$(document).ready(function() { var websocket, pendingConnection = false, openedWebsocket, dateTimeInterval, websocketTimeoutId, websocketReconnectMsecs = 5000, eventListeners = []; var initWebsocket = function() { try { websocket = new WebSocket('ws://' + window.location.hostname + ':' + window.websocket_port); } catch (err) { websocket = undefined; return; } pendingConnection = true; var onWebsocketTimeout = function(self) { return function() { console.log('Websocket reconnection timed out, retrying'); pendingConnection = false; self.close(); self.onclose(); }; }; websocketTimeoutId = setTimeout( onWebsocketTimeout(websocket), websocketReconnectMsecs); websocket.onmessage = function(event) { for (var listener of eventListeners) { data = event.data; if (typeof event.data === 'string') { data = JSON.parse(data); } listener(data); } }; websocket.onopen = function(event) { if (openedWebsocket) { console.log("There's already an opened websocket connection, closing the newly opened one"); this.onclose = function() {}; this.close(); } console.log('Websocket connection successful'); openedWebsocket = this; if (pendingConnection) { pendingConnection = false; } if (websocketTimeoutId) { clearInterval(websocketTimeoutId); websocketTimeoutId = undefined; } }; websocket.onerror = function(event) { console.error(event); }; websocket.onclose = function(event) { if (event) { console.log('Websocket closed - code: ' + event.code + ' - reason: ' + event.reason); } openedWebsocket = undefined; if (!pendingConnection) { pendingConnection = true; initWebsocket(); } }; }; var initDateTime = function() { var getDateString = function(t) { var s = ''; switch (t.getDay()) { case 1: s += 'Mon '; break; case 2: s += 'Tue '; break; case 3: s += 'Wed '; break; case 4: s += 'Thu '; break; case 5: s += 'Fri '; break; case 6: s += 'Sat '; break; case 7: s += 'Sun '; break; } s += (t.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + t.getDate() + ' '; switch (t.getMonth()) { case 0: s += 'Jan '; break; case 1: s += 'Feb '; break; case 2: s += 'Mar '; break; case 3: s += 'Apr '; break; case 4: s += 'May '; break; case 5: s += 'Jun '; break; case 6: s += 'Jul '; break; case 7: s += 'Ago '; break; case 8: s += 'Sep '; break; case 9: s += 'Oct '; break; case 10: s += 'Nov '; break; case 11: s += 'Dec '; break; } s += t.getFullYear(); return s; }; var setDateTime = function() { var $dateTime = $('#date-time'); var $date = $dateTime.find('.date'); var $time = $dateTime.find('.time'); var now = new Date(); $date.text(getDateString(now)); $time.text((now.getHours() < 10 ? '0' : '') + now.getHours() + ':' + (now.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + now.getMinutes()); }; if (dateTimeInterval) { clearInterval(dateTimeInterval); } setDateTime(); dateTimeInterval = setInterval(setDateTime, 1000); }; var registerEventListener = function(listener) { eventListeners.push(listener); }; var initElements = function() { var $tabItems = $('main').find('.plugin-tab-item'); var $tabContents = $('main').find('.plugin-tab-content'); // Set the active tag on the first plugin tab $tabContents.removeClass('active'); $tabContents.first().addClass('active'); $tabItems.removeClass('active'); $tabItems.first().addClass('active'); $tabItems.on('click', function() { var pluginId = $(this).attr('href').substr(1); $tabContents.removeClass('active'); $tabContents.filter(function(i, content) { return $(content).attr('id') === pluginId }).addClass('active'); }); }; var initModalOpenBindings = function() { $('body').on('click touch', '[data-modal]', function(event) { var $source = $(event.target); var $modal = $($source.data('modal')); $modal.fadeIn(); }); }; var initModalCloseBindings = function() { $('body').on('click touch', '[data-dismiss-modal]', function(event) { var $source = $(event.target); var $modal = $($source.data('dismiss-modal')); $modal.fadeOut(); }); }; var initModals = function() { initModalOpenBindings(); initModalCloseBindings(); }; var init = function() { initWebsocket(); initElements(); initDateTime(); initModals(); }; window.registerEventListener = registerEventListener; init(); }); function execute(request, onSuccess, onError, onComplete) { request['target'] = 'localhost'; return $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/execute', contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(request), complete: function() { if (onComplete) { onComplete(); } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { if (onError) { onError(xhr, status, error); } }, success: function(response, status, xhr) { if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(response, status, xhr); } }, beforeSend: function(xhr) { if (window.token) { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Token', window.token); } }, }); } function createNotification(options) { var $notificationContainer = $('#notification-container'); var $notification = $('
').addClass('notification'); var $title = $('
').addClass('notification-title'); var timeout = 'timeout' in options ? options.timeout : 10000; if ('title' in options) { $title.text(options.title); } var $body = $('
').addClass('notification-body'); var $imgDiv = $('
').addClass('notification-image').addClass('three columns'); var $img = $('').addClass('fa fa-bell').addClass('three columns').addClass('notification-image-item'); var $text = $('
').addClass('notification-text').addClass('nine columns') if ('image' in options) { $img = $('').attr('src', options.image); } else if ('icon' in options) { $img.removeClass('fa-bell').addClass('fa-' + options.icon); } if ('text' in options) { $text.text(options.text); } else if ('html' in options) { $text.html(options.html); } $img.appendTo($imgDiv); $imgDiv.appendTo($body); $text.appendTo($body); var clickHandler; var removeTimeoutId; var removeNotification = function() { $notification.fadeOut(300, function() { $notification.remove(); }); }; var setRemoveTimeout = function() { if (timeout) { removeTimeoutId = setTimeout(removeNotification, timeout); } }; setRemoveTimeout(); if ('onclick' in options) { clickHandler = options.onclick; } else { clickHandler = removeNotification; } $notification.on('click', clickHandler); $notification.hover( // on hover start function() { if (removeTimeoutId) { clearTimeout(removeTimeoutId); removeTimeoutId = undefined; } }, // on hover end function() { if (timeout) { setRemoveTimeout(); } } ); $title.appendTo($notification); $body.appendTo($notification); $notification.prependTo($notificationContainer); $notification.fadeIn(); }