from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List, Optional from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class LcdPlugin(Plugin, ABC): """ Abstract class for plugins to communicate with LCD displays. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.lcd = None @staticmethod def _get_pin_mode(pin_mode: str) -> int: import RPi.GPIO pin_modes = ['BOARD', 'BCM'] pin_mode = pin_mode.upper() assert ( pin_mode in pin_modes ), 'Invalid pin_mode: {}. Supported modes: {}'.format(pin_mode, pin_modes) return getattr(RPi.GPIO, pin_mode).value @abstractmethod def _get_lcd(self): pass def _init_lcd(self): if self.lcd: return self.lcd = self._get_lcd() @action def close(self, clear: bool = False): """ Close the handler to the LCD display and release the GPIO resources. :param clear: Clear the display as well on close (default: False). """ if self.lcd: self.lcd.close(clear=clear) self.lcd = None @action def clear(self): """ Clear the LCD display. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.clear() @action def home(self): """ Set cursor to initial position and reset any shifting. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.home() @action def shift_display(self, amount: int): """ Set cursor to initial position and reset any shifting. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.shift_display(amount) @action def write_string(self, value: str, position: Optional[List[int]] = None): """ Write a string to the display. :param value: String to be displayed. :param position: String position on the display as a 2-int list. """ self._init_lcd() if position: self.lcd.cursor_pos = tuple(position) self.lcd.write_string(value) @action def set_cursor_pos(self, position: List[int]): """ Change the position of the cursor on the display. :param position: New cursor position, as a list of two elements. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.cursor_pos = tuple(position) @action def set_text_align(self, mode: str): """ Change the text align mode. :param mode: Supported values: ``left``, ``right``. """ modes = ['left', 'right'] mode = mode.lower() assert mode in modes, 'Unsupported text mode: {}. Supported modes: {}'.format( mode, modes ) self._init_lcd() self.lcd.text_align_mode = mode @action def enable_display(self): """ Turn on the display. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.display_enabled = True @action def disable_display(self): """ Turn off the display. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.display_enabled = False @action def toggle_display(self): """ Toggle the display state. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.display_enabled = not self.lcd.display_enabled @action def enable_backlight(self): """ Enable the display backlight. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.backlight_enabled = True @action def disable_backlight(self): """ Disable the display backlight. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.backlight_enabled = False @action def toggle_backlight(self): """ Toggle the display backlight on/off. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.backlight_enabled = not self.lcd.backlight_enabled @action def create_char(self, location: int, bitmap: List[int]): """ Create a new character. The HD44780 supports up to 8 custom characters (location 0-7). :param location: The place in memory where the character is stored. Values need to be integers between 0 and 7. :param bitmap: The bitmap containing the character. This should be a list of 8 numbers, each representing a 5 pixel row. Example for the smiley character: .. code-block:: python [ 0, # 0b00000 10, # 0b01010 10, # 0b01010 0, # 0b00000 17, # 0b10001 17, # 0b10001 14, # 0b01110 0 # 0b00000 ] """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.create_char(location=location, bitmap=tuple(bitmap)) @action def command(self, value: int): """ Send a raw command to the LCD. :param value: Command to be sent. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.command(value) @action def write(self, value: int): """ Write a raw byte to the LCD. :param value: Byte to be sent. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.write(value) @action def cr(self): """ Write a carriage return (``\\r``) character to the LCD. """ self._init_lcd() @action def lf(self): """ Write a line feed (``\\n``) character to the LCD. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.lf() @action def crlf(self): """ Write a carriage return + line feed (``\\r\\n``) sequence to the LCD. """ self._init_lcd() self.lcd.crlf() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: