2020-01-05 00:46:46 +01:00
import enum
import time
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, Callable, Tuple, Type
from pyfirmata2 import Arduino, ArduinoMega, ArduinoDue, ArduinoNano, Pin, util, ANALOG, INPUT, PWM
from platypush.plugins import action
from platypush.plugins.gpio.sensor import GpioSensorPlugin
class PinType(enum.IntEnum):
class BoardType(enum.Enum):
MEGA = 'mega'
DUE = 'due'
NANO = 'nano'
# noinspection PyBroadException
class ArduinoPlugin(GpioSensorPlugin):
Interact with an Arduino connected to the host machine over USB using the
`Firmata <https://www.arduino.cc/en/reference/firmata>`_ protocol.
You have two options to communicate with an Arduino-compatible board over USB:
- Use this plugin if you want to use the general-purpose Firmata protocol - in this case most of your
processing logic will be on the host side and you can read/write data to the Arduino transparently.
- Use the :class:`platypush.plugins.serial.SerialPlugin` if instead you want to run more custom logic
on the Arduino and communicate back with the host computer through JSON formatted messages.
Download and flash the
`Standard Firmata <https://github.com/firmata/arduino/blob/master/examples/StandardFirmata/StandardFirmata.ino>`_
firmware to the Arduino in order to use this plugin.
* **pyfirmata2** (``pip install pyfirmata2``)
def __init__(self,
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: int = 57600,
analog_pins: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
digital_pins: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
timeout: float = 20.0,
conv_functions: Optional[Dict[Union[str, int], Union[str, Callable]]] = None,
:param board: Default board name or path (e.g. ``COM3`` on Windows or ``/dev/ttyUSB0`` on Unix). If not set
then the plugin will attempt an auto-discovery.
:param board_type: Default board type. It can be 'mega', 'due' or 'nano'. Leave empty for auto-detection.
:param baud_rate: Default serial baud rate (default: 57600)
:param analog_pins: Optional analog PINs map name->pin_number.
:param digital_pins: Optional digital PINs map name->pin_number.
:param timeout: Board communication timeout in seconds.
:param conv_functions: Optional mapping of conversion functions to apply to the analog values read from a
certain PIN. The key can either be the PIN number or the name as specified in ``analog_pins``, the value
can be a function that takes an argument and transforms it or its lambda string representation.
Note that ``analog_read`` returns by default float values in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Example:
2020-01-05 13:11:44 +01:00
.. code-block:: yaml
2020-01-05 00:46:46 +01:00
board: /dev/ttyUSB0
temperature: 1 # Analog PIN 1
temperature: 'lambda t: t * 500.0'
self.board = board
self.board_type = self._get_board_type(board_type)
self.baud_rate = baud_rate
self.timeout = timeout
self._pin_number_by_name = {
PinType.ANALOG: analog_pins or {},
PinType.DIGITAL: digital_pins or {},
self._pin_name_by_number = {
PinType.ANALOG: {number: name for name, number in self._pin_number_by_name[PinType.ANALOG].items()},
PinType.DIGITAL: {number: name for name, number in self._pin_number_by_name[PinType.DIGITAL].items()},
self.conv_functions: Dict[Union[str, int], Callable] = {
(self._pin_number_by_name[PinType.ANALOG].get(pin, pin)): (f if callable(f) else eval(f))
for pin, f in (conv_functions or {}).items()
2020-01-05 13:02:41 +01:00
self._boards = {}
self._board_iterators = {}
2020-01-05 00:46:46 +01:00
def _get_board_type(board_type: Optional[str] = None) -> Type:
if not board_type:
return Arduino
board_type = board_type.lower()
if board_type == BoardType.DUE.value:
return ArduinoDue
if board_type == BoardType.NANO.value:
return ArduinoNano
if board_type == BoardType.MEGA.value:
return ArduinoMega
raise AssertionError('Invalid board_type: {}'.format(board_type))
def _get_board(self,
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None):
board_name = board or self.board or Arduino.AUTODETECT
baud_rate = baud_rate or self.baud_rate
timeout = timeout or self.timeout
if board_name in self._boards:
return self._boards[board_name]
board_type = self._get_board_type(board_type) if board_type else self.board_type
board = board_type(board_name, baudrate=baud_rate, timeout=timeout)
self.logger.info('Connected to board {}'.format(board.name))
self._boards[board_name] = board
self._board_iterators[board.name] = util.Iterator(board)
return board
def _get_board_and_pin(self,
pin: Union[int, str],
pin_type: PinType,
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[Arduino, int]:
board = self._get_board(board, board_type=board_type, baud_rate=baud_rate, timeout=timeout)
if pin in self._pin_number_by_name[pin_type]:
pin = self._pin_number_by_name[pin_type][pin]
assert isinstance(pin, int), 'Invalid PIN number/name: {}'.format(pin)
return board, pin
def _get_pin(pin: int, board: Arduino, pin_type: PinType) -> Pin:
pins = None
if pin_type == PinType.ANALOG:
pins = board.analog
if pin_type == PinType.DIGITAL:
pins = board.digital
assert pins, 'Invalid pin_type: {}'.format(pin_type)
if pins[pin].mode in [ANALOG, INPUT]:
return pins[pin]
def _poll_value(self,
pin: int,
board: Arduino,
pin_type: PinType,
timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Optional[Union[bool, float]]:
value = None
poll_start = time.time()
while value is None:
if timeout and time.time() - poll_start >= timeout:
raise RuntimeError('Read timeout')
pin_ = self._get_pin(pin=pin, board=board, pin_type=pin_type)
if pin_.mode not in [INPUT, ANALOG]:
self.logger.warning('PIN {} is not configured in input/analog mode'.format(pin))
value = pin_.read()
if value is None:
if pin_type == PinType.DIGITAL:
value = bool(value)
return value
def analog_read(self,
pin: Union[int, str],
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
conv_function: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
Read an analog value from a PIN.
:param pin: PIN number or configured name.
:param board: Board path or name (default: default configured ``board``).
:param board_type: Board type. It can be 'mega', 'due' or 'nano' (default: configured ``board_type``).
:param baud_rate: Baud rate (default: default configured ``baud_rate``).
:param conv_function: Optional conversion function override to apply to the output. It can be either a function
object or its lambda string representation (e.g. ``lambda x: x*x``). Keep in mind that ``analog_read``
returns by default float values in the range ``[0.0, 1.0]``.
:param timeout: Communication timeout in seconds (default: default configured ``timeout``).
conv_function = conv_function or self.conv_functions.get(pin)
board, pin = self._get_board_and_pin(pin=pin,
conv_function = conv_function or self.conv_functions.get(pin)
value = self._poll_value(pin=pin, board=board, pin_type=PinType.ANALOG, timeout=timeout)
if conv_function:
value = conv_function(value)
return value
def digital_read(self,
pin: Union[int, str],
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
Read a digital value from a PIN.
:param pin: PIN number or configured name.
:param board: Board path or name (default: default configured ``board``).
:param board_type: Board type. It can be 'mega', 'due' or 'nano' (default: configured ``board_type``).
:param baud_rate: Baud rate (default: default configured ``baud_rate``).
:param timeout: Communication timeout in seconds (default: default configured ``timeout``).
board, pin = self._get_board_and_pin(pin=pin,
return self._poll_value(pin=pin, board=board, pin_type=PinType.DIGITAL, timeout=timeout)
def analog_write(self, pin: Union[int, str],
value: float,
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None):
Write a value to an analog PIN.
:param pin: PIN number or configured name.
:param value: Voltage to be sent, a real number normalized between 0 and 1.
:param board: Board path or name (default: default configured ``board``).
:param board_type: Board type. It can be 'mega', 'due' or 'nano' (default: configured ``board_type``).
:param baud_rate: Baud rate (default: default configured ``baud_rate``).
:param timeout: Communication timeout in seconds (default: default configured ``timeout``).
board, pin = self._get_board_and_pin(pin=pin,
def digital_write(self, pin: Union[int, str],
value: bool,
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None):
Write a value to a digital PIN.
:param pin: PIN number or configured name.
:param value: True (HIGH) or False (LOW).
:param board: Board path or name (default: default configured ``board``).
:param board_type: Board type. It can be 'mega', 'due' or 'nano' (default: configured ``board_type``).
:param baud_rate: Baud rate (default: default configured ``baud_rate``).
:param timeout: Communication timeout in seconds (default: default configured ``timeout``).
board, pin = self._get_board_and_pin(pin=pin,
def pwm_write(self, pin: Union[int, str],
value: float,
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None):
Write a PWM value to a digital PIN.
:param pin: PIN number or configured name.
:param value: PWM real value normalized between 0 and 1.
:param board: Board path or name (default: default configured ``board``).
:param board_type: Board type. It can be 'mega', 'due' or 'nano' (default: configured ``board_type``).
:param baud_rate: Baud rate (default: default configured ``baud_rate``).
:param timeout: Communication timeout in seconds (default: default configured ``timeout``).
board, pin = self._get_board_and_pin(pin=pin,
assert board.digital[pin].PWM_CAPABLE, 'PIN {} is not PWM capable'.format(pin)
if board.digital[pin] != PWM:
board.digital[pin].mode = PWM
def get_measurement(self,
board: Optional[str] = None,
board_type: Optional[str] = None,
baud_rate: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, float]:
Get a measurement from all the configured PINs.
:param board: Board path or name (default: default configured ``board``)
:param board_type: Board type. It can be 'mega', 'due' or 'nano' (default: configured ``board_type``).
:param baud_rate: Baud rate (default: default configured ``baud_rate``)
:param timeout: Communication timeout in seconds (default: default configured ``timeout``).
:return: dict, where the keys are either the configured names of the PINs (see ``analog_pins`` configuration)
or all the analog PINs (names will be in the format 'A0..A7' in that case), and the values will be the
real values measured, either normalized between 0 and 1 if no conversion functions were provided, or
transformed through the configured ``conv_functions``.
ret = {}
board = self._get_board(board=board, board_type=board_type, baud_rate=baud_rate, timeout=timeout)
for pin in board.analog:
if self._pin_name_by_number[PinType.ANALOG] and \
pin.pin_number not in self._pin_name_by_number[PinType.ANALOG]:
name = self._pin_name_by_number[PinType.ANALOG].get(pin.pin_number, 'A{}'.format(pin.pin_number))
value = self._poll_value(pin=pin.pin_number, board=board, pin_type=PinType.ANALOG,
timeout=timeout or self.timeout)
if value is None:
conv_function = self.conv_functions.get(name, self.conv_functions.get(pin.pin_number))
if conv_function:
value = conv_function(value)
ret[name] = value
return ret
def close(self):
2020-01-05 13:02:41 +01:00
for it in self._board_iterators.values():
2020-01-05 00:46:46 +01:00
for board in self._boards.values():
2020-01-05 13:02:41 +01:00
self._board_iterators = {}
self._boards = {}
2020-01-05 00:46:46 +01:00
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