# A more versatile way to define event hooks than the YAML format of `config.yaml` is through native Python scripts. # You can define hooks as simple Python functions that use the `platypush.event.hook.hook` decorator to specify on # which event type they should be called, and optionally on which event attribute values. # # Event hooks should be stored in Python files under `~/.config/platypush/scripts`. All the functions that use the # @hook decorator will automatically be discovered and imported as event hooks into the platform at runtime. # `run` is a utility function that runs a request by name (e.g. `light.hue.on`). from platypush.utils import run # @hook decorator from platypush.event.hook import hook # Event types that you want to react to from platypush.message.event.assistant import ( ConversationStartEvent, SpeechRecognizedEvent, ) @hook(SpeechRecognizedEvent, phrase='play ${title} by ${artist}') def on_music_play_command(event, title=None, artist=None, **context): """ This function will be executed when a SpeechRecognizedEvent with `phrase="play the music"` is triggered. `event` contains the event object and `context` any key-value info from the running context. Note that in this specific case we can leverage the token-extraction feature of SpeechRecognizedEvent through ${} that operates on regex-like principles to extract any text that matches the pattern into context variables. """ results = run( 'music.mpd.search', filter={ 'artist': artist, 'title': title, }, ) if results: run('music.mpd.play', results[0]['file']) else: run('tts.say', "I can't find any music matching your query") @hook(ConversationStartEvent) def on_conversation_start(event, **context): """ A simple hook that gets invoked when a new conversation starts with a voice assistant and simply pauses the music to make sure that your speech is properly detected. """ run('music.mpd.pause_if_playing')