from logging import getLogger from flask import Blueprint, request from simple_websocket import ConnectionClosed, Server from import template_folder from import authenticate from import events_redis_topic from platypush.message.event import Event from platypush.utils import get_redis ws = Blueprint('ws', __name__, template_folder=template_folder) __routes__ = [ws] logger = getLogger(__name__) @ws.route('/ws/events', websocket=True) @authenticate(json=True) def ws_events_route(): """ A websocket endpoint to asynchronously receive events generated from the application. This endpoint is mainly used by web clients to listen for the events generated by the application. """ sock = Server(request.environ, ping_interval=25) ws_key = (sock.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], int(sock.environ['REMOTE_PORT'])) sub = get_redis().pubsub() sub.subscribe(events_redis_topic)'Started websocket connection with %s', ws_key) try: for msg in sub.listen(): if ( msg.get('type') != 'message' and msg.get('channel').decode() != events_redis_topic ): continue try: evt ='data').decode()) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Error parsing event: %s: %s', msg.get('data'), e) continue sock.send(str(evt)) except ConnectionClosed as e: 'Websocket connection to %s closed, reason=%s, message=%s', ws_key, e.reason, e.message, ) finally: sub.unsubscribe(events_redis_topic) return '' # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: