from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import asyncio from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE from logging import getLogger from queue import Empty, Queue from threading import Event, RLock, Thread from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Iterable, Optional, Self from platypush.context import get_or_create_event_loop _dtype_to_ffmpeg_format = { 'int8': 's8', 'uint8': 'u8', 'int16': 's16le', 'uint16': 'u16le', 'int32': 's32le', 'uint32': 'u32le', 'float32': 'f32le', 'float64': 'f64le', } """ Supported raw types: 'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'float32', 'float64' """ class AudioConverter(Thread, ABC): """ Base class for an ffmpeg audio converter instance. """ _format_to_ffmpeg_args = { 'wav': ('-f', 'wav'), 'ogg': ('-f', 'ogg'), 'mp3': ('-f', 'mp3'), 'aac': ('-f', 'adts'), 'flac': ('-f', 'flac'), } def __init__( self, *args, ffmpeg_bin: str, sample_rate: int, channels: int, volume: float, dtype: str, chunk_size: int, format: Optional[str] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin on_exit: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param ffmpeg_bin: Path to the ffmpeg binary. :param sample_rate: The sample rate of the input/output audio. :param channels: The number of channels of the input/output audio. :param volume: Audio volume, as a percentage between 0 and 100. :param dtype: The (numpy) data type of the raw input/output audio. :param chunk_size: Number of bytes that will be read at once from the ffmpeg process. :param format: Input/output audio format. :param on_exit: Function to call when the ffmpeg process exits. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) ffmpeg_format = _dtype_to_ffmpeg_format.get(dtype) assert ffmpeg_format, ( f'Unsupported data type: {dtype}. Supported data types: ' f'{list(_dtype_to_ffmpeg_format.keys())}' ) self._ffmpeg_bin = ffmpeg_bin self._ffmpeg_format = ffmpeg_format self._ffmpeg_task: Optional[Coroutine] = None self._sample_rate = sample_rate self._channels = channels self._chunk_size = chunk_size self._format = format self._closed = False self._out_queue = Queue() self.ffmpeg = None self.volume = volume self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self._loop = None self._should_stop = Event() self._stop_lock = RLock() self._on_exit = on_exit self._ffmpeg_terminated = Event() def __enter__(self) -> Self: """ Audio converter context manager. It starts and registers the ffmpeg converter process. """ self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *_, **__): """ Audio converter context manager. It stops and unregisters the ffmpeg converter process. """ self.stop() def _check_ffmpeg(self): assert not self.terminated, 'The ffmpeg process has already terminated' @property def gain(self) -> float: return self.volume / 100 @property def terminated(self) -> bool: return self._ffmpeg_terminated.is_set() @property def _default_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Set of arguments common to all ffmpeg converter instances. """ return ('-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'warning', '-y') @property @abstractmethod def _input_format_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Ffmpeg audio input arguments. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def _output_format_args(self): """ Ffmpeg audio output arguments. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def _channel_layout_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Set of extra ffmpeg arguments for the channel layout. """ args = ('-ac', str(self._channels)) if self._channels == 1: return args + ('-channel_layout', 'mono') if self._channels == 2: return args + ('-channel_layout', 'stereo') return args @property def _raw_ffmpeg_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Ffmpeg arguments for raw audio input/output given the current configuration. """ return ( '-f', self._ffmpeg_format, '-ar', str(self._sample_rate), *self._channel_layout_args, ) @property def _audio_volume_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Ffmpeg audio volume arguments. """ return ('-filter:a', f'volume={self.gain}') @property def _input_source_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Default arguments for the ffmpeg input source (default: ``-i pipe:``, ffmpeg will read from a pipe filled by the application). """ return ('-i', 'pipe:') @property def _output_target_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Default arguments for the ffmpeg output target (default: ``pipe:``, ffmpeg will write the output to a pipe read by the application). """ return ('pipe:',) @property def _converter_stdin(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Default stdin file descriptor to be used by the ffmpeg converter. Default: ``PIPE``, as the ffmpeg process by default reads audio frames from the stdin. """ return PIPE @property def _compressed_ffmpeg_args(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Ffmpeg arguments for the compressed audio given the current configuration. """ if not self._format: return () ffmpeg_args = self._format_to_ffmpeg_args.get(self._format) assert ffmpeg_args, ( f'Unsupported output format: {self._format}. Supported formats: ' f'{list(self._format_to_ffmpeg_args.keys())}' ) return ffmpeg_args async def _audio_proxy(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None): """ Proxy the converted audio stream to the output queue for downstream consumption. """ ffmpeg_args = ( self._ffmpeg_bin, *self._default_args, *self._input_format_args, *self._input_source_args, *self._output_format_args, *self._output_target_args, ) self.ffmpeg = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *ffmpeg_args, stdin=self._converter_stdin, stdout=PIPE, )'Running ffmpeg: %s', ' '.join(ffmpeg_args)) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.ffmpeg.wait(), 0.1) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass while ( self._loop and self.ffmpeg and self.ffmpeg.returncode is None and not self.should_stop ): self._check_ffmpeg() assert ( self.ffmpeg and self.ffmpeg.stdout ), 'The stdout is closed for the ffmpeg process' self._ffmpeg_terminated.clear() try: data = await asyncio.wait_for(, timeout ) self._out_queue.put(data) except asyncio.TimeoutError: self._out_queue.put(b'') def write(self, data: bytes): """ Write raw data to the ffmpeg process. """ self._check_ffmpeg() assert ( self.ffmpeg and self._loop and self.ffmpeg.stdin ), 'The stdin is closed for the ffmpeg process' self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.ffmpeg.stdin.write, data) def read(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Read the next chunk of converted audio bytes from the converter queue. """ try: return self._out_queue.get(timeout=timeout) except Empty: return None def run(self): """ Main runner. It runs the audio proxy in a loop and cleans up everything in case of stop/failure. """ super().run() self._loop = get_or_create_event_loop() try: self._ffmpeg_task = self._audio_proxy(timeout=1) self._loop.run_until_complete(self._ffmpeg_task) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning(e) finally: self.stop() def stop(self): """ Sets the stop event, kills the ffmpeg process and resets the context. """ with self._stop_lock: self._should_stop.set() if self._ffmpeg_task: self._ffmpeg_task.close() self._ffmpeg_task = None try: if self.ffmpeg and self.ffmpeg.returncode is None: self.ffmpeg.kill() except ProcessLookupError: pass self.ffmpeg = None self._loop = None self._ffmpeg_terminated.set() if self._on_exit: self._on_exit() @property def should_stop(self) -> bool: """ Proxy property for the ``_should_stop`` event. """ return self._should_stop.is_set() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: