forked from platypush/platypush
- Removed replication of logic between media.get_youtube_url (action) and media.get_youtube_video_url (internal method) - Added differentiation between MediaPlayEvent and MediaResumeEvent
669 lines
21 KiB
669 lines
21 KiB
import json
import threading
import time
from platypush.context import get_bus
from platypush.plugins import action
from import MediaPlugin, PlayerState
from import MediaPlayEvent, MediaPauseEvent, MediaStopEvent, \
MediaSeekEvent, MediaVolumeChangedEvent
class MediaKodiPlugin(MediaPlugin):
Plugin to interact with a Kodi media player instance
* **kodi-json** (``pip install kodi-json``)
# noinspection HttpUrlsUsage
def __init__(self, host, http_port=8080, websocket_port=9090, username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
:param host: Kodi host name or IP
:type host: str
:param http_port: Kodi JSON RPC web port. Remember to enable "Allow remote control via HTTP"
in Kodi service settings -> advanced configuration and "Allow remote control from applications"
on this system and, optionally, on other systems if the Kodi server is on another machine
:type http_port: int
:param websocket_port: Kodi JSON RPC websocket port, used to receive player events
:type websocket_port: int
:param username: Kodi username (optional)
:type username: str
:param password: Kodi password (optional)
:type password: str
| = host
self.http_port = http_port
self.websocket_port = websocket_port
self.url = 'http://{}:{}/jsonrpc'.format(host, http_port)
self.websocket_url = 'ws://{}:{}/jsonrpc'.format(host, websocket_port)
self.username = username
self.password = password
self._ws = None
def _get_kodi(self):
from kodijson import Kodi
args = [self.url]
if self.username:
args += [self.username]
if self.password:
args += [self.password]
return Kodi(*args)
def _get_player_id(self):
kodi = self._get_kodi()
players = kodi.Player.GetActivePlayers().get('result', [])
if not players:
return None
return players.pop().get('playerid')
def _websocket_thread(self):
Initialize the websocket JSON RPC interface, if available, to receive player notifications
def thread_hndl():
import websocket
except ImportError:
self.logger.warning('websocket-client is not installed, Kodi events will be disabled')
if not self._ws:
self._ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(self.websocket_url,
|'Kodi websocket interface for events started')
return thread_hndl
def _post_event(self, evt_type, **evt):
bus = get_bus()
|, plugin='media.kodi', **evt))
def _on_ws_msg(self):
def hndl(*args):
msg = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else args[0]
|"Received Kodi message: {}".format(msg))
msg = json.loads(msg)
method = msg.get('method')
if method == 'Player.OnPlay':
item = msg.get('params', {}).get('data', {}).get('item', {})
player = msg.get('params', {}).get('data', {}).get('player', {})
self._post_event(MediaPlayEvent, player_id=player.get('playerid'),
title=item.get('title'), media_type=item.get('type'))
elif method == 'Player.OnPause':
item = msg.get('params', {}).get('data', {}).get('item', {})
player = msg.get('params', {}).get('data', {}).get('player', {})
self._post_event(MediaPauseEvent, player_id=player.get('playerid'),
title=item.get('title'), media_type=item.get('type'))
elif method == 'Player.OnStop':
player = msg.get('params', {}).get('data', {}).get('player', {})
self._post_event(MediaStopEvent, player_id=player.get('playerid'))
elif method == 'Player.OnSeek':
player = msg.get('params', {}).get('data', {}).get('player', {})
position = self._time_obj_to_pos(player.get('seekoffset'))
self._post_event(MediaSeekEvent, position=position, player_id=player.get('playerid'))
elif method == 'Application.OnVolumeChanged':
volume = msg.get('params', {}).get('data', {}).get('volume')
self._post_event(MediaVolumeChangedEvent, volume=volume)
return hndl
def _on_ws_error(self):
def hndl(*args):
error = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else args[0]
self.logger.warning("Kodi websocket connection error: {}".format(error))
return hndl
def _on_ws_close(self):
def hndl(*_):
self._ws = None
self.logger.warning("Kodi websocket connection closed")
return hndl
def _build_result(self, result):
status = self.status().output
status['result'] = result.get('result')
return status, result.get('error')
def play(self, resource, *args, **kwargs):
Open and play the specified file or URL
:param resource: URL or path to the media to be played
youtube_id = self.get_youtube_id(resource)
if youtube_id:
resource = self.get_youtube_url(youtube_id).output
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning('youtube-dl error, falling back to Kodi YouTube plugin: {}'.format(str(e)))
resource = 'plugin://' + youtube_id
if resource.startswith('file://'):
resource = resource[7:]
result = self._get_kodi().Player.Open(item={'file': resource})
if self.volume:
return self._build_result(result)
def pause(self, player_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
Play/pause the current media
if player_id is None:
player_id = self._get_player_id()
if player_id is None:
return None, 'No active players found'
result = self._get_kodi().Player.PlayPause(playerid=player_id)
return self._build_result(result)
def get_active_players(self):
Get the list of active players
result = self._get_kodi().Player.GetActivePlayers()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def get_movies(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get the list of movies on the Kodi server
result = self._get_kodi().VideoLibrary.GetMovies()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def stop(self, player_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
Stop the current media
if player_id is None:
player_id = self._get_player_id()
if player_id is None:
return None, 'No active players found'
result = self._get_kodi().Player.Stop(playerid=player_id)
return self._build_result(result)
def notify(self, title, message, *args, **kwargs):
Send a notification to the Kodi UI
result = self._get_kodi().GUI.ShowNotification(title=title, message=message)
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def left(self, *args, **kwargs):
Simulate a left input event
result = self._get_kodi().Input.Left()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def right(self, *args, **kwargs):
Simulate a right input event
result = self._get_kodi().Input.Right()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def up(self, *args, **kwargs):
Simulate an up input event
result = self._get_kodi().Input.Up()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def down(self, *args, **kwargs):
Simulate a down input event
result = self._get_kodi().Input.Down()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def back_btn(self, *args, **kwargs):
Simulate a back input event
result = self._get_kodi().Input.Back()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def select(self, *args, **kwargs):
Simulate a select input event
result = self._get_kodi().Input.Select()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def send_text(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
Simulate a send_text input event
:param text: Text to send
:type text: str
result = self._get_kodi().Input.SendText(text=text)
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def get_volume(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = self._get_kodi().Application.GetProperties(
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def volup(self, step=10.0, *args, **kwargs):
""" Volume up (default: +10%) """
volume = self._get_kodi().Application.GetProperties(
properties=['volume']).get('result', {}).get('volume')
result = self._get_kodi().Application.SetVolume(volume=int(min(volume+step, 100)))
return self._build_result(result)
def voldown(self, step=10.0, *args, **kwargs):
""" Volume down (default: -10%) """
volume = self._get_kodi().Application.GetProperties(
properties=['volume']).get('result', {}).get('volume')
result = self._get_kodi().Application.SetVolume(volume=int(max(volume-step, 0)))
return self._build_result(result)
def set_volume(self, volume, *args, **kwargs):
Set the application volume
:param volume: Volume to set between 0 and 100
:type volume: int
result = self._get_kodi().Application.SetVolume(volume=int(volume))
return self._build_result(result)
def mute(self, *args, **kwargs):
Mute/unmute the application
muted = self._get_kodi().Application.GetProperties(
properties=['muted']).get('result', {}).get('muted')
result = self._get_kodi().Application.SetMute(mute=(not muted))
return self._build_result(result)
def is_muted(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the muted status of the application
result = self._get_kodi().Application.GetProperties(properties=['muted'])
return result.get('result')
def scan_video_library(self, *args, **kwargs):
Scan the video library
result = self._get_kodi().VideoLibrary.Scan()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def scan_audio_library(self, *args, **kwargs):
Scan the audio library
result = self._get_kodi().AudioLibrary.Scan()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def clean_video_library(self, *args, **kwargs):
Clean the video library
result = self._get_kodi().VideoLibrary.Clean()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def clean_audio_library(self, *args, **kwargs):
Clean the audio library
result = self._get_kodi().AudioLibrary.Clean()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def quit(self, *args, **kwargs):
Quit the application
result = self._get_kodi().Application.Quit()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def get_songs(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get the list of songs in the audio library
result = self._get_kodi().Application.GetSongs()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def get_artists(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get the list of artists in the audio library
result = self._get_kodi().Application.GetArtists()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def get_albums(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get the list of albums in the audio library
result = self._get_kodi().Application.GetAlbums()
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def fullscreen(self, *args, **kwargs):
Set/unset fullscreen mode
fullscreen = self._get_kodi().GUI.GetProperties(
properties=['fullscreen']).get('result', {}).get('fullscreen')
result = self._get_kodi().GUI.SetFullscreen(fullscreen=(not fullscreen))
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def shuffle(self, player_id=None, shuffle=None, *args, **kwargs):
Set/unset shuffle mode
if player_id is None:
player_id = self._get_player_id()
if player_id is None:
return None, 'No active players found'
if shuffle is None:
shuffle = self._get_kodi().Player.GetProperties(
properties=['shuffled']).get('result', {}).get('shuffled')
result = self._get_kodi().Player.SetShuffle(
playerid=player_id, shuffle=(not shuffle))
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def repeat(self, player_id=None, repeat=None, *args, **kwargs):
Set/unset repeat mode
if player_id is None:
player_id = self._get_player_id()
if player_id is None:
return None, 'No active players found'
if repeat is None:
repeat = self._get_kodi().Player.GetProperties(
properties=['repeat']).get('result', {}).get('repeat')
result = self._get_kodi().Player.SetRepeat(
repeat='off' if repeat in ('one','all') else 'off')
return result.get('result'), result.get('error')
def _time_pos_to_obj(t):
hours = int(t/3600)
minutes = int((t - hours*3600)/60)
seconds = t - hours*3600 - minutes*60
milliseconds = t - int(t)
return {
'hours': hours,
'minutes': minutes,
'seconds': seconds,
'milliseconds': milliseconds,
def _time_obj_to_pos(t):
return t.get('hours', 0) * 3600 + t.get('minutes', 0) * 60 + \
t.get('seconds', 0) + t.get('milliseconds', 0)/1000
def seek(self, position, player_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
Move to the specified time position in seconds
:param position: Seek time in seconds
:type position: float
:param player_id: ID of the target player (default: configured/current player).
if player_id is None:
player_id = self._get_player_id()
if player_id is None:
return None, 'No active players found'
position = self._time_pos_to_obj(position)
result = self._get_kodi().Player.Seek(playerid=player_id, value=position)
return self._build_result(result)
def set_position(self, position, player_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
Move to the specified time position in seconds
:param position: Seek time in seconds
:type position: float
:param player_id: ID of the target player (default: configured/current player).
return, player_id=player_id, *args, **kwargs)
def back(self, offset=30, player_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
Move the player execution backward by delta_seconds
:param offset: Backward seek duration (default: 30 seconds)
:type offset: float
:param player_id: ID of the target player (default: configured/current player).
if player_id is None:
player_id = self._get_player_id()
if player_id is None:
return None, 'No active players found'
position = self._get_kodi().Player.GetProperties(
playerid=player_id, properties=['time']).get('result', {}).get('time', {})
position = self._time_obj_to_pos(position)
return, position=position)
def forward(self, offset=30, player_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
Move the player execution forward by delta_seconds
:param offset: Forward seek duration (default: 30 seconds)
:type offset: float
:param player_id: ID of the target player (default: configured/current player).
if player_id is None:
player_id = self._get_player_id()
if player_id is None:
return None, 'No active players found'
position = self._get_kodi().Player.GetProperties(
playerid=player_id, properties=['time']).get('result', {}).get('time', {})
position = self._time_obj_to_pos(position)
return, position=position)
def status(self, player_id=None):
media_props = {
'album': 'album',
'artist': 'artist',
'duration': 'duration',
'fanart': 'fanart',
'file': 'file',
'season': 'season',
'showtitle': 'showtitle',
'streamdetails': 'streamdetails',
'thumbnail': 'thumbnail',
'title': 'title',
'tvshowid': 'tvshowid',
'url': 'file',
app_props = {
'volume': 'volume',
'mute': 'muted',
player_props = {
"duration": "totaltime",
"position": "time",
"repeat": "repeat",
"seekable": "canseek",
'speed': 'speed',
"subtitles": "subtitles",
ret = {'state': PlayerState.IDLE.value}
kodi = self._get_kodi()
players = kodi.Player.GetActivePlayers().get('result', [])
except Exception as e:
self.logger.debug(f'Could not get active players: {str(e)}')
return ret
ret['state'] = PlayerState.STOP.value
app = kodi.Application.GetProperties(properties=list(set(app_props.values()))).get('result', {})
for status_prop, kodi_prop in app_props.items():
ret[status_prop] = app.get(kodi_prop)
if not players:
return ret
if player_id is None:
player_id = players.pop().get('playerid')
for p in players:
if p['player_id'] == player_id:
player_id = p
if player_id is None:
return ret
media = kodi.Player.GetItem(playerid=player_id,
properties=list(set(media_props.values()))).get('result', {}).get('item', {})
for status_prop, kodi_prop in media_props.items():
ret[status_prop] = media.get(kodi_prop)
player_info = kodi.Player.GetProperties(
properties=list(set(player_props.values()))).get('result', {})
for status_prop, kodi_prop in player_props.items():
ret[status_prop] = player_info.get(kodi_prop)
if ret['duration']:
ret['duration'] = self._time_obj_to_pos(ret['duration'])
if ret['position']:
ret['position'] = self._time_obj_to_pos(ret['position'])
ret['state'] = PlayerState.PAUSE.value if player_info.get('speed', 0) == 0 else PlayerState.PLAY.value
return ret
def toggle_subtitles(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_subtitles(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def remove_subtitles(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_playing(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def load(self, resource, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
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