import enum import threading import time from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.context import get_plugin class Direction(enum.Enum): DIR_UP = 'up' DIR_DOWN = 'down' DIR_LEFT = 'left' DIR_RIGHT = 'right' DIR_AUTO = 'auto' DIR_AUTO_TOGGLE = 'auto_toggle' # noinspection PyPep8Naming class GpioZeroborgPlugin(Plugin): """ ZeroBorg plugin. It allows you to control a ZeroBorg ( motor controller and infrared sensor circuitry for Raspberry Pi """ _drive_thread = None _can_run = False _direction = None _init_in_progress = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, directions=None, **kwargs): """ :param directions: Configuration for the motor directions. A direction is basically a configuration of the power delivered to each motor to allow whichever object you're controlling (wheels, robotic arms etc.) to move in a certain direction. In my experience the ZeroBorg always needs a bit of calibration, depending on factory defaults and the mechanical properties of the load it controls. Example configuration that I use to control a simple 4WD robot:: directions = { "up": { "motor_1_power": 0.4821428571428572, "motor_2_power": 0.4821428571428572, "motor_3_power": -0.6707142857142858, "motor_4_power": -0.6707142857142858 }, "down": { "motor_1_power": -0.4821428571428572, "motor_2_power": -0.4821428571428572, "motor_3_power": 0.825, "motor_4_power": 0.825 }, "left": { "motor_1_power": -0.1392857142857143, "motor_2_power": -0.1392857142857143, "motor_3_power": -1.0553571428571429, "motor_4_power": -1.0553571428571429 }, "right": { "motor_1_power": 1.0017857142857143, "motor_2_power": 1.0017857142857143, "motor_3_power": 0.6214285714285713, "motor_4_power": 0.6214285714285713 }, "auto": { "sensors": [ { "plugin": "gpio.sensor.distance", "threshold": 400.0, "timeout": 2.0, "above_threshold_direction": "up", "below_threshold_direction": "left" } ] } } Note that the special direction "auto" can contain a configuration that allows your device to move autonomously based on the inputs it gets from some sensors. In this case, I set the sensors configuration (a list) to periodically poll a GPIO-based ultrasound distance sensor plugin. ``timeout`` says after how long a poll attempt should fail. The plugin package is specified through ``plugin`` (``gpio.sensor.distance``) in this case, note that the plugin must be configured as well in order to work). The ``threshold`` value says around which value your logic should trigger. In this case, threshold=400 (40 cm). When the distance value is above that threshold (``above_threshold_direction``), then go "up" (no obstacles ahead). Otherwise (``below_threshold_direction``), turn "left" (avoid the obstacle). :type directions: dict """ if directions is None: directions = {} import platypush.plugins.gpio.zeroborg.lib as ZeroBorg super().__init__(**kwargs) self.directions = directions self.auto_mode = False self._direction = None self.zb = ZeroBorg.ZeroBorg() self.zb.Init() self.zb.SetCommsFailsafe(True) self.zb.ResetEpo() @staticmethod def _get_measurement(plugin, timeout): measure_start_time = time.time() value = None while value is None: value = plugin.get_measurement().output if time.time() - measure_start_time > timeout: return None return value def _get_direction_from_sensors(self): if Direction.DIR_AUTO.value not in self.directions: raise RuntimeError("Can't start auto pilot: " + "no sensor configured in") direction = None for sensor in self.directions[Direction.DIR_AUTO.value]['sensors']: plugin = get_plugin(sensor['plugin']) if not sensor: raise RuntimeError('No such sensor: ' + sensor['plugin']) value = self._get_measurement(plugin=plugin, timeout=sensor['timeout']) threshold = sensor['threshold'] if value is None: self.logger.warning('Read timeout from sensor {}'.format(sensor['plugin'])) return Direction.DIR_AUTO.value if value >= threshold and 'above_threshold_direction' in sensor: direction = sensor['above_threshold_direction'] elif 'below_threshold_direction' in sensor: direction = sensor['below_threshold_direction']'Sensor: {}\tMeasurement: {}\tDirection: {}' .format(sensor['plugin'], value, direction)) return direction @action def drive(self, direction): """ Drive the motors in a certain direction. :param direction: Direction name (note: it must be a configured direction). Special directions: * ``auto`` - Enter automatic drive mode * ``auto_toggle`` - Toggle automatic drive mode (on or off) * ``stop`` - Turn off the motors """ self._can_run = True self._direction = direction.lower()'Received ZeroBorg drive command: {}'.format(direction)) def _run(): try: while self._can_run and self._direction: if self._direction == Direction.DIR_AUTO_TOGGLE.value: if self.auto_mode: self._direction = None self.auto_mode = False else: self._direction = Direction.DIR_AUTO self.auto_mode = True if self._direction == Direction.DIR_AUTO.value: self.auto_mode = True motor_1_power = motor_2_power = motor_3_power = motor_4_power = 0.0 try: if self.auto_mode: self._direction = self._get_direction_from_sensors() time.sleep(0.1) if self._direction in self.directions and self._direction != Direction.DIR_AUTO.value: motor_1_power = self.directions[self._direction]['motor_1_power'] motor_2_power = self.directions[self._direction]['motor_2_power'] motor_3_power = self.directions[self._direction]['motor_3_power'] motor_4_power = self.directions[self._direction]['motor_4_power'] else: self.logger.warning('Invalid direction {}: stopping motors'.format(self._direction)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error on _get_direction_from_sensors: {}'.format(str(e))) break self.zb.SetMotor1(motor_1_power) self.zb.SetMotor2(motor_2_power) self.zb.SetMotor3(motor_3_power) self.zb.SetMotor4(motor_4_power) finally: self.stop() self._drive_thread = threading.Thread(target=_run) self._drive_thread.start() return {'status': 'running', 'direction': direction} @action def stop(self): """ Turns off the motors """ self._can_run = False self.auto_mode = False if self._drive_thread and threading.get_ident() != self._drive_thread.ident: self._drive_thread.join() self.zb.MotorsOff() self.zb.ResetEpo() return {'status': 'stopped'} # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: