<!-- Dashboard templates are stored as ~/.config/platypush/dashboards/<name>.xml and can be accessed on
     http://<host>:8008/dashboard/<name>. A dashboard can show a custom set of widgets on a screen - e.g. calendar
     events, media information, photo carousels, sensors data, weather forecast and news headlines. The available
     widgets are stored as Vue.js templates under `platypush/backend/http/webapp/src/components/widgets`. -->
    <!-- Display the following widgets on the same row. Each row consists of 12 columns.
         You can specify the width of each widget either through class name (e.g. col-6 means
         6 columns out of 12, e.g. half the size of the row) or inline style
         (e.g. `style="width: 50%"`). -->
        <!-- Show a calendar widget with the upcoming events. It requires the `calendar` plugin to
             be enabled and configured. -->
        <Calendar class="col-6" />

        <!-- Show the current track and other playback info. It requires `music.mpd` plugin or any
             other music plugin enabled. -->
        <Music class="col-3" />

        <!-- Show current date, time and weather. It requires a `weather` plugin or backend enabled -->
        <DateTimeWeather class="col-3" />

    <!-- Display the following widgets on a second row -->
        <!-- Show a carousel of images from a local folder. For security reasons, the folder must be
             explicitly exposed as an HTTP resource through the backend `resource_dirs` attribute. -->
        <ImageCarousel class="col-6" img-dir="/mnt/hd/photos/carousel" />

        <!-- Show the news headlines parsed from a list of RSS feed and stored locally through the
             `http.poll` backend -->
        <RssNews class="col-6" db="sqlite:////path/to/your/rss.db" />