Reto Brunner c574a838fa Remove hard coded bodystruct path everywhere
Aerc usually used the path []int{1} if it didn't know what the proper path is.
However this only works for multipart messages and breaks if it isn't one.

This patch removes all the hard coding and extracts the necessary helpers to lib.
2020-07-27 09:19:27 +02:00

202 lines
4.5 KiB

package msg
import (
gomail "net/mail"
type reply struct{}
func init() {
func (reply) Aliases() []string {
return []string{"reply"}
func (reply) Complete(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) []string {
return nil
func (reply) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
opts, optind, err := getopt.Getopts(args, "aqT:")
if err != nil {
return err
if optind != len(args) {
return errors.New("Usage: reply [-aq -T <template>]")
var (
quote bool
replyAll bool
template string
for _, opt := range opts {
switch opt.Option {
case 'a':
replyAll = true
case 'q':
quote = true
case 'T':
template = opt.Value
widget := aerc.SelectedTab().(widgets.ProvidesMessage)
acct := widget.SelectedAccount()
if acct == nil {
return errors.New("No account selected")
conf := acct.AccountConfig()
us, _ := gomail.ParseAddress(conf.From)
store := widget.Store()
if store == nil {
return errors.New("Cannot perform action. Messages still loading")
msg, err := widget.SelectedMessage()
if err != nil {
return err
acct.Logger().Println("Replying to email " + msg.Envelope.MessageId)
var (
to []string
cc []string
toList []*models.Address
if args[0] == "reply" {
if len(msg.Envelope.ReplyTo) != 0 {
toList = msg.Envelope.ReplyTo
} else {
toList = msg.Envelope.From
for _, addr := range toList {
if addr.Name != "" {
to = append(to, fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s@%s>",
addr.Name, addr.Mailbox, addr.Host))
} else {
to = append(to, fmt.Sprintf("<%s@%s>", addr.Mailbox, addr.Host))
isMainRecipient := func(a *models.Address) bool {
for _, ta := range toList {
if ta.Mailbox == a.Mailbox && ta.Host == a.Host {
return true
return false
if replyAll {
for _, addr := range msg.Envelope.Cc {
//dedupe stuff already in the to: header, no need to repeat
if isMainRecipient(addr) {
cc = append(cc, addr.Format())
for _, addr := range msg.Envelope.To {
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", addr.Mailbox, addr.Host)
if strings.EqualFold(address, us.Address) {
to = append(to, addr.Format())
var subject string
if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(msg.Envelope.Subject), "re: ") {
subject = "Re: " + msg.Envelope.Subject
} else {
subject = msg.Envelope.Subject
defaults := map[string]string{
"To": strings.Join(to, ", "),
"Cc": strings.Join(cc, ", "),
"Subject": subject,
"In-Reply-To": msg.Envelope.MessageId,
original := models.OriginalMail{}
addTab := func() error {
if template != "" {
original.From = models.FormatAddresses(msg.Envelope.From)
original.Date = msg.Envelope.Date
composer, err := widgets.NewComposer(aerc, acct, aerc.Config(),
acct.AccountConfig(), acct.Worker(), template, defaults, original)
if err != nil {
aerc.PushError("Error: " + err.Error())
return err
if args[0] == "reply" {
tab := aerc.NewTab(composer, subject)
composer.OnHeaderChange("Subject", func(subject string) {
if subject == "" {
tab.Name = "New email"
} else {
tab.Name = subject
composer.OnClose(func(c *widgets.Composer) {
store.Answered([]uint32{msg.Uid}, c.Sent(), nil)
return nil
if quote {
if template == "" {
template = aerc.Config().Templates.QuotedReply
part := lib.FindPlaintext(msg.BodyStructure, nil)
if part == nil {
// mkey... let's get the first thing that isn't a container
// if that's still nil it's either not a multipart msg (ok) or
// broken (containers only)
part = lib.FindFirstNonMultipart(msg.BodyStructure, nil)
store.FetchBodyPart(msg.Uid, part, func(reader io.Reader) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
original.Text = buf.String()
if len(msg.BodyStructure.Parts) == 0 {
original.MIMEType = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s",
msg.BodyStructure.MIMEType, msg.BodyStructure.MIMESubType)
} else {
// TODO: still will be "multipart/mixed" for mixed mails with
// attachments, fix this after aerc could handle responding to
// such mails
original.MIMEType = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s",
return nil
} else {
return addTab()