diff --git a/platypush/backend/http/webapp/dist/index.html b/platypush/backend/http/webapp/dist/index.html index 30f5c72580..2593fc4817 100644 --- a/platypush/backend/http/webapp/dist/index.html +++ b/platypush/backend/http/webapp/dist/index.html @@ -1 +1 @@ -
Platypush provides two types of tokens:
Generate a JWT authentication token that can be used for API calls to the /execute
You can include the token in your requests in any of the following ways:
Authorization: Bearer
for a JWT token and ...?session_token=...
for a session token; {"type":"request", "action", "...", "token":"..."}
for a JWT token, or "session_token"
for a session token. Confirm your credentials in order to generate a new JWT token.
Show session token will instead show the token cookie associated to the current session.
Platypush provides two types of tokens:
Generate a JWT authentication token that can be used for API calls to the /execute
You can include the token in your requests in any of the following ways:
Authorization: Bearer
for a JWT token and ...?session_token=...
for a session token; {"type":"request", "action", "...", "token":"..."}
for a JWT token, or "session_token"
for a session token. Confirm your credentials in order to generate a new JWT token.
Show session token will instead show the token cookie associated to the current session.
\n Platypush provides two types of tokens:\n\n
Generate a JWT authentication token that can be used for API calls to the /execute
You can include the token in your requests in any of the following ways:
\n\nAuthorization: Bearer
\n for a JWT token and ...?session_token=...
for a\n session token;\n {\"type\":\"request\", \"action\", \"...\", \"token\":\"...\"}
for\n a JWT token, or \"session_token\"
for a session token.\n Confirm your credentials in order to generate a new JWT token.
\n\n Show session token will instead show the token cookie associated\n to the current session.\n
\n\n Platypush provides two types of tokens:\n\n
Generate a JWT authentication token that can be used for API calls to the /execute
You can include the token in your requests in any of the following ways:
\n\nAuthorization: Bearer
\n for a JWT token and ...?session_token=...
for a\n session token;\n {\"type\":\"request\", \"action\", \"...\", \"token\":\"...\"}
for\n a JWT token, or \"session_token\"
for a session token.\n Confirm your credentials in order to generate a new JWT token.
\n\n Show session token will instead show the token cookie associated\n to the current session.\n
\nf?Y(e,i,s,!0,!1,p):A(t,n,r,i,s,c,a,l,p)},H=(e,t,n,r,i,s,c,a,l)=>{let u=0;const f=t.length;let p=e.length-1,d=f-1;while(u<=p&&u<=d){const r=e[u],o=t[u]=l?Cn(t[u]):kn(t[u]);if(!gn(r,o))break;v(r,o,n,null,i,s,c,a,l),u++}while(u<=p&&u<=d){const r=e[p],o=t[d]=l?Cn(t[d]):kn(t[d]);if(!gn(r,o))break;v(r,o,n,null,i,s,c,a,l),p--,d--}if(u>p){if(u<=d){const e=d+1,o=eString(e)===String(c))):(0,o.hq)(t,c)>-1}else s.selected=t.has(c);else if((0,o.WV)(xe(s),t))return void(e.selectedIndex!==n&&(e.selectedIndex=n))}r||-1===e.selectedIndex||(e.selectedIndex=-1)}}function xe(e){return"_value"in e?e._value:e.value}function Oe(e,t){const n=t?"_trueValue":"_falseValue";return n in e?e[n]:t}const Re=["ctrl","shift","alt","meta"],ke={stop:e=>e.stopPropagation(),prevent:e=>e.preventDefault(),self:e=>e.target!==e.currentTarget,ctrl:e=>!e.ctrlKey,shift:e=>!e.shiftKey,alt:e=>!e.altKey,meta:e=>!e.metaKey,left:e=>"button"in e&&0!==e.button,middle:e=>"button"in e&&1!==e.button,right:e=>"button"in e&&2!==e.button,exact:(e,t)=>Re.some((n=>e[`${n}Key`]&&!t.includes(n)))},Ce=(e,t)=>{const n=e._withMods||(e._withMods={}),r=t.join(".");return n[r]||(n[r]=(n,...r)=>{for(let e=0;e