""" .. moduleauthor:: Fabio Manganiello """ import os from platypush.context import get_bus from platypush.plugins import action from platypush.plugins.assistant import AssistantPlugin from platypush.message.event.assistant import ConversationStartEvent, \ ConversationEndEvent, SpeechRecognizedEvent, ResponseEvent class AssistantEchoPlugin(AssistantPlugin): """ Amazon Echo/Alexa assistant plugin. In order to activate the Echo service on your device follow these steps: 1. Install avs (``pip install git+https://github.com/BlackLight/avs.git``) 2. Run the ``alexa-auth`` script. A local webservice will start on port 3000 3. If a browser instance doesn't open automatically then head to http://localhost:3000 4. Log in to your Amazon account 5. The required credentials will be stored to ~/.avs.json Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.assistant.ConversationStartEvent` when a new conversation starts * :class:`platypush.message.event.assistant.SpeechRecognizedEvent` when a new voice command is recognized * :class:`platypush.message.event.assistant.ConversationEndEvent` when a new conversation ends Requires: * **avs** (``pip install avs``) """ def __init__(self, avs_config_file: str = None, audio_device: str = 'default', audio_player: str = 'default', **kwargs): """ :param avs_config_file: AVS credentials file - default: ~/.avs.json. If the file doesn't exist then an instance of the AVS authentication service will be spawned. You can login through an Amazon account either in the spawned browser window, if available, or by opening http://your-ip:3000 in the browser on another machine. :param audio_device: Name of the input audio device (default: 'default') :param audio_player: Player to be used for audio playback (default: 'default'). Supported values: 'mpv', 'mpg123', 'gstreamer' """ from avs.alexa import Alexa from avs.config import DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE from avs.mic import Audio super().__init__(**kwargs) if not avs_config_file: avs_config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE if not avs_config_file or not os.path.isfile(avs_config_file): from avs.auth import auth auth(None, avs_config_file) self.logger.warning('Amazon Echo assistant credentials not configured. Open http://localhost:3000 ' + 'to authenticate this client') self.audio_device = audio_device self.audio_player = audio_player self.audio = Audio(device_name=audio_device) self.alexa = Alexa(avs_config_file, audio_player=audio_player) self._ready = False self.alexa.state_listener.on_ready = self._on_ready() self.alexa.state_listener.on_listening = self._on_listening() self.alexa.state_listener.on_speaking = self._on_speaking() self.alexa.state_listener.on_thinking = self._on_thinking() self.alexa.state_listener.on_finished = self._on_finished() self.alexa.state_listener.on_disconnected = self._on_disconnected() self.audio.link(self.alexa) self.alexa.start() def _on_ready(self): def _callback(): self._ready = True return _callback def _on_listening(self): def _callback(): get_bus().post(ConversationStartEvent(assistant=self)) return _callback def _on_speaking(self): def _callback(): # AVS doesn't provide a way to access the response text get_bus().post(ResponseEvent(assistant=self, response_text='')) return _callback def _on_finished(self): def _callback(): get_bus().post(ConversationEndEvent(assistant=self)) return _callback def _on_disconnected(self): def _callback(): self._ready = False return _callback def _on_thinking(self): def _callback(): # AVS doesn't provide a way to access the detected text get_bus().post(SpeechRecognizedEvent(assistant=self, phrase='')) return _callback @action def start_conversation(self, **kwargs): """ Programmatically start a conversation with the assistant """ if not self._ready: raise RuntimeError('Echo assistant not ready') self.audio.start() self.alexa.listen() @action def stop_conversation(self): """ Programmatically stop a running conversation with the assistant """ self.audio.stop() self._on_finished()() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: