Vue.component('zigbee-mqtt', { template: '#tmpl-zigbee-mqtt', props: ['config'], data: function() { return { bus: new Vue({}), status: {}, devices: {}, groups: {}, commandRunning: false, selected: { view: 'devices', deviceId: undefined, groupId: undefined, }, loading: { status: false, devices: false, groups: false, }, views: { devices: true, groups: true, }, modal: { group: { visible: false, }, }, }; }, computed: { networkDropdownItems: function() { const self = this; return [ { text: 'Start Network', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zigbee.mqtt.start_network'); self.commandRunning = false; }, }, { text: 'Stop Network', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zigbee.mqtt.stop_network'); self.commandRunning = false; }, }, { text: 'Permit Join', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { let seconds = prompt('Join allow period in seconds (type 0 for no time limits)', '60'); if (!seconds) { return; } seconds = parseInt(seconds); self.commandRunning = true; await request('zigbee.mqtt.permit_join', {permit: true, timeout: seconds || null}); self.commandRunning = false; }, }, { text: 'Reset', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to reset the device?')) { return; } await request('zigbee.mqtt.reset'); }, }, { text: 'Factory Reset', disabled: this.commandRunning, classes: ['error'], click: async function() { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to do a device soft reset? ALL network information and custom firmware will be lost!!')) { return; } await request('zigbee.mqtt.factory_reset'); }, }, ] }, addToGroupDropdownItems: function() { const self = this; return Object.values(this.groups).filter((group) => { return !group.values || !group.values.length || !(this.selected.valueId in this.scene.values); }).map((group) => { return { text:, disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function () { if (!self.selected.valueId) { return; } self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.scene_add_value', { id_on_network: self.selected.valueId, scene_id: group.scene_id, }); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }; }); }, }, methods: { refreshDevices: async function () { const self = this; this.loading.devices = true; this.devices = (await request('zigbee.mqtt.devices')).reduce((devices, device) => { if (device.friendly_name in self.devices) { device = { values: self.devices[device.friendly_name].values || {}, ...self.devices[device.friendly_name], } } devices[device.friendly_name] = device; return devices; }, {}); Object.values(this.devices).forEach((device) => { if (device.type === 'Coordinator') { return; } request('zigbee.mqtt.device_get', {device: device.friendly_name}).then((response) => { Vue.set(self.devices[device.friendly_name], 'values', response || {}); }); }); this.loading.devices = false; }, refreshGroups: async function () { this.loading.groups = true; this.groups = (await request('zigbee.mqtt.groups')).reduce((groups, group) => { groups[] = group; return groups; }, {}); this.loading.groups = false; }, refresh: function () { this.refreshDevices(); this.refreshGroups(); this.bus.$emit('refreshProperties'); }, updateProperties: function(device, props) { Vue.set(this.devices[device], 'values', props); }, addGroup: async function() { const name = prompt('Group name'); if (!name) { return; } this.commandRunning = true; await request('zigbee.mqtt.group_add', {name: name}); this.commandRunning = false; this.refreshGroups(); }, onViewChange: function(event) { Vue.set(this.selected, 'view',; }, onDeviceClicked: function(event) { Vue.set(this.selected, 'deviceId', event.deviceId === this.selected.deviceId ? undefined : event.deviceId); }, onGroupClicked: function(event) { Vue.set(this.selected, 'groupId', event.groupId === this.selected.groupId ? undefined : event.groupId); }, openNetworkCommandsDropdown: function() { openDropdown(this.$refs.networkCommandsDropdown); }, openAddToGroupDropdown: function(event) { this.selected.valueId = event.valueId; openDropdown(this.$refs.addToGroupDropdown); }, addToGroup: async function(device, group) { this.commandRunning = true; await request('zigbee.mqtt.group_add_device', { device: device, group: group, }); this.commandRunning = false; const self = this; setTimeout(() => { self.refresh(); self.bus.$emit('refreshProperties'); }, 100) }, removeNodeFromGroup: async function(event) { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to remove this value from the group?')) { return; } this.commandRunning = true; await request('zigbee.mqtt.group_remove_device', { group:, device: event.device, }); this.commandRunning = false; }, }, created: function() { const self = this; this.bus.$on('refresh', this.refresh); this.bus.$on('refreshDevices', this.refreshDevices); this.bus.$on('refreshGroups', this.refreshGroups); this.bus.$on('deviceClicked', this.onDeviceClicked); this.bus.$on('groupClicked', this.onGroupClicked); this.bus.$on('openAddToGroupModal', () => { = true}); this.bus.$on('openAddToGroupDropdown', this.openAddToGroupDropdown); this.bus.$on('removeFromGroup', this.removeNodeFromGroup); registerEventHandler(() => { createNotification({ text: 'WARNING: The controller is now offline', error: true, }); }, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttOnlineEvent'); registerEventHandler(() => { createNotification({ text: 'Failed to remove the device', error: true, }); }, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceRemovedFailedEvent'); registerEventHandler(() => { createNotification({ text: 'Failed to add the group', error: true, }); }, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupAddedFailedEvent'); registerEventHandler(() => { createNotification({ text: 'Failed to remove the group', error: true, }); }, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemovedFailedEvent'); registerEventHandler(() => { createNotification({ text: 'Failed to remove the devices from the group', error: true, }); }, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemoveAllFailedEvent'); registerEventHandler((event) => { createNotification({ text: 'Unhandled Zigbee error: ' + (event.error || '[Unknown error]'), error: true, }); }, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttErrorEvent'); registerEventHandler((event) => { self.updateProperties(event.device,; }, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDevicePropertySetEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.refresh, 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttOnlineEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDevicePairingEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceConnectedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceBannedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceRemovedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceWhitelistedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceRenamedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceBindEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceUnbindEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupAddedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemovedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemoveAllEvent', ); }, mounted: function() { this.refresh(); }, });