import inspect import json from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Optional, Dict, Collection, Type from platypush.config import Config from platypush.entities import Entity from platypush.utils import get_plugin_name_by_class, get_redis _entity_registry_varname = '_platypush/plugin_entity_registry' class EntityManager(ABC): """ Base mixin for all the integrations that support entities mapping. The classes that implement the entity manager need to implement the :meth:`.transform_entities` method, which will convert the supported entities from whichever format the integration supports to a collection of :class:`platypush.entities.Entity` objects. The converted entities will then be passed to the :class:`platypush.entities.EntitiesEngine` whenever :meth:`.publish_entities` is called The implemented classes should also implement the :meth:`.status` method. This method should retrieve the current state of the entities and call :meth:`.publish_entities`. """ def __new__(cls, *_, **__) -> 'EntityManager': register_entity_manager(cls) return super().__new__(cls) @abstractmethod def transform_entities(self, entities: Collection[Any]) -> Collection[Entity]: """ This method takes a list of entities in any (plugin-specific) format and converts them into a standardized collection of `Entity` objects. Since this method is called by :meth:`.publish_entities` before entity updates are published, you may usually want to extend it to pre-process the entities managed by your extension into the standard format before they are stored and published to all the consumers. """ assert all(isinstance(e, Entity) for e in entities), ( 'Expected all the instances to be entities, got ' f'{[e.__class__.__name__ for e in entities]}' ) return entities @abstractmethod def status(self, *_, **__): """ All derived classes should implement this method. At the very least, this method should refresh the current state of the integration's entities and call :meth:`.publish_entities`. It should also return the current state of the entities as a list of serialized entities, if possible. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'The `status` method has not been implemented in ' f'{self.__class__.__name__}' ) def _normalize_entities(self, entities: Collection[Entity]) -> Collection[Entity]: for entity in entities: if # Entity IDs can only refer to the internal primary key entity.external_id = = None # type: ignore entity.plugin = get_plugin_name_by_class(self.__class__) # type: ignore entity.updated_at = datetime.utcnow() # type: ignore return entities def publish_entities(self, entities: Optional[Collection[Any]]): """ Publishes a list of entities. The downstream consumers include: - The entity persistence manager - The web server - Any consumer subscribed to :class:`platypush.message.event.entities.EntityUpdateEvent` events (e.g. web clients) You usually don't need to override this class (but you may want to extend :meth:`.transform_entities` instead if your extension doesn't natively handle `Entity` objects). """ from platypush.entities import publish_entities transformed_entities = self._normalize_entities( self.transform_entities(entities or []) ) publish_entities(transformed_entities) def register_entity_manager(cls: Type[EntityManager]): """ Associates a plugin as a manager for a certain entity type. You usually don't have to call this method directly. """ entity_managers = [ c for c in inspect.getmro(cls) if issubclass(c, EntityManager) and c not in {cls, EntityManager} ] plugin_name = get_plugin_name_by_class(cls) or '' redis = get_redis() registry = get_plugin_entity_registry() registry_by_plugin = set(registry['by_plugin'].get(plugin_name, [])) for manager in entity_managers: entity_type_name = manager.__name__ registry_by_type = set(registry['by_type'].get(entity_type_name, [])) registry_by_plugin.add(entity_type_name) registry_by_type.add(plugin_name) registry['by_plugin'][plugin_name] = list(registry_by_plugin) registry['by_type'][entity_type_name] = list(registry_by_type) redis.mset({_entity_registry_varname: json.dumps(registry)}) def get_plugin_entity_registry() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """ Get the `plugin->entity_types` and `entity_type->plugin` mappings supported by the current configuration. """ redis = get_redis() registry = redis.mget([_entity_registry_varname])[0] try: registry = json.loads((registry or b'').decode()) except (TypeError, ValueError): return {'by_plugin': {}, 'by_type': {}} enabled_plugins = set(Config.get_plugins().keys()) return { 'by_plugin': { plugin_name: entity_types for plugin_name, entity_types in registry.get('by_plugin', {}).items() if plugin_name in enabled_plugins }, 'by_type': { entity_type: [p for p in plugins if p in enabled_plugins] for entity_type, plugins in registry.get('by_type', {}).items() }, }