import contextlib import inspect import os import re import textwrap as tw from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Type, Optional, Dict, Set from platypush.utils import ( get_backend_class_by_name, get_plugin_class_by_name, get_plugin_name_by_class, get_backend_name_by_class, get_decorators, ) from platypush.utils.manifest import Manifest, ManifestType, Dependencies from .._serialize import Serializable from . import Constructor, Action, Argument @dataclass class Integration(Serializable): """ Represents the metadata of an integration (plugin or backend). """ _class_type_re = re.compile(r"^[\w_]+)'>$") _doc_base_url = '' """Base public URL for the documentation""" name: str type: Type doc: Optional[str] = None constructor: Optional[Constructor] = None actions: Dict[str, Action] = field(default_factory=dict) _manifest: Optional[Manifest] = None _skip_manifest: bool = False def __post_init__(self): """ Initialize the manifest object. """ if not self._skip_manifest: self._init_manifest() def to_dict(self) -> dict: return { "name":, "type": f"{self.type.__module__}.{self.type.__qualname__}", "doc": self.doc, "doc_url": self.doc_url, "args": { **( {name: arg.to_dict() for name, arg in self.constructor.args.items()} if self.constructor else {} ), }, "actions": { k: { "doc_url": f"{self.doc_url}#{self.cls.__module__}.{self.cls.__qualname__}.{k}", **v.to_dict(), } for k, v in self.actions.items() if self.cls }, "events": { f"{e.__module__}.{e.__qualname__}": { "doc": inspect.getdoc(e), "doc_url": f"{self._doc_base_url}/events/" + ".".join(e.__module__.split(".")[3:]) + f".html#{e.__module__}.{e.__qualname__}", } for e in }, "deps": self.deps.to_dict(), } @staticmethod def _merge_params(params: Dict[str, Argument], new_params: Dict[str, Argument]): """ Utility function to merge a new mapping of parameters into an existing one. """ for param_name, param in new_params.items(): # Set the parameter if it doesn't exist if param_name not in params: params[param_name] = param # Set the parameter documentation if it's not set if param.doc and not params[param_name].doc: params[param_name].doc = param.doc # If the new parameter has required=False, # then that should also be the value for the current ones if param.required is False: params[param_name].required = False # If the new parameter has a default value, and the current # one doesn't, then the default value should be set as the new one. if param.default is not None and params[param_name].default is None: params[param_name].default = param.default @classmethod def _merge_actions(cls, actions: Dict[str, Action], new_actions: Dict[str, Action]): """ Utility function to merge a new mapping of actions into an existing one. """ for action_name, action in new_actions.items(): # Set the action if it doesn't exist if action_name not in actions: actions[action_name] = action # Set the action documentation if it's not set if action.doc and not actions[action_name].doc: actions[action_name].doc = action.doc # Merge the parameters cls._merge_params(actions[action_name].args, action.args) @classmethod def _merge_events(cls, events: Set[Type], new_events: Set[Type]): """ Utility function to merge a new mapping of actions into an existing one. """ events.update(new_events) @classmethod def by_name(cls, name: str) -> "Integration": """ :param name: Integration name. :return: A parsed Integration class given its type. """ type = ( get_backend_class_by_name(".".join(name.split(".")[1:])) if name.startswith("backend.") else get_plugin_class_by_name(name) ) return cls.by_type(type) @classmethod def by_type(cls, type: Type, _skip_manifest: bool = False) -> "Integration": """ :param type: Integration type (plugin or backend). :param _skip_manifest: Whether we should skip parsing the manifest file for this integration (you SHOULDN'T use this flag outside of this class!). :return: A parsed Integration class given its type. """ from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.plugins import Plugin assert issubclass( type, (Plugin, Backend) ), f"Expected a Plugin or Backend class, got {type}" name = ( get_plugin_name_by_class(type) if issubclass(type, Plugin) else "backend." + get_backend_name_by_class(type) ) assert name obj = cls( name=name, type=type, doc=inspect.getdoc(type), constructor=Constructor.parse(type), actions={ name: Action.parse(getattr(type, name)) for name in get_decorators(type, climb_class_hierarchy=True).get( "action", [] ) }, _skip_manifest=_skip_manifest, ) for p_type in inspect.getmro(type)[1:]: with contextlib.suppress(AssertionError): p_obj = cls.by_type(p_type, _skip_manifest=True) # Merge constructor parameters if obj.constructor and p_obj.constructor: cls._merge_params(obj.constructor.args, p_obj.constructor.args) # Merge actions cls._merge_actions(obj.actions, p_obj.actions) # Merge events try: cls._merge_events(, except FileNotFoundError: pass return obj @property def cls(self) -> Optional[Type]: """ :return: The class of an integration. """ manifest_type = self.manifest.package.split(".")[1] if manifest_type == "backend": getter = get_backend_class_by_name elif manifest_type == "plugins": getter = get_plugin_class_by_name else: return None return getter(".".join(self.manifest.package.split(".")[2:])) @property def base_type(self) -> Type: """ :return: The base type of this integration, either :class:`platypush.backend.Backend` or :class:`platypush.plugins.Plugin`. """ from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.plugins import Plugin assert self.cls, f'No class found for integration {}' if issubclass(self.cls, Plugin): return Plugin if issubclass(self.cls, Backend): return Backend raise AssertionError(f"Unknown base type for {self.cls}") @classmethod def from_manifest(cls, manifest_file: str) -> "Integration": """ Create an `IntegrationMetadata` object from a manifest file. :param manifest_file: Path of the manifest file. :return: A parsed Integration class given its manifest file. """ manifest = Manifest.from_file(manifest_file) name = ".".join( [ "backend" if manifest.manifest_type == ManifestType.BACKEND else "", *manifest.package.split(".")[2:], ] ).strip(".") return cls.by_name(name) def _init_manifest(self) -> Manifest: """ Initialize the manifest object. """ if not self._manifest: self._manifest = Manifest.from_file(self.manifest_file) return self._manifest @classmethod def _type_str(cls, param_type) -> str: """ Utility method to pretty-print the type string of a parameter. """ type_str = str(param_type).replace("typing.", "") if m := cls._class_type_re.match(type_str): return"name") return type_str @property def manifest(self) -> Manifest: """ :return: The parsed Manifest object. """ return self._init_manifest() @property def manifest_file(self) -> str: """ :return: Path of the manifest file for the integration. """ return os.path.join( os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.type)), "manifest.yaml" ) @property def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """ :return: The description of the integration. """ return self.manifest.description @property def events(self) -> Set[Type]: """ :return: Events triggered by the integration. """ return set( @property def deps(self) -> Dependencies: """ :return: Dependencies of the integration. """ return self.manifest.install @classmethod def _indent_yaml_comment(cls, s: str) -> str: return tw.indent( "\n".join( [ line if line.startswith("#") else f"# {line}" for line in s.split("\n") ] ), " ", ) @property def config_snippet(self) -> str: """ :return: A YAML snippet with the configuration parameters of the integration. """ return tw.dedent( + ":\n" + ( "\n".join( f' # [{"Required" if param.required else "Optional"}]\n' + (f"{self._indent_yaml_comment(param.doc)}" if param.doc else "") + "\n " + ("# " if not param.required else "") + f"{name}: " + (str(param.default) if param.default is not None else "") + ( self._indent_yaml_comment(f"type={self._type_str(param.type)}") if param.type else "" ) + "\n" for name, param in self.constructor.args.items() ) if self.constructor and self.constructor.args else " # No configuration required\n" ) ) @property def doc_url(self) -> str: """ :return: URL of the documentation for the integration. """ from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.message.event import Event from platypush.message.response import Response from platypush.plugins import Plugin if issubclass(self.type, Plugin): section = 'plugins' elif issubclass(self.type, Backend): section = 'backend' elif issubclass(self.type, Event): section = 'events' elif issubclass(self.type, Response): section = 'responses' else: raise AssertionError(f'Unknown integration type {self.type}') return f"{self._doc_base_url}/{section}/{}.html"