Reto Brunner fc9ccc3000 remove models.Address in favor of go-message Address
We made a new type out of go-message/mail.Address without any real reason.
This suddenly made it necessary to convert from one to the other without actually
having any benefit whatsoever.
This commit gets rid of the additional type
2020-11-14 15:40:13 +01:00

413 lines
9.6 KiB

package format
import (
gomail "net/mail"
func ParseAddress(address string) (*mail.Address, error) {
addrs, err := gomail.ParseAddress(address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return (*mail.Address)(addrs), nil
func ParseAddressList(s string) ([]*mail.Address, error) {
if len(s) == 0 {
// we don't consider an empty list to be an error
return nil, nil
parser := gomail.AddressParser{
list, err := parser.ParseList(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrs := make([]*mail.Address, len(list))
for i, a := range list {
addrs[i] = (*mail.Address)(a)
return addrs, nil
// AddressForHumans formats the address. If the address's name
// contains non-ASCII characters it will be quoted but not encoded.
// Meant for display purposes to the humans, not for sending over the wire.
func AddressForHumans(a *mail.Address) string {
if a.Name != "" {
if atom.MatchString(a.Name) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s>", a.Name, a.Address)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" <%s>",
strings.ReplaceAll(a.Name, "\"", "'"), a.Address)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", a.Address)
var atom *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z0-9!#$%7'*+-/=?^_`{}|~ ]+$")
func FormatAddresses(l []*mail.Address) string {
formatted := make([]string, len(l))
for i, a := range l {
formatted[i] = AddressForHumans(a)
return strings.Join(formatted, ", ")
type Ctx struct {
FromAddress string
AccountName string
MsgNum int
MsgInfo *models.MessageInfo
MsgIsMarked bool
func ParseMessageFormat(format string, timeFmt string, ctx Ctx) (string,
[]interface{}, error) {
retval := make([]byte, 0, len(format))
var args []interface{}
accountFromAddress, err := ParseAddress(ctx.FromAddress)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
envelope := ctx.MsgInfo.Envelope
var c rune
for i, ni := 0, 0; i < len(format); {
ni = strings.IndexByte(format[i:], '%')
if ni < 0 {
ni = len(format)
retval = append(retval, []byte(format[i:ni])...)
ni += i + 1
// Check for fmt flags
if ni == len(format) {
goto handle_end_error
c = rune(format[ni])
if c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '#' || c == ' ' || c == '0' {
// Check for precision and width
if ni == len(format) {
goto handle_end_error
c = rune(format[ni])
for unicode.IsDigit(c) {
c = rune(format[ni])
if c == '.' {
c = rune(format[ni])
for unicode.IsDigit(c) {
c = rune(format[ni])
retval = append(retval, []byte(format[i:ni])...)
// Get final format verb
if ni == len(format) {
goto handle_end_error
c = rune(format[ni])
switch c {
case '%':
retval = append(retval, '%')
case 'a':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
if len(envelope.From) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for sender")
addr := envelope.From[0]
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, addr.Address)
case 'A':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
var addr *mail.Address
if len(envelope.ReplyTo) == 0 {
if len(envelope.From) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for sender or reply-to")
} else {
addr = envelope.From[0]
} else {
addr = envelope.ReplyTo[0]
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, addr.Address)
case 'C':
retval = append(retval, 'd')
args = append(args, ctx.MsgNum)
case 'd':
date := envelope.Date
if date.IsZero() {
date = ctx.MsgInfo.InternalDate
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args,
dummyIfZeroDate(date.Local(), timeFmt))
case 'D':
date := envelope.Date
if date.IsZero() {
date = ctx.MsgInfo.InternalDate
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args,
dummyIfZeroDate(date.Local(), timeFmt))
case 'f':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
if len(envelope.From) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for sender")
addr := AddressForHumans(envelope.From[0])
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, addr)
case 'F':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
if len(envelope.From) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for sender")
addr := envelope.From[0]
var val string
if addr.Name == accountFromAddress.Name && len(envelope.To) != 0 {
addr = envelope.To[0]
if addr.Name != "" {
val = addr.Name
} else {
val = addr.Address
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, val)
case 'g':
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, strings.Join(ctx.MsgInfo.Labels, ", "))
case 'i':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, envelope.MessageId)
case 'n':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
if len(envelope.From) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for sender")
addr := envelope.From[0]
var val string
if addr.Name != "" {
val = addr.Name
} else {
val = addr.Address
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, val)
case 'r':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
addrs := FormatAddresses(envelope.To)
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, addrs)
case 'R':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
addrs := FormatAddresses(envelope.Cc)
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, addrs)
case 's':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, envelope.Subject)
case 't':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
if len(envelope.To) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for recipient")
addr := envelope.To[0]
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, addr.Address)
case 'T':
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, ctx.AccountName)
case 'u':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
if len(envelope.From) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for sender")
addr := envelope.From[0]
mailbox := addr.Address // fallback if there's no @ sign
if split := strings.SplitN(addr.Address, "@", 2); len(split) == 2 {
mailbox = split[1]
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args, mailbox)
case 'v':
if envelope == nil {
return "", nil,
errors.New("no envelope available for this message")
if len(envelope.From) == 0 {
return "", nil,
errors.New("found no address for sender")
addr := envelope.From[0]
// check if message is from current user
if addr.Name != "" {
retval = append(retval, 's')
args = append(args,
strings.Split(addr.Name, " ")[0])
case 'Z':
// calculate all flags
var readReplyFlag = ""
var delFlag = ""
var flaggedFlag = ""
var markedFlag = ""
seen := false
recent := false
answered := false
for _, flag := range ctx.MsgInfo.Flags {
if flag == models.SeenFlag {
seen = true
} else if flag == models.RecentFlag {
recent = true
} else if flag == models.AnsweredFlag {
answered = true
if flag == models.DeletedFlag {
delFlag = "D"
// TODO: check if attachments
if flag == models.FlaggedFlag {
flaggedFlag = "!"
// TODO: check gpg stuff
if seen {
if answered {
readReplyFlag = "r" // message has been replied to
} else {
if recent {
readReplyFlag = "N" // message is new
} else {
readReplyFlag = "O" // message is old
if ctx.MsgIsMarked {
markedFlag = "*"
retval = append(retval, '4', 's')
args = append(args, readReplyFlag+delFlag+flaggedFlag+markedFlag)
// Move the below cases to proper alphabetical positions once
// implemented
case 'l':
// TODO: number of lines in the message
retval = append(retval, 'd')
args = append(args, ctx.MsgInfo.Size)
case 'e':
// TODO: current message number in thread
case 'E':
// TODO: number of messages in current thread
case 'H':
// TODO: spam attribute(s) of this message
case 'L':
// TODO:
case 'X':
// TODO: number of attachments
case 'y':
// TODO: X-Label field
case 'Y':
// TODO: X-Label field and some other constraints
// Just ignore it and print as is
// so %k in index format becomes %%k to Printf
retval = append(retval, '%')
retval = append(retval, byte(c))
i = ni + 1
return string(retval), args, nil
return "", nil,
errors.New("reached end of string while parsing message format")
func dummyIfZeroDate(date time.Time, format string) string {
if date.IsZero() {
return strings.Repeat("?", len(format))
return date.Format(format)