Koni Marti 687c4777b5 store: fix nexprev when filtering
Select the first message with NextPrev when the cursor disappears after
applying a filter where the selected message is not part of. Currently,
the NextPrev would select the last message in the mailbox (like a G

To reproduce:
1) select a message
2) apply a filter where the selected message is not selected
3) move the cursor and it will jump to the last message

Signed-off-by: Koni Marti <>
Acked-by: Robin Jarry <>
2022-08-01 10:37:47 +02:00

856 lines
20 KiB

package lib
import (
// Accesses to fields must be guarded by MessageStore.Lock/Unlock
type MessageStore struct {
Deleted map[uint32]interface{}
DirInfo models.DirectoryInfo
Messages map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo
Sorting bool
// Ordered list of known UIDs
uids []uint32
threads []*types.Thread
selectedUid uint32
reselect *models.MessageInfo
bodyCallbacks map[uint32][]func(*types.FullMessage)
headerCallbacks map[uint32][]func(*types.MessageInfo)
marked map[uint32]struct{}
lastMarked map[uint32]struct{}
visualStartUid uint32
visualMarkMode bool
// Search/filter results
results []uint32
resultIndex int
filter []string
sortCriteria []*types.SortCriterion
threadedView bool
buildThreads bool
builder *ThreadBuilder
// Map of uids we've asked the worker to fetch
onUpdate func(store *MessageStore) // TODO: multiple onUpdate handlers
onFilterChange func(store *MessageStore)
onUpdateDirs func()
pendingBodies map[uint32]interface{}
pendingHeaders map[uint32]interface{}
worker *types.Worker
triggerNewEmail func(*models.MessageInfo)
triggerDirectoryChange func()
threadBuilderDebounce *time.Timer
threadBuilderDelay time.Duration
threadsMutex sync.Mutex
const MagicUid = 0xFFFFFFFF
func NewMessageStore(worker *types.Worker,
dirInfo *models.DirectoryInfo,
defaultSortCriteria []*types.SortCriterion,
thread bool, clientThreads bool, clientThreadsDelay time.Duration,
triggerNewEmail func(*models.MessageInfo),
triggerDirectoryChange func()) *MessageStore {
if !dirInfo.Caps.Thread {
clientThreads = true
return &MessageStore{
Deleted: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
DirInfo: *dirInfo,
Messages: make(map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo),
selectedUid: MagicUid,
marked: make(map[uint32]struct{}),
bodyCallbacks: make(map[uint32][]func(*types.FullMessage)),
headerCallbacks: make(map[uint32][]func(*types.MessageInfo)),
threadedView: thread,
buildThreads: clientThreads,
filter: []string{"filter"},
sortCriteria: defaultSortCriteria,
pendingBodies: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
pendingHeaders: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
worker: worker,
triggerNewEmail: triggerNewEmail,
triggerDirectoryChange: triggerDirectoryChange,
threadBuilderDelay: clientThreadsDelay,
func (store *MessageStore) FetchHeaders(uids []uint32,
cb func(*types.MessageInfo)) {
// TODO: this could be optimized by pre-allocating toFetch and trimming it
// at the end. In practice we expect to get most messages back in one frame.
var toFetch []uint32
for _, uid := range uids {
if _, ok := store.pendingHeaders[uid]; !ok {
toFetch = append(toFetch, uid)
store.pendingHeaders[uid] = nil
if cb != nil {
if list, ok := store.headerCallbacks[uid]; ok {
store.headerCallbacks[uid] = append(list, cb)
} else {
store.headerCallbacks[uid] = []func(*types.MessageInfo){cb}
if len(toFetch) > 0 {
store.worker.PostAction(&types.FetchMessageHeaders{Uids: toFetch}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
switch msg.(type) {
case *types.Error:
for _, uid := range toFetch {
delete(store.pendingHeaders, uid)
delete(store.headerCallbacks, uid)
func (store *MessageStore) FetchFull(uids []uint32, cb func(*types.FullMessage)) {
// TODO: this could be optimized by pre-allocating toFetch and trimming it
// at the end. In practice we expect to get most messages back in one frame.
var toFetch []uint32
for _, uid := range uids {
if _, ok := store.pendingBodies[uid]; !ok {
toFetch = append(toFetch, uid)
store.pendingBodies[uid] = nil
if cb != nil {
if list, ok := store.bodyCallbacks[uid]; ok {
store.bodyCallbacks[uid] = append(list, cb)
} else {
store.bodyCallbacks[uid] = []func(*types.FullMessage){cb}
if len(toFetch) > 0 {
Uids: toFetch,
}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
switch msg.(type) {
case *types.Error:
for _, uid := range toFetch {
delete(store.pendingBodies, uid)
delete(store.bodyCallbacks, uid)
func (store *MessageStore) FetchBodyPart(uid uint32, part []int, cb func(io.Reader)) {
Uid: uid,
Part: part,
}, func(resp types.WorkerMessage) {
msg, ok := resp.(*types.MessageBodyPart)
if !ok {
func merge(to *models.MessageInfo, from *models.MessageInfo) {
if from.BodyStructure != nil {
to.BodyStructure = from.BodyStructure
if from.Envelope != nil {
to.Envelope = from.Envelope
to.Flags = from.Flags
to.Labels = from.Labels
if from.Size != 0 {
to.Size = from.Size
var zero time.Time
if from.InternalDate != zero {
to.InternalDate = from.InternalDate
func (store *MessageStore) Update(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
update := false
directoryChange := false
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *types.DirectoryInfo:
store.DirInfo = *msg.Info
if !msg.SkipSort {
store.Sort(store.sortCriteria, nil)
update = true
case *types.DirectoryContents:
newMap := make(map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo)
for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
if msg, ok := store.Messages[uid]; ok {
newMap[uid] = msg
} else {
newMap[uid] = nil
directoryChange = true
store.Messages = newMap
store.uids = msg.Uids
update = true
case *types.DirectoryThreaded:
var uids []uint32
newMap := make(map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo)
for i := len(msg.Threads) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
msg.Threads[i].Walk(func(t *types.Thread, level int, currentErr error) error {
uid := t.Uid
uids = append([]uint32{uid}, uids...)
if msg, ok := store.Messages[uid]; ok {
newMap[uid] = msg
} else {
newMap[uid] = nil
directoryChange = true
return nil
store.Messages = newMap
store.uids = uids
store.threads = msg.Threads
update = true
case *types.MessageInfo:
if existing, ok := store.Messages[msg.Info.Uid]; ok && existing != nil {
merge(existing, msg.Info)
} else {
if msg.Info.Envelope != nil {
store.Messages[msg.Info.Uid] = msg.Info
seen := false
recent := false
for _, flag := range msg.Info.Flags {
if flag == models.RecentFlag {
recent = true
} else if flag == models.SeenFlag {
seen = true
if !seen && recent {
if _, ok := store.pendingHeaders[msg.Info.Uid]; msg.Info.Envelope != nil && ok {
delete(store.pendingHeaders, msg.Info.Uid)
if cbs, ok := store.headerCallbacks[msg.Info.Uid]; ok {
for _, cb := range cbs {
if store.builder != nil {
update = true
case *types.FullMessage:
if _, ok := store.pendingBodies[msg.Content.Uid]; ok {
delete(store.pendingBodies, msg.Content.Uid)
if cbs, ok := store.bodyCallbacks[msg.Content.Uid]; ok {
for _, cb := range cbs {
delete(store.bodyCallbacks, msg.Content.Uid)
case *types.MessagesDeleted:
if len(store.uids) < len(msg.Uids) {
update = true
toDelete := make(map[uint32]interface{})
for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
toDelete[uid] = nil
delete(store.Messages, uid)
delete(store.Deleted, uid)
delete(store.marked, uid)
uids := make([]uint32, len(store.uids)-len(msg.Uids))
j := 0
for _, uid := range store.uids {
if _, deleted := toDelete[uid]; !deleted && j < len(uids) {
uids[j] = uid
j += 1
store.uids = uids
var newResults []uint32
for _, res := range store.results {
if _, deleted := toDelete[res]; !deleted {
newResults = append(newResults, res)
store.results = newResults
for _, thread := range store.Threads() {
thread.Walk(func(t *types.Thread, _ int, _ error) error {
if _, deleted := toDelete[t.Uid]; deleted {
t.Deleted = true
return nil
update = true
if update {
if directoryChange && store.triggerDirectoryChange != nil {
func (store *MessageStore) OnUpdate(fn func(store *MessageStore)) {
store.onUpdate = fn
func (store *MessageStore) OnFilterChange(fn func(store *MessageStore)) {
store.onFilterChange = fn
func (store *MessageStore) OnUpdateDirs(fn func()) {
store.onUpdateDirs = fn
func (store *MessageStore) update() {
if store.onUpdate != nil {
if store.onUpdateDirs != nil {
if store.BuildThreads() && store.ThreadedView() {
func (store *MessageStore) SetThreadedView(thread bool) {
store.threadedView = thread
if store.buildThreads {
if store.threadedView {
store.Sort(store.sortCriteria, nil)
func (store *MessageStore) Threads() []*types.Thread {
defer store.threadsMutex.Unlock()
return store.threads
func (store *MessageStore) ThreadedView() bool {
return store.threadedView
func (store *MessageStore) BuildThreads() bool {
return store.buildThreads
func (store *MessageStore) runThreadBuilder() {
if store.builder == nil {
store.builder = NewThreadBuilder()
for _, msg := range store.Messages {
if store.threadBuilderDebounce != nil {
if store.threadBuilderDebounce.Stop() {
logging.Infof("thread builder debounced")
store.threadBuilderDebounce = time.AfterFunc(store.threadBuilderDelay, func() {
// temporarily deactiviate the selector in the message list by
// setting SelectedUid to the MagicUid
oldUid := store.SelectedUid()
// Get the current index (we want to stay at that position in
// the updated uid list to provide a similar scrolling
// experience to the user as in the regular view
idx := store.FindIndexByUid(oldUid)
// build new threads
th := store.builder.Threads(store.uids)
// try to select the same index in the updated uid list; if
// index is out of bound, stay at the selected message
rebuildUids := store.builder.Uids()
if idx >= 0 && idx < len(rebuildUids) {
} else {
// save local threads to the message store variable
store.threads = th
// invalidate message list so that it is redrawn with the new
// threads and selected message
if store.onUpdate != nil {
func (store *MessageStore) Delete(uids []uint32,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage)) {
for _, uid := range uids {
store.Deleted[uid] = nil
store.worker.PostAction(&types.DeleteMessages{Uids: uids},
func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
switch msg.(type) {
case *types.Error:
func (store *MessageStore) revertDeleted(uids []uint32) {
for _, uid := range uids {
if _, ok := store.Deleted[uid]; ok {
delete(store.Deleted, uid)
func (store *MessageStore) Copy(uids []uint32, dest string, createDest bool,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage)) {
if createDest {
Directory: dest,
Quiet: true,
}, cb)
Destination: dest,
Uids: uids,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Move(uids []uint32, dest string, createDest bool,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage)) {
for _, uid := range uids {
store.Deleted[uid] = nil
if createDest {
Directory: dest,
Quiet: true,
}, nil) // quiet doesn't return an error, don't want the done cb here
Destination: dest,
Uids: uids,
}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
switch msg.(type) {
case *types.Error:
case *types.Done:
store.Delete(uids, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Flag(uids []uint32, flag models.Flag,
enable bool, cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage)) {
Enable: enable,
Flag: flag,
Uids: uids,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Answered(uids []uint32, answered bool,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage)) {
Answered: answered,
Uids: uids,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Uids() []uint32 {
if store.ThreadedView() && store.builder != nil {
if uids := store.builder.Uids(); len(uids) > 0 {
return uids
return store.uids
func (store *MessageStore) Selected() *models.MessageInfo {
return store.Messages[store.selectedUid]
func (store *MessageStore) SelectedUid() uint32 {
if store.selectedUid == MagicUid && len(store.Uids()) > 0 {
uids := store.Uids()
store.selectedUid = uids[len(uids)-1]
return store.selectedUid
func (store *MessageStore) Select(uid uint32) {
store.selectedUid = uid
// Mark sets the marked state on a MessageInfo
func (store *MessageStore) Mark(uid uint32) {
if store.visualMarkMode {
// visual mode has override, bogus input from user
store.marked[uid] = struct{}{}
// Unmark removes the marked state on a MessageInfo
func (store *MessageStore) Unmark(uid uint32) {
if store.visualMarkMode {
// user probably wanted to clear the visual marking
delete(store.marked, uid)
func (store *MessageStore) Remark() {
store.marked = store.lastMarked
// ToggleMark toggles the marked state on a MessageInfo
func (store *MessageStore) ToggleMark(uid uint32) {
if store.visualMarkMode {
// visual mode has override, bogus input from user
if store.IsMarked(uid) {
} else {
// resetMark removes the marking from all messages
func (store *MessageStore) resetMark() {
store.lastMarked = store.marked
store.marked = make(map[uint32]struct{})
// checkMark checks that no stale uids remain marked
func (store *MessageStore) checkMark() {
for mark := range store.marked {
present := false
for _, uid := range store.uids {
if mark == uid {
present = true
if !present {
delete(store.marked, mark)
//IsMarked checks whether a MessageInfo has been marked
func (store *MessageStore) IsMarked(uid uint32) bool {
_, marked := store.marked[uid]
return marked
//ToggleVisualMark enters or leaves the visual marking mode
func (store *MessageStore) ToggleVisualMark() {
store.visualMarkMode = !store.visualMarkMode
switch store.visualMarkMode {
case true:
// just entered visual mode, reset whatever marking was already done
store.visualStartUid = store.Selected().Uid
store.marked[store.visualStartUid] = struct{}{}
case false:
// visual mode ended, nothing to do
//ClearVisualMark leaves the visual marking mode and resets any marking
func (store *MessageStore) ClearVisualMark() {
store.visualMarkMode = false
store.visualStartUid = 0
// Marked returns the uids of all marked messages
func (store *MessageStore) Marked() []uint32 {
marked := make([]uint32, len(store.marked))
i := 0
for uid := range store.marked {
marked[i] = uid
return marked
func (store *MessageStore) updateVisual() {
if !store.visualMarkMode {
// nothing to do
startIdx := store.visualStartIdx()
if startIdx < 0 {
// something deleted the startuid, abort the marking process
selectedIdx := store.FindIndexByUid(store.SelectedUid())
if selectedIdx < 0 {
var visUids []uint32
if selectedIdx > startIdx {
visUids = store.Uids()[startIdx : selectedIdx+1]
} else {
visUids = store.Uids()[selectedIdx : startIdx+1]
for _, uid := range visUids {
store.marked[uid] = struct{}{}
missing := make([]uint32, 0)
for _, uid := range visUids {
if msg := store.Messages[uid]; msg == nil {
missing = append(missing, uid)
store.FetchHeaders(missing, nil)
func (store *MessageStore) NextPrev(delta int) {
uids := store.Uids()
if len(uids) == 0 {
uid := store.SelectedUid()
newIdx := store.FindIndexByUid(uid)
if newIdx < 0 {
newIdx -= delta
if newIdx >= len(uids) {
newIdx = len(uids) - 1
} else if newIdx < 0 {
newIdx = 0
nextResultIndex := len(store.results) - store.resultIndex - 2*delta
if nextResultIndex < 0 || nextResultIndex >= len(store.results) {
nextResultUid := store.results[nextResultIndex]
if nextResultUid == store.SelectedUid() {
store.resultIndex += delta
func (store *MessageStore) Next() {
func (store *MessageStore) Prev() {
func (store *MessageStore) Search(args []string, cb func([]uint32)) {
Argv: args,
}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *types.SearchResults:
allowedUids := store.Uids()
uids := make([]uint32, 0, len(msg.Uids))
for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
for _, uidCheck := range allowedUids {
if uid == uidCheck {
uids = append(uids, uid)
sort.SortBy(uids, allowedUids)
func (store *MessageStore) ApplySearch(results []uint32) {
store.results = results
store.resultIndex = -1
func (store *MessageStore) SetFilter(args []string) {
store.filter = append(store.filter, args...)
func (store *MessageStore) ApplyClear() {
store.filter = []string{"filter"}
store.results = nil
if store.onFilterChange != nil {
store.Sort(nil, nil)
func (store *MessageStore) nextPrevResult(delta int) {
if len(store.results) == 0 {
store.resultIndex += delta
if store.resultIndex >= len(store.results) {
store.resultIndex = 0
if store.resultIndex < 0 {
store.resultIndex = len(store.results) - 1
func (store *MessageStore) NextResult() {
func (store *MessageStore) PrevResult() {
func (store *MessageStore) ModifyLabels(uids []uint32, add, remove []string,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage)) {
Uids: uids,
Add: add,
Remove: remove,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Sort(criteria []*types.SortCriterion, cb func(types.WorkerMessage)) {
store.sortCriteria = criteria
store.Sorting = true
handle_return := func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
store.Sorting = false
if cb != nil {
if store.threadedView && !store.buildThreads {
SortCriteria: criteria,
FilterCriteria: store.filter,
}, handle_return)
} else {
SortCriteria: criteria,
FilterCriteria: store.filter,
}, handle_return)
func (store *MessageStore) GetCurrentSortCriteria() []*types.SortCriterion {
return store.sortCriteria
// returns the index of needle in haystack or -1 if not found
func (store *MessageStore) visualStartIdx() int {
for idx, u := range store.Uids() {
if u == store.visualStartUid {
return idx
return -1
// FindIndexByUid returns the index in store.Uids() or -1 if not found
func (store *MessageStore) FindIndexByUid(uid uint32) int {
for idx, u := range store.Uids() {
if u == uid {
return idx
return -1
// Capabilities returns a models.Capabilities struct or nil if not available
func (store *MessageStore) Capabilities() *models.Capabilities {
return store.DirInfo.Caps