from logging import getLogger import os import stat from threading import Event from time import time from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union from .._model import AudioDevice, DeviceType, StreamType from .._streams import AudioPlayer, AudioRecorder, AudioThread from ._device import DeviceManager from ._stream import StreamManager class AudioManager: """ The audio manager is responsible for managing multiple audio controllers and their access to audio resources. It main purpose is to act as a proxy/facade between the high-level audio plugin and the audio functionalities (allocating streams, managing the state of the player and recorder processes, etc.). """ _default_signal_timeout = 2 def __init__( self, should_stop: Event, input_blocksize: int, output_blocksize: int, input_device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, output_device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, queue_size: Optional[int] = None, ): """ :param should_stop: Event to synchronize the audio manager stop. :param input_blocksize: Block size for the input stream. :param output_blocksize: Block size for the output stream. :param input_device: Default device to use for the input stream. :param output_device: Default device to use for the output stream. :param queue_size: Maximum size of the audio queues. """ self._should_stop = should_stop self._device_manager = DeviceManager( input_device=input_device, output_device=output_device ) self._stream_manager = StreamManager(device_manager=self._device_manager) self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.input_blocksize = input_blocksize self.output_blocksize = output_blocksize self.queue_size = queue_size def create_player( self, device: DeviceType, channels: int, volume: float, infile: Optional[str] = None, sound: Optional[Union[dict, Iterable[dict]]] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, sample_rate: Optional[int] = None, dtype: str = 'int16', blocksize: Optional[int] = None, latency: Union[float, str] = 'high', stream_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> AudioPlayer: """ Create an audio player thread. :param device: Audio device to use. :param channels: Number of output channels. :param volume: Output volume, between 0 and 100. :param infile: File or URL to play. :param sound: Alternatively to a file/URL, you can play synthetic sounds. :param duration: Duration of the stream in seconds. :param sample_rate: Sample rate of the stream. :param dtype: Data type of the stream. :param blocksize: Block size of the stream. :param latency: Latency of the stream. :param stream_name: Name of the stream. """ dev = self._device_manager.get_device(device, type=StreamType.OUTPUT) player = device=device, infile=infile, sound=sound, duration=duration, volume=volume, sample_rate=sample_rate or dev.default_samplerate, dtype=dtype, blocksize=blocksize or self.output_blocksize, latency=latency, channels=channels, queue_size=self.queue_size, should_stop=self._should_stop, ) self._stream_manager.register( player, dev, StreamType.OUTPUT, stream_name=stream_name ) return player def create_recorder( self, device: DeviceType, output_device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, fifo: Optional[str] = None, outfile: Optional[str] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, sample_rate: Optional[int] = None, dtype: str = 'int16', blocksize: Optional[int] = None, latency: Union[float, str] = 'high', channels: int = 1, volume: float = 100, redis_queue: Optional[str] = None, format: str = 'wav', # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin stream: bool = True, stream_name: Optional[str] = None, play_audio: bool = False, ) -> AudioRecorder: """ Create an audio recorder thread. :param device: Audio device to use. :param output_device: Output device to use. :param fifo: Path to an output FIFO file to use to synchronize the audio to other processes. :param outfile: Optional output file for the recorded audio. :param duration: Duration of the recording in seconds. :param sample_rate: Sample rate of the stream. :param dtype: Data type of the stream. :param blocksize: Block size of the stream. :param latency: Latency of the stream. :param channels: Number of output channels. :param volume: Input volume, between 0 and 100. :param redis_queue: Name of the Redis queue to use. :param format: Format of the recorded audio. :param stream: Whether to stream the recorded audio. :param play_audio: Whether to play the recorded audio in real-time. :param stream_name: Name of the stream. """ blocksize = blocksize or self.input_blocksize dev = self._device_manager.get_device(device, type=StreamType.OUTPUT) if fifo: fifo = os.path.expanduser(fifo) if os.path.exists(fifo) and stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(fifo).st_mode):'Removing previous input stream FIFO %s', fifo) os.unlink(fifo) os.mkfifo(fifo, 0o644) outfile = fifo elif outfile: outfile = os.path.expanduser(outfile) outfile = outfile or fifo or os.devnull recorder = AudioRecorder( device=( ( dev.index, self._device_manager.get_device( type=StreamType.OUTPUT, device=output_device ).index, ) if play_audio else dev.index ), outfile=outfile, duration=duration, sample_rate=sample_rate or dev.default_samplerate, dtype=dtype, blocksize=blocksize, latency=latency, output_format=format, channels=channels, volume=volume, redis_queue=redis_queue, stream=stream, audio_pass_through=play_audio, queue_size=self.queue_size, should_stop=self._should_stop, ) self._stream_manager.register( recorder, dev, StreamType.INPUT, stream_name=stream_name ) return recorder def get_device( self, device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, type: Optional[StreamType] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> AudioDevice: """ Proxy to ``self._device_manager.get_device``. """ return self._device_manager.get_device(device=device, type=type) def get_devices( self, type: Optional[StreamType] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> List[AudioDevice]: """ Proxy to ``self._device_manager.get_devices``. """ return self._device_manager.get_devices(type=type) def get_streams( self, device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, type: Optional[StreamType] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin streams: Optional[Iterable[Union[str, int]]] = None, ) -> List[AudioThread]: """ Proxy to ``self._stream_manager.get``. """ return self._stream_manager.get(device=device, type=type, streams=streams) def stop_audio( self, device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, type: Optional[StreamType] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin streams: Optional[Iterable[Union[str, int]]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = 2, ): """ Stops audio sessions. :param device: Filter by host audio device. :param type: Filter by stream type (input or output). :param streams: Filter by stream indices/names. :param timeout: Wait timeout in seconds. """ streams_to_stop = self._stream_manager.get(device, type, streams=streams) # Send the stop signals for audio_thread in streams_to_stop: audio_thread.notify_stop() # Wait for termination (with timeout) wait_start = time() for audio_thread in streams_to_stop: audio_thread.join( timeout=max(0, timeout - (time() - wait_start)) if timeout is not None else None ) # Remove references for audio_thread in streams_to_stop: self._stream_manager.unregister(audio_thread) def pause_audio( self, device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, type: Optional[StreamType] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin streams: Optional[Iterable[Union[str, int]]] = None, ): """ Pauses/resumes audio sessions. :param device: Filter by host audio device. :param type: Filter by stream type (input or output). :param streams: Filter by stream indices/names. """ streams_to_pause = self._stream_manager.get(device, type, streams=streams) # Send the pause toggle signals for audio_thread in streams_to_pause: audio_thread.notify_pause() def set_volume( self, volume: float, device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, streams: Optional[Iterable[Union[str, int]]] = None, ): """ :param volume: New volume, between 0 and 100. :param device: Set the volume only on the specified device (default: all). :param streams: Set the volume only on the specified list of stream indices/names (default: all). """ stream_objs = self._stream_manager.get(device=device, streams=streams) for stream in stream_objs: stream.volume = volume