from contextlib import contextmanager from threading import RLock from typing import List, Mapping from typing_extensions import override from platypush.entities.devices import Device from platypush.entities.distance import DistanceSensor from platypush.plugins.sensor import SensorPlugin # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors class SensorDistanceVl53l1xPlugin(SensorPlugin): """ Plugin to interact with an `VL53L1x `_ laser ranger/distance sensor Requires: * ``smbus2`` (``pip install smbus2``) * ``vl53l1x`` (``pip install vl53l1x``) Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.sensor.SensorDataChangeEvent` """ def __init__(self, i2c_bus=1, i2c_address=0x29, poll_interval=3, **kwargs): """ :param i2c_bus: I2C bus number (default: 1) :param i2c_address: I2C address (default: 0x29) :param poll_interval: How often the integration should poll for new measurements (default: 3 seconds). """ super().__init__(poll_interval=poll_interval, **kwargs) self.i2c_bus = i2c_bus self.i2c_address = i2c_address self._device = None self._device_lock = RLock() self._last_data = {} @contextmanager def _get_device(self, ranging=1): from VL53L1X import VL53L1X # type: ignore with self._device_lock: if self._device: yield self._device self._device = VL53L1X(i2c_bus=self.i2c_bus, i2c_address=self.i2c_address) try: self._device.start_ranging(ranging) yield self._device finally: try: self._device.stop_ranging() except Exception: pass self._device.close() self._device = None @override def get_measurement(self, *_, short=True, medium=True, long=True, **__): """ :param short: Enable short range measurement (default: True) :param medium: Enable medium range measurement (default: True) :param long: Enable long range measurement (default: True) :returns: dict. Example: .. code-block:: python output = { "short": 83, # Short range measurement in mm "medium": 103, # Medium range measurement in mm "long": 200, # Long range measurement } """ ret = {} range_idx = 0 range_name = None range_conf = { 'short': short, 'medium': medium, 'long': long, } for i, (key, enabled) in enumerate(range_conf.items()): if not enabled: continue range_idx = i + 1 range_name = key with self._get_device(ranging=range_idx) as device: try: ret[range_name] = device.get_distance() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) self.wait_stop(1) return ret @override def transform_entities(self, entities: Mapping[str, int]) -> List[Device]: return [ Device( id='vl53l1x', name='VL53L1X Distance Sensor', children=[ DistanceSensor( id=f'vl53l1x:{key}', name=f'{key} distance', value=value, unit='mm', ) for key, value in entities.items() ], ) ] # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: