from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime from logging import getLogger import os import queue from threading import Event, RLock, Thread import time from typing import IO, Callable, Final, Generator, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union from typing_extensions import override import sounddevice as sd from platypush.context import get_bus from platypush.message.event.sound import SoundEvent from platypush.utils import get_redis from .._converters import AudioConverter from .._model import AudioState, StreamType _StreamType = Union[sd.Stream, sd.OutputStream] class AudioThread(Thread, ABC): """ Base class for audio play/record stream threads. """ _DEFAULT_FILE: Final[str] = os.devnull """Unless otherwise specified, the audio streams will be sent to /dev/null""" _DEFAULT_CONVERTER_TIMEOUT: Final[float] = 1 def __init__( self, device: Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], channels: int, volume: float, sample_rate: int, dtype: str, blocksize: int, ffmpeg_bin: str = 'ffmpeg', stream: bool = False, audio_pass_through: bool = False, infile: Optional[str] = None, outfile: Optional[str] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, latency: Union[float, str] = 'high', redis_queue: Optional[str] = None, should_stop: Optional[Event] = None, converter_timeout: Optional[float] = None, stream_name: Optional[str] = None, queue_size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param device: Audio device to use. :param channels: Number of channels to use. :param volume: Input/output volume, between 0 and 100. :param sample_rate: Sample rate to use. :param dtype: Data type to use. :param blocksize: Block size to use. :param ffmpeg_bin: Path to the ffmpeg binary. :param stream: Whether to stream the audio to Redis consumers. :param audio_pass_through: Whether to pass the audio through to the application's output stream. :param infile: Path to the input file or URL, if this is an output stream. :param outfile: Path to the output file. :param duration: Duration of the audio stream. :param latency: Latency to use. :param redis_queue: Redis queue to use. :param should_stop: Synchronize with upstream stop events. :param converter_timeout: How long to wait for the converter to finish. :param stream_name: Name of the stream. :param queue_size: Maximum size of the audio queue. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.device = device self.outfile = os.path.expanduser(outfile or self._DEFAULT_FILE) self.infile = os.path.expanduser(infile or self._DEFAULT_FILE) self.ffmpeg_bin = ffmpeg_bin self.channels = channels self.volume = volume self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.dtype = dtype = stream self.duration = duration self.blocksize = blocksize * channels self.latency = latency self._redis_queue = redis_queue self.audio_pass_through = audio_pass_through self.queue_size = queue_size self._stream_name = stream_name self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self._state = AudioState.STOPPED self._state_lock = RLock() self._started_time: Optional[float] = None self._converter: Optional[AudioConverter] = None self._should_stop = should_stop or Event() self._converter_timeout = converter_timeout or self._DEFAULT_CONVERTER_TIMEOUT self.audio_stream: Optional[_StreamType] = None self.stream_index: Optional[int] = None self.paused_changed = Event() self._converter_terminated = Event() @property def should_stop(self) -> bool: """ Proxy for `._should_stop.is_set()`. """ return self._should_stop.is_set() or bool( self.state == AudioState.STOPPED and self._started_time ) @property def gain(self) -> float: return self.volume / 100 def wait_stop(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None): """ Wait for the stop signal to be received. """ return self._should_stop.wait(timeout=timeout) def _audio_callback(self) -> Callable: """ Returns a callback to handle the raw frames captures from the audio device. """ def empty_callback(*_, **__): pass return empty_callback @property def stream_name(self) -> str: if self._stream_name: return self._stream_name ret = f'platypush:audio:{self.direction.value}' if self.stream_index is not None: ret += f':{self.stream_index}' return ret @stream_name.setter def stream_name(self, value: Optional[str]): self._stream_name = value @property @abstractmethod def direction(self) -> StreamType: """ The default direction for this stream - input or output. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def _audio_converter_type(self) -> Optional[Type[AudioConverter]]: """ This property indicates the type that should be used for the audio converter. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def _started_event_type(self) -> Type[SoundEvent]: """ Event type that will be emitted when the audio starts. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def _stopped_event_type(self) -> Type[SoundEvent]: """ Event type that will be emitted when the audio stops. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def _paused_event_type(self) -> Type[SoundEvent]: """ Event type that will be emitted when the audio is paused. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def _resumed_event_type(self) -> Type[SoundEvent]: """ Event type that will be emitted when the audio is resumed. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def _stream_type(self) -> Union[Type[sd.Stream], Type[sd.OutputStream]]: """ The type of stream this thread is mapped to. """ return sd.Stream @property def _converter_args(self) -> dict: """ Extra arguments to pass to the audio converter. """ return {} @property def _stream_args(self) -> dict: """ Extra arguments to pass to the stream constructor. """ return {} @property def redis_queue(self) -> str: """ Redis queue for audio streaming. """ if self._redis_queue: return self._redis_queue dev = ( self.device if isinstance(self.device, (str, int)) else '-'.join(map(str, self.device)) ) name = f'platypush-audio-stream-{self.__class__.__name__}-{dev}' if self.stream_index is not None: name = f'{name}-{self.stream_index}' return name def _on_audio_converted(self, data: bytes, out_f: Optional[IO] = None): """ This callback will be called when the audio data has been converted. """ if out_f: out_f.write(data) if get_redis().publish(self.redis_queue, data) def _wait_running(self): """ If the stream is in paused state, wait for the state to change. """ while self.state == AudioState.PAUSED: self.paused_changed.wait() def main( self, converter: Optional[AudioConverter] = None, out_f: Optional[IO] = None, ): """ Main loop. """ self.notify_start() 'Started %s on device [%s]', self.__class__.__name__, self.device ) self._started_time = time.time() while not self.should_stop and ( self.duration is None or time.time() - self._started_time < self.duration ): self._wait_running() if not converter: self.wait_stop(0.1) continue if self.should_stop: break timeout = ( max( 0, min( self.duration - (time.time() - self._started_time), self._converter_timeout, ), ) if self.duration is not None else self._converter_timeout ) should_continue = self._process_converted_audio( converter, timeout=timeout, out_f=out_f ) if not should_continue: break def _process_converted_audio( self, converter: AudioConverter, timeout: float, out_f: Optional[IO] ) -> bool: """ It reads the converted audio from the converter and passes it downstream. :return: True if the process should continue, False if it should terminate. """ data = if not data: return self._on_converter_timeout(converter) self._on_audio_converted(data, out_f) return True def _on_converter_timeout(self, converter: AudioConverter) -> bool: """ Callback logic invoked if the converter times out. :return: ``True`` (default) if the thread is supposed to continue, ``False`` if it should terminate. """ self.logger.debug('Timeout on converter %s', converter.__class__.__name__) # Continue only if the converter hasn't terminated return self._converter_terminated.is_set() @override def run(self): """ Wrapper for the main loop that initializes the converter and the stream. """ super().run() self.paused_changed.clear() try: with self.open_converter() as converter, self._stream_type( samplerate=self.sample_rate, device=self.device, channels=self.channels, dtype=self.dtype, latency=self.latency, blocksize=self.blocksize, **self._stream_args, ) as self.audio_stream, open( self.outfile, 'wb' ) as out_f, self._audio_generator(): self.main(converter=converter, out_f=out_f) except queue.Empty: self.logger.warning( 'Audio callback timeout for %s', self.__class__.__name__ ) finally: self.notify_stop() @contextmanager def _audio_generator(self) -> Generator[Optional[Thread], None, None]: """ :yield: A pair where the thread generates raw audio frames (as numpy arrays) that are sent to the specified queue. """ yield None @contextmanager def open_converter(self) -> Generator[Optional[AudioConverter], None, None]: """ Context manager for the converter process. """ if self._audio_converter_type is None: yield None return assert not self._converter, 'A converter process is already running' self._converter = self._audio_converter_type( ffmpeg_bin=self.ffmpeg_bin, sample_rate=self.sample_rate, channels=self.channels, volume=self.volume, dtype=self.dtype, chunk_size=self.blocksize, on_exit=self._converter_terminated.set, **self._converter_args, ) self._converter.start() yield self._converter self._converter.stop() self._converter.join(timeout=2) self._converter = None @contextmanager def _change_state(self, state: AudioState, event_type: Type[SoundEvent]): """ Changes the state and it emits the specified event if the state has actually changed. It uses a context manager pattern, and everything in between will be executed before the events are dispatched. """ with self._state_lock: prev_state = self.state self.state = state yield if prev_state != state: self._notify(event_type) def _notify(self, event_type: Type[SoundEvent], **kwargs): """ Notifies the specified event. """ get_bus().post(event_type(device=self.device, **kwargs)) def notify_start(self): """ Notifies the start event. """ with self._change_state(AudioState.RUNNING, self._started_event_type): pass def notify_stop(self): """ Notifies the stop event. """ with self._change_state(AudioState.STOPPED, self._stopped_event_type): if self._converter: self._converter.stop() self.paused_changed.set() self.paused_changed.clear() def notify_pause(self): """ Notifies a pause toggle event. """ states = { AudioState.PAUSED: AudioState.RUNNING, AudioState.RUNNING: AudioState.PAUSED, } with self._state_lock: new_state = states.get(self.state) if not new_state: return event_type = ( self._paused_event_type if new_state == AudioState.PAUSED else self._resumed_event_type ) with self._change_state(new_state, event_type): self.paused_changed.set() self.paused_changed.clear() @property def state(self): """ Thread-safe wrapper for the stream state. """ with self._state_lock: return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value: AudioState): """ Thread-safe setter for the stream state. """ with self._state_lock: self._state = value def asdict(self) -> dict: """ Serialize the thread information. """ return { 'device': self.device, 'outfile': self.outfile, 'infile': self.infile, 'direction': self.direction, 'ffmpeg_bin': self.ffmpeg_bin, 'channels': self.channels, 'sample_rate': self.sample_rate, 'dtype': self.dtype, 'streaming':, 'duration': self.duration, 'blocksize': self.blocksize, 'latency': self.latency, 'redis_queue': self.redis_queue, 'audio_pass_through': self.audio_pass_through, 'state': self._state.value, 'volume': self.volume, 'started_time': datetime.fromtimestamp(self._started_time) if self._started_time else None, 'stream_index': self.stream_index, 'stream_name': self.stream_name, } # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: