# --- # --- Platypush sample configuration file. # --- All the configuration snippets here can be copied, modified and reused. # --- # --- You can include configuration from other files through the include section include: - include/sensors.yaml - include/media.yaml - include/robot.yaml # --- It is recommended to set a main.db to store session variables or general-purpose application data. # --- The engine format is specified according to the SQLAlchemy syntax. main.db: engine: sqlite:////home/user/.local/share/platypush/platypush.db # --- By default the device_id (used by the system to identify the node) matches the hostname. # --- Specify it here if you want to override it. device_id: my_device_id # --- # --- Plugins configuration # --- # Example mpd/mopidy plugin configuration music.mpd: host: localhost port: 6600 # Example Philips Hue lights configuration light.hue: bridge: hue # Bridge IP or hostname # lights: # Default lights you want to manage # - Living Room Ground Right # - Living Room Ground Left # - Hue bloom # - Kitchen Lampm # - Living room ceiling right # - Living room ceiling left # - Kitchen LED Strip # - Kitchen Table LED Strip # groups: # Default groups you want to manage # - Living Room # - Hall # Example Adafruit IO plugin configuration. You can use this plugin to # send data to your Adafruit IO feeds and dashboards. adafruit.io: username: username key: adafruit_key throttle_seconds: 30 # You can throttle the data being sent to Adafruit to prevent threshold limit hits # Example of text-to-speech configuration using the Google engine tts.google: language: en-US # Example of text-to-speech configuration using the internal TTS engine tts: language: en-US # If you want to explicitly enable a plugin or backend that requires no configuration (for example if you want # to access the web tab of a plugin through the main web panel), then just set disabled: False as its configuration). # Example configuration for the WeMo Switch plugin (even if empty, this will make the WeMo Switch web tab pop up) switch.wemo: disabled: False # Example configuration for the TP-Link smart switch devices (even if empty, this will make the WeMo Switch web tab pop up) switch.tplink: disabled: False # Example IFTTT plugin configuration. All you need is your IFTTT API key and start setting up # web hooks recipes that can be triggered by Platypush through trigger_event calls. ifttt: ifttt_key: your_ifttt_key # Example configuration for the AutoRemote plugin. If you install and configure AutoRemote on your Android devices # you'll be able to send messages and notifications to them through Platypush and build logic on them through Tasker. # Each device will have its own unique name and API key. autoremote: devices: MyAndroidPhone: key: autoremote_key_1 MyAndroidTablet: key: autoremote_key_2 MyAndroidTv: key: autoremote_key_3 # --- # --- Backends configuration # --- backend.kafka: server: your_server:9092 topic: platypush backend.pushbullet: token: your_pushbullet_token_here device: your_pushbullet_virtual_device_name # --- # --- Event hooks configuration # --- event.hook.AssistantConversationStarted: if: type: platypush.message.event.assistant.ConversationStartEvent then: action: shell.exec args: cmd: 'aplay /path/conv_start.wav' event.hook.MusicPlayAssistantCommand: if: type: platypush.message.event.assistant.SpeechRecognizedEvent phrase: "play (the)? music" # Regexes on single terms are supported then: action: music.mpd.play event.hook.LightsOnAssistantCommand: if: type: platypush.message.event.assistant.SpeechRecognizedEvent phrase: "turn on (the)? lights" then: # Multiple actions are supported - action: light.hue.on args: groups: Living Room - action: switch.wemo.on args: device: Bulbs