from platypush.plugins import action from import GooglePlugin class GoogleFitPlugin(GooglePlugin): """ Google Fit plugin. """ scopes = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', ] def __init__(self, user_id='me', *args, **kwargs): """ :param user_id: Default Google user_id (default: 'me', default configured account user) :type user_id: str or int """ super().__init__(scopes=self.scopes, *args, **kwargs) self.user_id = user_id @action def get_data_sources(self, user_id=None): """ Get the available data sources for the specified user_id """ service = self.get_service(service='fitness', version='v1') sources = ( service.users().dataSources().list(userId=user_id or self.user_id).execute() ) return sources['dataSource'] @action def get_data(self, data_source_id, user_id=None, limit=None): """ Get raw data for the specified data_source_id :param data_source_id: Data source ID, see `get_data_sources` :type data_source_id: str :param user_id: Target user ID (default: configured user). :param limit: Maximum number of items to return. """ service = self.get_service(service='fitness', version='v1') kwargs = { 'dataSourceId': data_source_id, 'userId': user_id or self.user_id, } if limit: kwargs['limit'] = limit data_points = [] for data_point in ( service.users() .dataSources() .dataPointChanges() .list(**kwargs) .execute() .get('insertedDataPoint', []) ): data_point['startTime'] = float(data_point.pop('startTimeNanos')) / 1e9 data_point['endTime'] = float(data_point.pop('endTimeNanos')) / 1e9 data_point['modifiedTime'] = ( float(data_point.pop('modifiedTimeMillis')) / 1e6 ) values = [] for value in data_point.pop('value'): if value.get('intVal') is not None: value = value['intVal'] elif value.get('fpVal') is not None: value = value['fpVal'] elif value.get('stringVal') is not None: value = value['stringVal'] elif value.get('mapVal'): value = { v['key']: v['value'].get( 'intVal', v['value'].get('fpVal', v['value'].get('stringVal')), ) for v in value['mapVal'] } values.append(value) data_point['values'] = values data_points.append(data_point) return data_points # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: