#!/bin/sh echo "Installing required build dependencies" apk add --update --no-cache git make py3-sphinx py3-myst-parser py3-pip $(cat platypush/install/requirements/alpine.txt) pip install -U sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-book-theme --break-system-packages pip install . --break-system-packages mkdir -p /docs/current export APPDIR="$PWD" rm -rf "$APPDIR/docs/build" echo "Building the updated documentation" cd "$APPDIR/docs/source" git clone 'https://git.platypush.tech/platypush/platypush.wiki.git' wiki echo "Linking the wiki to the Sphinx index" cd wiki cd "$APPDIR/docs" make html rm -f config*.yaml cd "$APPDIR" echo "Copying the new documentation files to the target folder" mv -v "$APPDIR/docs/build" /docs/new cd /docs mv current old mv new current rm -rf old