from uuid import UUID from sqlalchemy import ( Boolean, Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, ) from platypush.common.db import is_defined from platypush.entities import Entity if not is_defined('bluetooth_service'): class BluetoothService(Entity): """ Entity that represents a Bluetooth service. """ __tablename__ = 'bluetooth_service' id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True ) _uuid = Column('uuid', String, nullable=False) """ The service class UUID. It can be either a 16-bit or a 128-bit UUID. """ _protocol = Column('protocol', String, default=None) """ The protocol used by the service. """ port = Column(Integer, default=None) """ The port used by the service. """ version = Column(Integer, default=None) """ The version of the service profile. """ is_ble = Column(Boolean, default=False) """ Whether the service is a BLE service. """ connected = Column(Boolean, default=False) """ Whether an active connection exists to this service. """ __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True} __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': __tablename__, } @staticmethod def to_uuid(value): """ Convert a raw UUID string to a service class UUID. """ # If it's already a UUID or an int, just return it. if isinstance(value, (UUID, int)): return value try: # If it's formatted like a 128-bit UUID, convert it to a UUID # object. return UUID(value) except ValueError: # Hex string case return int(value, 16) @property def uuid(self): """ Getter for the service class UUID. """ return self.to_uuid(self._uuid) @uuid.setter def uuid(self, value): """ Setter for the service class UUID. """ uuid = self.to_uuid(value) if isinstance(uuid, int): # Hex-encoded 16-bit UUID case uuid = f'{uuid:04X}' self._uuid = str(uuid) @property def protocol(self): """ Getter for the protocol used by the service. """ from platypush.plugins.bluetooth.model import Protocol try: return Protocol(self._protocol) except ValueError: return Protocol.UNKNOWN @protocol.setter def protocol(self, value): """ Setter for the protocol used by the service. """ from platypush.plugins.bluetooth.model import Protocol protocol = Protocol.UNKNOWN if isinstance(value, Protocol): protocol = value else: try: protocol = Protocol(value) except ValueError: pass self._protocol = protocol.value @property def service_class(self): """ The :class:`platypush.plugins.bluetooth.model.ServiceClass` enum value. """ from platypush.plugins.bluetooth.model import ServiceClass try: return ServiceClass.get(self.uuid) except (TypeError, ValueError): return ServiceClass.UNKNOWN def to_dict(self) -> dict: return { **{k.lstrip('_'): v for k, v in super().to_dict().items()}, # Human-readable service class name 'service_class': str(self.service_class), }