Runbullet ========= Execute any command or custom complex logic on your devices, wherever they are, using your PushBullet account. Installation ------------ ```shell pip install runbullet ``` Configuration ------------- Copy /etc/runbullet/config.example.yaml to /etc/runbullet/config.yaml (system-wise settings) or ~/.config/runbullet/config.yaml (user-wise settings). Edit the file to include: * Your PushBullet access token (create one [here](; * The name of the (virtual) PushBullet device used to listen for events (create one [here]( Each target device is identified by a unique device_id in the messages sent over your account. The device_id is the hostname by default, unless changed in config.yaml. Testing ------- `runbullet` installs `pusher`, a command-line tool to send PushBullet messages to the connected devices in the format used by runbullet. Some examples: ```shell echo '{"cmd":"scp /home/user/photos/*.jpg backup_host:/mnt/hd/photos"}' | pusher --target laptop --plugin shell echo '{"play":true}' | pusher --target raspberrypi --plugin music.mpd ```