opts): """ Start recording to a video file or to multiple video files :param video_file: Path of the video file, if you want to keep the recording all in one file :type video_file: str :param directory: Path of the directory that will store the video files, if you want to split the recording on multiple files. Note that you need to specify either video_file (to save the recording to one single file) or directory (to split the recording on multiple files) :type directory: str :param name_format: If you're splitting the recording to multiple files, then you can specify the name format for those files (default: 'video_%04d.h264') on multiple files. Note that you need to specify either video_file (to save the recording to one single file) or directory (to split the recording on multiple files) :type name_format: str :param duration: Video duration in seconds (default: None, record until stop_recording is called) :type duration: float :param split_duration: If you're splitting the recording to multiple files, then you should specify how long each video should be in seconds :type split_duration: float :param opts: Extra options to pass to the camera (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/python/README.md) """ if self._recording_thread: return None, 'A recording thread is already running' multifile = not video_file if multifile and not (directory and split_duration): return None, 'No video_file specified for single file capture and no directory/split_duration ' + \ 'specified for multi-file split' camera = self._get_camera(**opts) video_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(video_file)) def recording_thread(): try: if not multifile: self.logger.info('Starting recording to video file {}'.format(video_file)) camera.start_recording(video_file, format='h264') self._recording_stop_condition.acquire() self._recording_stop_condition.wait(timeout=duration) self._recording_stop_condition.release() self.logger.info('Video recorded to {}'.format(video_file)) return self.logger.info('Starting recording video files to directory {}'.format(directory)) i = 1 end_time = None timeout = split_duration if duration is not None: end_time = time.time() + duration timeout = min(split_duration, duration) camera.start_recording(name_format % i, format='h264') self._recording_stop_condition.acquire() self._recording_stop_condition.wait(timeout=timeout) self._recording_stop_condition.release() self.logger.info('Video file {} saved'.format(name_format % i)) while True: i += 1 timeout = None if end_time: remaining_duration = end_time - time.time() timeout = min(split_duration, remaining_duration) if remaining_duration <= 0: break camera.split_recording(name_format % i) self._recording_stop_condition.acquire() should_stop = self._recording_stop_condition.wait(timeout=timeout) self._recording_stop_condition.release() self.logger.info('Video file {} saved'.format(name_format % i)) if should_stop: break finally: try: camera.stop_recording() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) self._recording_thread = None self.logger.info('Stopped camera recording') self._recording_thread = threading.Thread(target=recording_thread) self._recording_thread.start() @action def stop_recording(self, **kwargs): """ Stop a camera recording """ if not self._recording_thread: self.logger.info('No recording thread is running') return self._recording_stop_condition.acquire() self._recording_stop_condition.notify_all() self._recording_stop_condition.release() if self._recording_thread: self._recording_thread.join() # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def start_streaming(self, listen_port: Optional[int] = None, format='h264', **opts): """ Start recording to a network stream :param listen_port: TCP listen port (default: `listen_port` configured value or 5000) :type listen_port: int :param format: Video stream format (default: h264) :type format: str :param opts: Extra options to pass to the camera (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/python/README.md) """ if self._streaming_thread: return None, 'A streaming thread is already running' if not listen_port: listen_port = self.listen_port camera = self._get_camera(**opts) server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_socket.bind(('', listen_port)) server_socket.listen(1) server_socket.settimeout(1) # noinspection PyBroadException def streaming_thread(): try: self.logger.info('Starting streaming on port {}'.format(listen_port)) while self._can_stream: try: sock = server_socket.accept()[0] stream = sock.makefile('wb') self.logger.info('Accepted client connection from {}'.format(sock.getpeername())) except socket.timeout: continue try: if stream: camera.start_recording(stream, format=format) while True: camera.wait_recording(1) except ConnectionError: self.logger.info('Client closed connection') finally: if sock: sock.close() finally: try: server_socket.close() camera.stop_recording() except: pass try: camera.close() except: pass self._streaming_thread = None self.logger.info('Stopped camera stream') self._can_stream = True self._streaming_thread = threading.Thread(target=streaming_thread) self._streaming_thread.start() @action def stop_streaming(self): """ Stop a camera streaming session """ if not self._streaming_thread: self.logger.info('No recording thread is running') return self._can_stream = False if self._streaming_thread: self._streaming_thread.join() @action def is_streaming(self): """ :return: True if the Pi Camera network streaming thread is running, False otherwise. """ return self._streaming_thread is not None # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: