Vue.component('plugin', { template: '#tmpl-plugin', props: ['config','tag'], data: function() { return { selected: false, }; }, }); // Declaration of the main vue app window.vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', // Override {{ }} delimiters to prevent clash with Flask templates delimiters: ['[[',']]'], data: function() { return { config: window.config, selectedPlugin: undefined, now: new Date(), fullscreen: false, }; }, methods: { enterFullScreen: function() { const self = this; enterFullScreen().then(() => { self.fullscreen = true; }); }, exitFullScreen: function() { const self = this; exitFullscreen().finally(() => { self.fullscreen = false; }); }, toggleFullScreen: function() { if (this.fullscreen) { this.exitFullScreen(); } else { this.enterFullScreen(); } }, }, created: function() { let m = window.location.href.match('#([a-zA-Z0-9._]+)$'); if (m) { this.selectedPlugin = m[1]; } m = window.location.href.match('[?&]fs=([01])'); if (m) { this.fullscreen = !parseInt(m[1]); this.toggleFullScreen(); } const self = this; setInterval(() => { = new Date(); }, 1000); initEvents(); }, });