window.vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: function() { return { config: window.config, sessionToken: undefined, selectedTab: 'users', selectedUser: undefined, modalVisible: { addUser: false, changePassword: false, }, formDisabled: { addUser: false, changePassword: false, }, }; }, computed: { userDropdownItems: function() { const self = this; return [ { text: 'Change password', iconClass: 'fas fa-key', click: function() { self.modalVisible.changePassword = true; }, }, { text: 'Delete user', iconClass: 'fa fa-trash', click: async function() { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to remove the user ' + self.selectedUser + '?')) return; await request('user.delete_user', { username: self.selectedUser, session_token: self.sessionToken, }); createNotification({ text: 'User ' + self.selectedUser + ' removed', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-check', }, }); window.location.reload(); }, }, ]; }, }, methods: { createUser: async function(event) { event.preventDefault(); let form = [...this.$refs.createUserForm.querySelectorAll('input[name]')].reduce((map, input) => { map[] = input.value; return map; }, {}); if (form.password != form.confirm_password) { createNotification({ text: 'Please check that the passwords match', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-times', }, error: true, }); return; } this.formDisabled.addUser = true; await request('user.create_user', { username: form.username, password: form.password, session_token: this.sessionToken, }); this.formDisabled.addUser = false; createNotification({ text: 'User ' + form.username + ' created', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-check', }, }); this.modalVisible.addUser = false; window.location.reload(); }, onUserClick: function(username) { this.selectedUser = username; openDropdown(this.$refs.userDropdown.$el); }, onTokenFocus: function(event) {; document.execCommand('copy');'disabled', true); createNotification({ text: 'Token copied to clipboard', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-copy', }, }); }, onTokenBlur: function(event) {; document.execCommand('copy');'disabled'); createNotification({ text: 'Token copied to clipboard', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-copy', }, }); }, changePassword: async function(event) { event.preventDefault(); let form = [...this.$refs.changePasswordForm.querySelectorAll('input[name]')].reduce((map, input) => { map[] = input.value; return map; }, {}); if (form.new_password !== form.confirm_new_password) { createNotification({ text: 'Please check that the passwords match', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-times', }, error: true, }); return; } this.formDisabled.changePassword = true; let success = await request('user.update_password', { username: form.username, old_password: form.password, new_password: form.new_password, }); this.formDisabled.changePassword = false; if (success) { this.modalVisible.changePassword = false; createNotification({ text: 'Password successfully updated', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-check', }, }); } else { createNotification({ text: 'Unable to update password: the current password is incorrect', image: { iconClass: 'fas fa-times', }, error: true, }); } }, }, created: function() { let cookies = Object.fromEntries(document.cookie.split('; ').map(x => x.split('='))); this.sessionToken = cookies.session_token; }, });