import datetime import os from threading import RLock from typing import Optional, Union # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from telegram.ext import Updater # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from telegram.message import Message as TelegramMessage # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from telegram.user import User as TelegramUser from import TelegramMessageResponse, TelegramFileResponse, \ TelegramChatResponse, TelegramUserResponse, TelegramUsersResponse from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class Resource: def __init__(self, file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None): assert file_id or url or path, 'You need to specify either file_id, url or path' self.file_id = file_id self.url = url self.path = path self._file = None def __enter__(self): if self.path: self._file = open(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.path)), 'rb') return self._file return self.file_id or self.url def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._file: self._file.close() class ChatTelegramPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to programmatically send Telegram messages through a Telegram bot. In order to send messages to contacts, groups or channels you'll first need to register a bot. To do so: 1. Open a Telegram conversation with the `@BotFather `_. 2. Send ``/start`` followed by ``/newbot``. Choose a display name and a username for your bot. 3. Copy the provided API token in the configuration of this plugin. 4. Open a conversation with your newly created bot. Requires: * **python-telegram-bot** (``pip install python-telegram-bot``) """ def __init__(self, api_token: str, **kwargs): """ :param api_token: API token as returned by the `@BotFather `_ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._api_token = api_token self._telegram_lock = RLock() self._telegram: Optional[Updater] = None def get_telegram(self) -> Updater: with self._telegram_lock: if self._telegram: return self._telegram self._telegram = Updater(self._api_token, use_context=True) return self._telegram @staticmethod def parse_msg(msg: TelegramMessage) -> TelegramMessageResponse: return TelegramMessageResponse( message_id=msg.message_id, chat_id=msg.chat_id,,,, if msg.from_user else None, from_username=msg.from_user.username if msg.from_user else None, from_firstname=msg.from_user.first_name if msg.from_user else None, from_lastname=msg.from_user.last_name if msg.from_user else None, text=msg.text, caption=msg.caption,, edit_date=msg.edit_date, forward_date=msg.forward_date, forward_from_message_id=msg.forward_from_message_id,[0].file_id if else None,[0].file_size if else None,[0].width if else None,[0].height if else None, document_file_id=msg.document.file_id if msg.document else None, document_file_name=msg.document.file_name if msg.document else None, document_file_size=msg.document.file_size if msg.document else None, document_mime_type=msg.document.mime_type if msg.document else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, location_latitude=msg.location.latitude if msg.location else None, location_longitude=msg.location.longitude if msg.location else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None, if else None,, media_group_id=msg.media_group_id ) @staticmethod def parse_user(user: TelegramUser) -> TelegramUserResponse: return TelegramUserResponse(, username=user.username, is_bot=user.is_bot, first_name=user.first_name, last_name=user.last_name, language_code=user.language_code, ) @action def send_message(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], text: str, parse_mode: Optional[str] = None, disable_web_page_preview: bool = False, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send a message to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param text: Text to be sent. :param parse_mode: Set to 'Markdown' or 'HTML' to send either Markdown or HTML content. :param disable_web_page_preview: If True then web previews for URLs will be disabled. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. """ telegram = self.get_telegram() msg =, text=text, parse_mode=parse_mode, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_photo(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, parse_mode: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send a picture to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param file_id: Set it if the file already exists on Telegram servers and has a file_id. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param url: Set it if you want to send a file from a remote URL. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param path: Set it if you want to send a file from the local filesystem. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param caption: Optional caption for the picture. :param parse_mode: Set to 'Markdown' or 'HTML' to send either Markdown or HTML content. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(file_id=file_id, url=url, path=path) as resource: msg =, photo=resource, caption=caption, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout, parse_mode=parse_mode) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_audio(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, performer: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, parse_mode: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send audio to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param file_id: Set it if the file already exists on Telegram servers and has a file_id. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param url: Set it if you want to send a file from a remote URL. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param path: Set it if you want to send a file from the local filesystem. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param caption: Optional caption for the picture. :param performer: Optional audio performer. :param title: Optional audio title. :param duration: Duration of the audio in seconds. :param parse_mode: Set to 'Markdown' or 'HTML' to send either Markdown or HTML content. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(file_id=file_id, url=url, path=path) as resource: msg =, audio=resource, caption=caption, disable_notification=disable_notification, performer=performer, title=title, duration=duration, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout, parse_mode=parse_mode) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_document(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, parse_mode: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send a document to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param file_id: Set it if the file already exists on Telegram servers and has a file_id. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param url: Set it if you want to send a file from a remote URL. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param path: Set it if you want to send a file from the local filesystem. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param filename: Name of the file as it will be shown in Telegram. :param caption: Optional caption for the picture. :param parse_mode: Set to 'Markdown' or 'HTML' to send either Markdown or HTML content. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(file_id=file_id, url=url, path=path) as resource: msg =, document=resource, filename=filename, caption=caption, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout, parse_mode=parse_mode) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_video(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, duration: Optional[int] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, parse_mode: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send a video to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param file_id: Set it if the file already exists on Telegram servers and has a file_id. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param url: Set it if you want to send a file from a remote URL. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param path: Set it if you want to send a file from the local filesystem. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param duration: Duration in seconds. :param caption: Optional caption for the picture. :param width: Video width. :param height: Video height. :param parse_mode: Set to 'Markdown' or 'HTML' to send either Markdown or HTML content. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(file_id=file_id, url=url, path=path) as resource: msg =, video=resource, duration=duration, caption=caption, width=width, height=height, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout, parse_mode=parse_mode) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_animation(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, duration: Optional[int] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, parse_mode: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send an animation (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound) to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param file_id: Set it if the file already exists on Telegram servers and has a file_id. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param url: Set it if you want to send a file from a remote URL. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param path: Set it if you want to send a file from the local filesystem. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param duration: Duration in seconds. :param caption: Optional caption for the picture. :param width: Video width. :param height: Video height. :param parse_mode: Set to 'Markdown' or 'HTML' to send either Markdown or HTML content. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(file_id=file_id, url=url, path=path) as resource: msg =, animation=resource, duration=duration, caption=caption, width=width, height=height, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout, parse_mode=parse_mode) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_voice(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, parse_mode: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send audio to a chat as a voice file. For this to work, your audio must be in an .ogg file encoded with OPUS (other formats may be sent as Audio or Document). :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param file_id: Set it if the file already exists on Telegram servers and has a file_id. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param url: Set it if you want to send a file from a remote URL. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param path: Set it if you want to send a file from the local filesystem. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param caption: Optional caption for the picture. :param duration: Duration of the voice in seconds. :param parse_mode: Set to 'Markdown' or 'HTML' to send either Markdown or HTML content. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(file_id=file_id, url=url, path=path) as resource: msg =, voice=resource, caption=caption, disable_notification=disable_notification, duration=duration, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout, parse_mode=parse_mode) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_video_note(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], file_id: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, duration: Optional[int] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send a video note to a chat. As of v.4.0, Telegram clients support rounded square mp4 videos of up to 1 minute long. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param file_id: Set it if the file already exists on Telegram servers and has a file_id. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param url: Set it if you want to send a file from a remote URL. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param path: Set it if you want to send a file from the local filesystem. Note that you'll have to specify either ``file_id``, ``url`` or ``path``. :param duration: Duration in seconds. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(file_id=file_id, url=url, path=path) as resource: msg =, video=resource, duration=duration, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_location(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], latitude: float, longitude: float, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send a location to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param latitude: Latitude :param longitude: Longitude :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() msg =, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_venue(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], latitude: float, longitude: float, title: str, address: str, foursquare_id: Optional[str] = None, foursquare_type: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send the address of a venue to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param latitude: Latitude :param longitude: Longitude :param title: Venue name. :param address: Venue address. :param foursquare_id: Foursquare ID. :param foursquare_type: Foursquare type. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() msg =, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, title=title, address=address, foursquare_id=foursquare_id, foursquare_type=foursquare_type, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def send_contact(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], phone_number: str, first_name: str, last_name: Optional[str] = None, vcard: Optional[str] = None, disable_notification: bool = False, reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramMessageResponse: """ Send a contact to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param phone_number: Phone number. :param first_name: First name. :param last_name: Last name. :param vcard: Additional contact info in vCard format (0-2048 bytes). :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param reply_to_message_id: If set then the message will be sent as a response to the specified message. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() msg =, phone_number=phone_number, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, vcard=vcard, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, timeout=timeout) return self.parse_msg(msg) @action def get_file(self, file_id: str, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramFileResponse: """ Get the info and URL of an uploaded file by file_id. :param file_id: File ID. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds). """ telegram = self.get_telegram() file =, timeout=timeout) return TelegramFileResponse(file_id=file.file_id, file_path=file.file_path, file_size=file.file_size) @action def get_chat(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramChatResponse: """ Get the info about a Telegram chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds). """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat =, timeout=timeout) return TelegramChatResponse(,, username=chat.username, invite_link=chat.invite_link, title=chat.title, description=chat.description, type=chat.type, first_name=chat.first_name, last_name=chat.last_name) @action def get_chat_user(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], user_id: int, timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramUserResponse: """ Get the info about a user connected to a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. :param user_id: User ID. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds). """ telegram = self.get_telegram() user =, user_id, timeout=timeout) return TelegramUserResponse(,, username=user.user.username, first_name=user.user.first_name, last_name=user.user.last_name, is_bot=user.user.is_bot, language_code=user.user.language_code) @action def get_chat_administrators(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], timeout: int = 20) -> TelegramUsersResponse: """ Get the list of the administrators of a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds). """ telegram = self.get_telegram() admins =, timeout=timeout) return TelegramUsersResponse([ TelegramUserResponse(,, username=user.user.username, first_name=user.user.first_name, last_name=user.user.last_name, is_bot=user.user.is_bot, language_code=user.user.language_code, ) for user in admins ]) @action def get_chat_members_count(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], timeout: int = 20) -> int: """ Get the number of users in a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. :param timeout: Upload timeout (default: 20 seconds). """ telegram = self.get_telegram() return, timeout=timeout) @action def kick_chat_member(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], user_id: int, until_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, timeout: int = 20): """ Kick a user from a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param user_id: Unique user ID. :param until_date: End date for the ban. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, until_date=until_date, timeout=timeout) @action def unban_chat_member(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], user_id: int, timeout: int = 20): """ Lift the ban from a chat member. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param user_id: Unique user ID. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, timeout=timeout) @action def promote_chat_member(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], user_id: int, can_change_info: Optional[bool] = None, can_post_messages: Optional[bool] = None, can_edit_messages: Optional[bool] = None, can_delete_messages: Optional[bool] = None, can_invite_users: Optional[bool] = None, can_restrict_members: Optional[bool] = None, can_promote_members: Optional[bool] = None, can_pin_messages: Optional[bool] = None, timeout: int = 20): """ Promote or demote a member. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param user_id: Unique user ID. :param can_change_info: Pass True if the user can change channel info. :param can_post_messages: Pass True if the user can post messages. :param can_edit_messages: Pass True if the user can edit messages. :param can_delete_messages: Pass True if the user can delete messages. :param can_invite_users: Pass True if the user can invite other users to the channel/group. :param can_restrict_members: Pass True if the user can restrict the permissions of other users. :param can_promote_members: Pass True if the user can promote mebmers. :param can_pin_messages: Pass True if the user can pin messages. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, can_change_info=can_change_info, can_post_messages=can_post_messages, can_edit_messages=can_edit_messages, can_delete_messages=can_delete_messages, can_invite_users=can_invite_users, can_restrict_members=can_restrict_members, can_promote_members=can_promote_members, can_pin_messages=can_pin_messages, timeout=timeout) @action def set_chat_title(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], title: str, timeout: int = 20): """ Set the title of a channel/group. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param title: New chat title. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, description=title, timeout=timeout) @action def set_chat_description(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], description: str, timeout: int = 20): """ Set the description of a channel/group. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param description: New chat description. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, description=description, timeout=timeout) @action def set_chat_photo(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], path: str, timeout: int = 20): """ Set the photo of a channel/group. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param path: Path of the new image. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() with Resource(path=path) as resource: chat_id=chat_id, photo=resource, timeout=timeout) @action def delete_chat_photo(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], timeout: int = 20): """ Delete the photo of a channel/group. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, timeout=timeout) @action def pin_chat_message(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], message_id: int, disable_notification: Optional[bool] = None, timeout: int = 20): """ Pin a message in a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param message_id: Message ID. :param disable_notification: If True then no notification will be sent to the users. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, disable_notification=disable_notification, timeout=timeout) @action def unpin_chat_message(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], timeout: int = 20): """ Unpin the message of a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, timeout=timeout) @action def leave_chat(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], timeout: int = 20): """ Leave a chat. :param chat_id: Chat ID. Can be either a numerical ID or a unique identifier in the format ``@channelname``. In order to get your own Telegram chat_id open a conversation with `@IDBot `_ and type ``/start`` followed by ``/getid``. Similar procedures also exist to get a group or channel chat_id - just Google for "Telegram get channel/group chat_id". :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds) """ telegram = self.get_telegram() chat_id=chat_id, timeout=timeout) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: