from contextlib import contextmanager import sys from threading import RLock from typing import Collection, Generator, Optional, Dict, Any, List, Union from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from platypush.context import get_plugin from platypush.entities import EntityManager from platypush.entities.alarm import Alarm as DbAlarm from platypush.message.event.entities import EntityDeleteEvent from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action from platypush.plugins.db import DbPlugin from import MediaPlugin from platypush.procedure import Procedure from platypush.utils import get_plugin_name_by_class from import get_default_media_plugin from ._model import Alarm, AlarmState class AlarmPlugin(RunnablePlugin, EntityManager): """ Alarm/timer plugin. It requires at least one enabled ``media`` plugin to be configured if you want to play audio resources. Example configuration: .. code-block:: yaml alarm: # Media plugin that will be used to play the alarm audio. # If not specified, the first available configured media plugin # will be used. media_plugin: media.vlc alarms: morning_alarm: # Cron expression format: run every weekday at 7 AM when: '0 7 * * 1-5' media: ~/path/your_ringtone.mp3 audio_volume: 10 # 10% snooze_interval: 300 # 5 minutes snooze actions: - action: tts.say args: text: Good morning - action: light.hue.bri args: value: 1 - action: light.hue.bri args: value: 140 transitiontime: 150 one_shot_alarm: # One-shot execution, with timestamp in ISO format when: '2020-02-18T07:00:00.000000' media: ~/path/your_ringtone.mp3 actions: - action: light.hue.on timer: # This alarm will execute the specified number of seconds # after being initialized (5 minutes after the plugin has # been initialized in this case) when: 300 media: ~/path/your_ringtone.mp3 actions: - action: light.hue.on """ def __init__( self, alarms: Optional[Union[list, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, media_plugin: Optional[str] = None, poll_interval: Optional[float] = 5.0, snooze_interval: float = 300.0, **kwargs, ): """ :param alarms: List or name->value dict with the configured alarms. Example: :param media_plugin: Media plugin (instance of :class:``) that will be used to play the alarm audio. It needs to be a supported local media plugin, e.g. ``media.mplayer``, ``media.vlc``, ``media.mpv``, ``media.gstreamer``, ``sound``, etc. If not specified, the first available configured local media plugin will be used. This only applies to alarms that are configured to play an audio resource. :param poll_interval: Poll interval in seconds (default: 5). :param snooze_interval: Default snooze interval in seconds (default: 300). """ super().__init__(poll_interval=poll_interval, **kwargs) self.snooze_interval = snooze_interval self._db_lock = RLock() alarms = alarms or [] if isinstance(alarms, dict): alarms = [{'name': name, **alarm} for name, alarm in alarms.items()] if kwargs.get('audio_plugin'): self.logger.warning( 'The audio_plugin parameter is deprecated. Use media_plugin instead' ) media_plugin = media_plugin or kwargs.get('audio_plugin') try: plugin: Optional[MediaPlugin] = ( get_plugin(media_plugin) if media_plugin else get_default_media_plugin() ) assert plugin, 'No media/audio plugin configured' self.media_plugin = get_plugin_name_by_class(plugin.__class__) except AssertionError: self.media_plugin = None self.logger.warning( 'No media plugin configured. Alarms that require audio playback will not work' ) self.alarms = { alarm for alarm in [ Alarm( stop_event=self._should_stop, static=True, media_plugin=alarm.pop('media_plugin', self.media_plugin), on_change=self._on_alarm_update, **alarm, ) for alarm in alarms ] } self._synced = False @property def _db(self) -> DbPlugin: db = get_plugin('db') assert db, 'No database plugin configured' return db @contextmanager def _get_session(self) -> Generator[Session, None, None]: with self._db_lock, self._db.get_session() as session: yield session def _merge_alarms(self, alarms: Dict[str, DbAlarm], session: Session): for name, alarm in alarms.items(): if name in self.alarms: existing_alarm = self.alarms[name] # If the alarm is static, then we only want to override its # enabled state from the db record if existing_alarm.static: existing_alarm.set_enabled(bool(alarm.enabled)) else: # If the alarm record on the db is static, but the alarm is no # longer present in the configuration, then we want to delete it if alarm.static: self._clear_alarm(alarm, session) else: self.alarms[name] = Alarm.from_db( alarm, stop_event=self._should_stop, media_plugin=alarm.media_plugin or self.media_plugin, on_change=self._on_alarm_update, ) # Stop and remove alarms that are not statically configured no longer # present in the db for name, alarm in self.alarms.copy().items(): if not alarm.static and name not in alarms: del self.alarms[name] alarm.stop() def _sync_alarms(self): with self._get_session() as session: db_alarms = { str( alarm for alarm in session.query(DbAlarm).all() } self._merge_alarms(db_alarms, session) self._clear_expired_alarms(session) for name, alarm in self.alarms.copy().items(): if not (name in db_alarms or alarm.static): self.alarms.pop(name, None) if not self._synced: self.publish_entities(self.alarms.values()) self._synced = True def _clear_alarm(self, alarm: DbAlarm, session: Session): alarm_obj = self.alarms.pop(str(, None) if alarm_obj: alarm_obj.stop() session.delete(alarm) def _clear_expired_alarms(self, session: Session): expired_alarms = [ alarm for alarm in self.alarms.values() if alarm.should_stop() ] if not expired_alarms: return expired_alarm_records = session.query(DbAlarm).filter([ for alarm in expired_alarms]) ) for alarm in expired_alarm_records: self._clear_alarm(alarm, session) def _get_alarms(self) -> List[Alarm]: return sorted( self.alarms.values(), key=lambda alarm: alarm.get_next() or sys.maxsize, ) def _get_alarm(self, name: str) -> Alarm: assert name in self.alarms, f'The alarm {name} does not exist' return self.alarms[name] def _get_current_alarm(self) -> Optional[Alarm]: return next( iter( alarm for alarm in self.alarms.values() if alarm.state in {AlarmState.RUNNING, AlarmState.SNOOZED} ), None, ) def _enable(self, name: str): self._get_alarm(name).enable() def _disable(self, name: str): self._get_alarm(name).disable() def _on_alarm_update(self, alarm: Alarm): with self._db_lock: if alarm.should_stop(): return self.publish_entities([alarm]) def _add( self, when: Union[str, int, float], actions: Union[list, Procedure], name: Optional[str] = None, media: Optional[str] = None, media_plugin: Optional[str] = None, audio_file: Optional[str] = None, audio_volume: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, enabled: bool = True, snooze_interval: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Alarm: alarm = Alarm( when=when, actions=actions, name=name, enabled=enabled, media=media or audio_file, media_plugin=media_plugin or self.media_plugin, audio_volume=audio_volume, snooze_interval=snooze_interval or self.snooze_interval, stop_event=self._should_stop, on_change=self._on_alarm_update, ) if in self.alarms: assert not self.alarms[].static, ( f'Alarm {} is statically defined in the configuration, ' 'cannot overwrite it programmatically' )'Overwriting existing alarm: %s', self.alarms[].stop() self.alarms[] = alarm alarm.start() self.publish_entities([alarm]) return alarm def _dismiss(self): alarm = self._get_current_alarm() if not alarm:'No alarm is running') return alarm.dismiss() def _snooze(self, interval: Optional[float] = None): alarm = self._get_current_alarm() if not alarm:'No alarm is running') return interval = interval or alarm.snooze_interval or self.snooze_interval alarm.snooze(interval=interval) @action def add( self, when: Union[str, int, float], actions: Optional[list] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, media: Optional[str] = None, media_plugin: Optional[str] = None, audio_file: Optional[str] = None, audio_volume: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, enabled: bool = True, snooze_interval: Optional[float] = None, ) -> dict: """ Add a new alarm. :param when: When the alarm should be executed. It can be either a cron expression (for recurrent alarms), or a datetime string in ISO format (for one-shot alarms/timers), or an integer/float representing the number of seconds before the alarm goes on (e.g. 300 for 5 minutes). :param actions: List of actions to be executed. :param name: Alarm name. :param media: Path of the audio file to be played. :param media_plugin: Override the default media plugin for this alarm. :param audio_volume: Volume of the audio. :param enabled: Whether the new alarm should be enabled (default: True). :param snooze_interval: Snooze seconds before playing the alarm again. :return: The newly created alarm. """ if audio_file: self.logger.warning( 'The audio_file parameter is deprecated. Use media instead' ) return self._add( when=when, media=media, media_plugin=media_plugin, audio_file=audio_file, actions=actions or [], name=name, enabled=enabled, audio_volume=audio_volume, snooze_interval=snooze_interval, ).to_dict() @action def edit( self, name: str, new_name: Optional[str] = None, when: Optional[Union[str, int, float]] = None, actions: Optional[list] = None, media: Optional[str] = None, media_plugin: Optional[str] = None, audio_volume: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, enabled: Optional[bool] = None, snooze_interval: Optional[float] = None, ) -> dict: """ Edit an existing alarm. Note that you can only edit the alarms that are not statically defined through the configuration. :param name: Alarm name. :param new_name: New alarm name. :param when: When the alarm should be executed. It can be either a cron expression (for recurrent alarms), or a datetime string in ISO format (for one-shot alarms/timers), or an integer/float representing the number of seconds before the alarm goes on (e.g. 300 for 5 minutes). :param actions: List of actions to be executed. :param media: Path of the audio file to be played. :param media_plugin: Override the default media plugin for this alarm. :param audio_volume: Volume of the audio. :param enabled: Whether the new alarm should be enabled. :param snooze_interval: Snooze seconds before playing the alarm again. :return: The modified alarm. """ alarm = self._get_alarm(name) assert not alarm.static, ( f'Alarm {name} is statically defined in the configuration, ' 'cannot overwrite it programmatically' ) if new_name and new_name != name: assert ( new_name not in self.alarms ), f'An alarm with name {new_name} already exists' with self._db.get_session() as session: db_alarm = session.query(DbAlarm).filter_by(name=name).first() self._clear_alarm(db_alarm, session) return self._add( when=when or alarm.when, media=media or, media_plugin=media_plugin or alarm.media_plugin or self.media_plugin, actions=actions if actions is not None else (alarm.actions or []), name=new_name or name, enabled=enabled if enabled is not None else alarm.is_enabled(), audio_volume=audio_volume if audio_volume is not None else alarm.audio_volume, snooze_interval=snooze_interval or alarm.snooze_interval, ).to_dict() @action def delete(self, name: str): """ Delete an alarm. :param name: Alarm name. """ alarm = self._get_alarm(name) assert not alarm.static, ( f'Alarm {name} is statically defined in the configuration, ' 'cannot overwrite it programmatically' ) with self._db.get_session() as session: db_alarm = session.query(DbAlarm).filter_by(name=name).first() assert db_alarm, f'Alarm {name} does not exist' self._clear_alarm(db_alarm, session) @action def enable(self, name: str): """ Enable an alarm. :param name: Alarm name. """ self._enable(name) @action def disable(self, name: str): """ Disable an alarm. This will prevent the alarm from executing until re-enabled or until the application is restarted. :param name: Alarm name. """ self._disable(name) @action def set_enabled(self, name: str, enabled: bool): """ Enable/disable an alarm. :param name: Alarm name. :param enabled: Whether the alarm should be enabled. """ if enabled: self._enable(name) else: self._disable(name) @action def dismiss(self): """ Dismiss the alarm that is currently running. """ self._dismiss() @action def snooze(self, interval: Optional[float] = None): """ Snooze the alarm that is currently running for the specified number of seconds. The alarm will stop and resume again later. :param interval: Snooze seconds before playing the alarm again (default: 300). """ self._snooze(interval=interval) @action def get_alarms(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Deprecated alias for :meth:`.status`. """ self.logger.warning('get_alarms() is deprecated. Use status() instead') return self.status() # type: ignore @action def status(self, *_, **__) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the list of configured alarms and their status. :return: List of the alarms, sorted by next scheduled run. Example: .. code-block:: json [ { "name": "Morning alarm", "id": 1, "when": "0 8 * * 1-5", "next_run": "2023-12-06T08:00:00.000000", "enabled": true, "media": "/path/to/media.mp3", "media_plugin": "media.vlc", "audio_volume": 10, "snooze_interval": 300, "actions": [ { "action": "tts.say", "args": { "text": "Good morning" } }, { "action": "light.hue.on" } ], "state": "RUNNING" } ] """ ret = [alarm.to_dict() for alarm in self._get_alarms()] self.publish_entities(self.alarms.values()) return ret def transform_entities(self, entities: Collection[Alarm], **_) -> List[DbAlarm]: return [alarm.to_db() for alarm in entities] def main(self): self._sync_alarms() for alarm in self.alarms.values(): alarm.start() while not self.should_stop(): self._sync_alarms() self.wait_stop(self.poll_interval) def stop(self): for alarm in self.alarms.values(): alarm.stop() super().stop() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: