import array import struct import time from fcntl import ioctl from typing import IO from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.message.event.joystick import ( JoystickConnectedEvent, JoystickDisconnectedEvent, JoystickButtonPressedEvent, JoystickButtonReleasedEvent, JoystickAxisEvent, ) class JoystickLinuxBackend(Backend): """ This backend intercepts events from joystick devices through the native Linux API implementation. It is loosely based on, which itself uses the `Linux kernel joystick API `_ to interact with the devices. """ # These constants were borrowed from linux/input.h axis_names = { 0x00: 'x', 0x01: 'y', 0x02: 'z', 0x03: 'rx', 0x04: 'ry', 0x05: 'rz', 0x06: 'throttle', 0x07: 'rudder', 0x08: 'wheel', 0x09: 'gas', 0x0A: 'brake', 0x10: 'hat0x', 0x11: 'hat0y', 0x12: 'hat1x', 0x13: 'hat1y', 0x14: 'hat2x', 0x15: 'hat2y', 0x16: 'hat3x', 0x17: 'hat3y', 0x18: 'pressure', 0x19: 'distance', 0x1A: 'tilt_x', 0x1B: 'tilt_y', 0x1C: 'tool_width', 0x20: 'volume', 0x28: 'misc', } button_names = { 0x120: 'trigger', 0x121: 'thumb', 0x122: 'thumb2', 0x123: 'top', 0x124: 'top2', 0x125: 'pinkie', 0x126: 'base', 0x127: 'base2', 0x128: 'base3', 0x129: 'base4', 0x12A: 'base5', 0x12B: 'base6', 0x12F: 'dead', 0x130: 'a', 0x131: 'b', 0x132: 'c', 0x133: 'x', 0x134: 'y', 0x135: 'z', 0x136: 'tl', 0x137: 'tr', 0x138: 'tl2', 0x139: 'tr2', 0x13A: 'select', 0x13B: 'start', 0x13C: 'mode', 0x13D: 'thumbl', 0x13E: 'thumbr', 0x220: 'dpad_up', 0x221: 'dpad_down', 0x222: 'dpad_left', 0x223: 'dpad_right', # XBox 360 controller uses these codes. 0x2C0: 'dpad_left', 0x2C1: 'dpad_right', 0x2C2: 'dpad_up', 0x2C3: 'dpad_down', } def __init__(self, device: str = '/dev/input/js0', *args, **kwargs): """ :param device: Joystick device to monitor (default: ``/dev/input/js0``). """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.device = device self._axis_states = {} self._button_states = {} self._axis_map = [] self._button_map = [] def _init_joystick(self, dev: IO): # Get the device name. buf = array.array('B', [0] * 64) ioctl(dev, 0x80006A13 + (0x10000 * len(buf)), buf) # JSIOCGNAME(len) js_name = buf.tobytes().rstrip(b'\x00').decode('utf-8') # Get number of axes and buttons. buf = array.array('B', [0]) ioctl(dev, 0x80016A11, buf) # JSIOCGAXES num_axes = buf[0] buf = array.array('B', [0]) ioctl(dev, 0x80016A12, buf) # JSIOCGBUTTONS num_buttons = buf[0] # Get the axis map. buf = array.array('B', [0] * 0x40) ioctl(dev, 0x80406A32, buf) # JSIOCGAXMAP for axis in buf[:num_axes]: axis_name = self.axis_names.get(axis, 'unknown(0x%02x)' % axis) self._axis_map.append(axis_name) self._axis_states[axis_name] = 0.0 # Get the button map. buf = array.array('H', [0] * 200) ioctl(dev, 0x80406A34, buf) # JSIOCGBTNMAP for btn in buf[:num_buttons]: btn_name = self.button_names.get(btn, 'unknown(0x%03x)' % btn) self._button_map.append(btn_name) self._button_states[btn_name] = 0 JoystickConnectedEvent( device=self.device, name=js_name, axes=self._axis_map, buttons=self._button_map, ) ) def run(self): super().run()'Opening {self.device}...') while not self.should_stop(): # Open the joystick device. try: jsdev = open(self.device, 'rb') # noqa self._init_joystick(jsdev) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug( 'Joystick device on %s not available: %s', self.device, e ) time.sleep(5) continue try: # Joystick event loop while not self.should_stop(): try: evbuf = if evbuf: _, value, evt_type, number = struct.unpack('IhBB', evbuf) if evt_type & 0x80: # Initial state notification continue if evt_type & 0x01: button = self._button_map[number] if button: self._button_states[button] = value evt_class = ( JoystickButtonPressedEvent if value else JoystickButtonReleasedEvent ) # noinspection PyTypeChecker evt_class(device=self.device, button=button) ) if evt_type & 0x02: axis = self._axis_map[number] if axis: fvalue = value / 32767.0 self._axis_states[axis] = fvalue # noinspection PyTypeChecker JoystickAxisEvent( device=self.device, axis=axis, value=fvalue ) ) except OSError as e: self.logger.warning(f'Connection to {self.device} lost: {e}') break finally: jsdev.close()