import logging import runbullet from threading import Thread def _default_on_init(backend):'Backend {} initialized'.format(backend.__module__)) def _default_on_close(backend):'Backend {} terminated'.format(backend.__module__)) def _default_on_msg(backend, msg):'Received message: {}'.format(msg)) def _default_on_error(backend, error): logging.error(error) class Backend(Thread): def __init__(self, config, mq = None, on_init = _default_on_init, on_close = _default_on_close, on_error = _default_on_error): self.config = config = mq self.on_init = on_init self.on_close = on_close self.on_error = on_error Thread.__init__(self) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO if 'logging' not in config else getattr(logging, config.pop('logging'))) for cls in reversed(self.__class__.mro()): if cls is not object and hasattr(cls, '_init'): cls._init(self, **config) def is_local(self): from runbullet.backend.local import LocalBackend return isinstance(self, LocalBackend) def on_msg(self, msg): if 'target' not in msg: return # No target target = msg.pop('target') if target != runbullet.get_device_id() and not self.is_local(): return # Not for me if 'action' not in msg: self.on_error('No action specified: {}'.format(msg)) return def send_msg(self, msg): raise NotImplementedError() def run(self): raise NotImplementedError() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: