Koni Marti 588be1a284 store: improve cursor position
Improve cursor re-positioning while filtering with and without threads.
Reposition cursor in client-side threading mode with a callback that is
set during store.NextPrev(). Run callback when the threads are
constructed in order to reposition the cursor correctly. The callback is
deactivated when store.Select() is called.

Steps to reproduce two issues:

* Reproduce issue 1:

1. Activate client-side threading
2. Apply a filter, e.g. :filter -f Koni
3. Move cursor around so that a message is highlighted
4. clear filter with :clear
5. The cursor is expected to remain on the selected message but is
   actually not

* Reproduce issue 2:

1. Activate client-side threading
2. Go the end of the message list
2. Apply a filter, e.g. :filter -f Koni
5. The cursor is now at the end of the filtered results instead of at
   the beginning

This patch fixes both of those issues. Tested in regular and threaded
view according to the following check list (expected behavior in

1. Apply filter from a message that remains in the filter (cursor on message,
   message selected)
2. Apply filter from a message that will not remain (cursor at the top,
   no message selected)
3. Clear filter (cursor remains on message, message selected)
4. Scroll line-by-line (threads: cursor remains on line, does not "jump"
   with message)
5. Search (cursor on first result)

Signed-off-by: Koni Marti <>
Tested-by: Tim Culverhouse <>
2022-08-22 10:01:46 +02:00

733 lines
17 KiB

package lib
import (
// Accesses to fields must be guarded by MessageStore.Lock/Unlock
type MessageStore struct {
Deleted map[uint32]interface{}
DirInfo models.DirectoryInfo
Messages map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo
Sorting bool
// Ordered list of known UIDs
uids []uint32
threads []*types.Thread
selectedUid uint32
bodyCallbacks map[uint32][]func(*types.FullMessage)
// marking
marker marker.Marker
// Search/filter results
results []uint32
resultIndex int
filter []string
sortCriteria []*types.SortCriterion
threadedView bool
buildThreads bool
builder *ThreadBuilder
// Map of uids we've asked the worker to fetch
onUpdate func(store *MessageStore) // TODO: multiple onUpdate handlers
onFilterChange func(store *MessageStore)
onUpdateDirs func()
pendingBodies map[uint32]interface{}
pendingHeaders map[uint32]interface{}
worker *types.Worker
triggerNewEmail func(*models.MessageInfo)
triggerDirectoryChange func()
threadBuilderDebounce *time.Timer
threadBuilderDelay time.Duration
threadCallback func()
// threads mutex protects the store.threads and store.threadCallback
threadsMutex sync.Mutex
const MagicUid = 0xFFFFFFFF
func NewMessageStore(worker *types.Worker,
dirInfo *models.DirectoryInfo,
defaultSortCriteria []*types.SortCriterion,
thread bool, clientThreads bool, clientThreadsDelay time.Duration,
triggerNewEmail func(*models.MessageInfo),
triggerDirectoryChange func(),
) *MessageStore {
if !dirInfo.Caps.Thread {
clientThreads = true
return &MessageStore{
Deleted: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
DirInfo: *dirInfo,
Messages: make(map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo),
selectedUid: MagicUid,
bodyCallbacks: make(map[uint32][]func(*types.FullMessage)),
threadedView: thread,
buildThreads: clientThreads,
filter: []string{"filter"},
sortCriteria: defaultSortCriteria,
pendingBodies: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
pendingHeaders: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
worker: worker,
triggerNewEmail: triggerNewEmail,
triggerDirectoryChange: triggerDirectoryChange,
threadBuilderDelay: clientThreadsDelay,
func (store *MessageStore) FetchHeaders(uids []uint32,
cb func(types.WorkerMessage),
) {
// TODO: this could be optimized by pre-allocating toFetch and trimming it
// at the end. In practice we expect to get most messages back in one frame.
var toFetch []uint32
for _, uid := range uids {
if _, ok := store.pendingHeaders[uid]; !ok {
toFetch = append(toFetch, uid)
store.pendingHeaders[uid] = nil
if len(toFetch) > 0 {
store.worker.PostAction(&types.FetchMessageHeaders{Uids: toFetch}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
if _, ok := msg.(*types.Error); ok {
for _, uid := range toFetch {
delete(store.pendingHeaders, uid)
if cb != nil {
func (store *MessageStore) FetchFull(uids []uint32, cb func(*types.FullMessage)) {
// TODO: this could be optimized by pre-allocating toFetch and trimming it
// at the end. In practice we expect to get most messages back in one frame.
var toFetch []uint32
for _, uid := range uids {
if _, ok := store.pendingBodies[uid]; !ok {
toFetch = append(toFetch, uid)
store.pendingBodies[uid] = nil
if cb != nil {
if list, ok := store.bodyCallbacks[uid]; ok {
store.bodyCallbacks[uid] = append(list, cb)
} else {
store.bodyCallbacks[uid] = []func(*types.FullMessage){cb}
if len(toFetch) > 0 {
Uids: toFetch,
}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
if _, ok := msg.(*types.Error); ok {
for _, uid := range toFetch {
delete(store.pendingBodies, uid)
delete(store.bodyCallbacks, uid)
func (store *MessageStore) FetchBodyPart(uid uint32, part []int, cb func(io.Reader)) {
Uid: uid,
Part: part,
}, func(resp types.WorkerMessage) {
msg, ok := resp.(*types.MessageBodyPart)
if !ok {
func merge(to *models.MessageInfo, from *models.MessageInfo) {
if from.BodyStructure != nil {
to.BodyStructure = from.BodyStructure
if from.Envelope != nil {
to.Envelope = from.Envelope
to.Flags = from.Flags
to.Labels = from.Labels
if from.Size != 0 {
to.Size = from.Size
var zero time.Time
if from.InternalDate != zero {
to.InternalDate = from.InternalDate
func (store *MessageStore) Update(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
update := false
directoryChange := false
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *types.DirectoryInfo:
store.DirInfo = *msg.Info
if !msg.SkipSort {
store.Sort(store.sortCriteria, nil)
update = true
case *types.DirectoryContents:
newMap := make(map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo)
for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
if msg, ok := store.Messages[uid]; ok {
newMap[uid] = msg
} else {
newMap[uid] = nil
directoryChange = true
store.Messages = newMap
store.uids = msg.Uids
update = true
case *types.DirectoryThreaded:
var uids []uint32
newMap := make(map[uint32]*models.MessageInfo)
for i := len(msg.Threads) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
_ = msg.Threads[i].Walk(func(t *types.Thread, level int, currentErr error) error {
uid := t.Uid
uids = append([]uint32{uid}, uids...)
if msg, ok := store.Messages[uid]; ok {
newMap[uid] = msg
} else {
newMap[uid] = nil
directoryChange = true
return nil
store.Messages = newMap
store.uids = uids
store.threads = msg.Threads
update = true
case *types.MessageInfo:
if existing, ok := store.Messages[msg.Info.Uid]; ok && existing != nil {
merge(existing, msg.Info)
} else if msg.Info.Envelope != nil {
store.Messages[msg.Info.Uid] = msg.Info
seen := false
recent := false
for _, flag := range msg.Info.Flags {
if flag == models.RecentFlag {
recent = true
} else if flag == models.SeenFlag {
seen = true
if !seen && recent {
if _, ok := store.pendingHeaders[msg.Info.Uid]; msg.Info.Envelope != nil && ok {
delete(store.pendingHeaders, msg.Info.Uid)
if store.builder != nil {
update = true
case *types.FullMessage:
if _, ok := store.pendingBodies[msg.Content.Uid]; ok {
delete(store.pendingBodies, msg.Content.Uid)
if cbs, ok := store.bodyCallbacks[msg.Content.Uid]; ok {
for _, cb := range cbs {
delete(store.bodyCallbacks, msg.Content.Uid)
case *types.MessagesDeleted:
if len(store.uids) < len(msg.Uids) {
update = true
toDelete := make(map[uint32]interface{})
for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
toDelete[uid] = nil
delete(store.Messages, uid)
delete(store.Deleted, uid)
uids := make([]uint32, len(store.uids)-len(msg.Uids))
j := 0
for _, uid := range store.uids {
if _, deleted := toDelete[uid]; !deleted && j < len(uids) {
uids[j] = uid
j += 1
store.uids = uids
var newResults []uint32
for _, res := range store.results {
if _, deleted := toDelete[res]; !deleted {
newResults = append(newResults, res)
store.results = newResults
for _, thread := range store.Threads() {
_ = thread.Walk(func(t *types.Thread, _ int, _ error) error {
if _, deleted := toDelete[t.Uid]; deleted {
t.Deleted = true
return nil
update = true
if update {
if directoryChange && store.triggerDirectoryChange != nil {
func (store *MessageStore) OnUpdate(fn func(store *MessageStore)) {
store.onUpdate = fn
func (store *MessageStore) OnFilterChange(fn func(store *MessageStore)) {
store.onFilterChange = fn
func (store *MessageStore) OnUpdateDirs(fn func()) {
store.onUpdateDirs = fn
func (store *MessageStore) update() {
if store.onUpdate != nil {
if store.onUpdateDirs != nil {
if store.BuildThreads() && store.ThreadedView() {
func (store *MessageStore) SetThreadedView(thread bool) {
store.threadedView = thread
if store.buildThreads {
if store.threadedView {
} else if store.threadBuilderDebounce != nil {
store.Sort(store.sortCriteria, nil)
func (store *MessageStore) Threads() []*types.Thread {
defer store.threadsMutex.Unlock()
return store.threads
func (store *MessageStore) ThreadedView() bool {
return store.threadedView
func (store *MessageStore) BuildThreads() bool {
return store.buildThreads
func (store *MessageStore) runThreadBuilder() {
if store.builder == nil {
store.builder = NewThreadBuilder()
for _, msg := range store.Messages {
if store.threadBuilderDebounce != nil {
if store.threadBuilderDebounce.Stop() {
logging.Infof("thread builder debounced")
store.threadBuilderDebounce = time.AfterFunc(store.threadBuilderDelay, func() {
// build new threads
th := store.builder.Threads(store.uids)
// save local threads to the message store variable and
// run callback if defined (callback should reposition cursor)
store.threads = th
if store.threadCallback != nil {
// invalidate message list
if store.onUpdate != nil {
// SelectedThread returns the thread with the UID from the selected message
func (store *MessageStore) SelectedThread() *types.Thread {
var thread *types.Thread
for _, root := range store.Threads() {
found := false
err := root.Walk(func(t *types.Thread, _ int, _ error) error {
if t.Uid == store.SelectedUid() {
thread = t
found = true
return nil
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf("SelectedThread failed: %w", err)
if found {
return thread
func (store *MessageStore) Delete(uids []uint32,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage),
) {
for _, uid := range uids {
store.Deleted[uid] = nil
store.worker.PostAction(&types.DeleteMessages{Uids: uids},
func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
if _, ok := msg.(*types.Error); ok {
if _, ok := msg.(*types.Unsupported); ok {
func (store *MessageStore) revertDeleted(uids []uint32) {
for _, uid := range uids {
delete(store.Deleted, uid)
func (store *MessageStore) Copy(uids []uint32, dest string, createDest bool,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage),
) {
if createDest {
Directory: dest,
Quiet: true,
}, cb)
Destination: dest,
Uids: uids,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Move(uids []uint32, dest string, createDest bool,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage),
) {
for _, uid := range uids {
store.Deleted[uid] = nil
if createDest {
Directory: dest,
Quiet: true,
}, nil) // quiet doesn't return an error, don't want the done cb here
Destination: dest,
Uids: uids,
}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
switch msg.(type) {
case *types.Error:
case *types.Done:
store.Delete(uids, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Flag(uids []uint32, flag models.Flag,
enable bool, cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage),
) {
Enable: enable,
Flag: flag,
Uids: uids,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Answered(uids []uint32, answered bool,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage),
) {
Answered: answered,
Uids: uids,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Uids() []uint32 {
if store.ThreadedView() && store.builder != nil {
if uids := store.builder.Uids(); len(uids) > 0 {
return uids
return store.uids
func (store *MessageStore) Selected() *models.MessageInfo {
return store.Messages[store.selectedUid]
func (store *MessageStore) SelectedUid() uint32 {
if store.selectedUid == MagicUid && len(store.Uids()) > 0 {
uids := store.Uids()
store.selectedUid = uids[len(uids)-1]
return store.selectedUid
func (store *MessageStore) Select(uid uint32) {
if store.threadCallback != nil {
store.threadCallback = nil
store.selectedUid = uid
if store.marker != nil {
func (store *MessageStore) NextPrev(delta int) {
uids := store.Uids()
if len(uids) == 0 {
uid := store.SelectedUid()
newIdx := store.FindIndexByUid(uid)
if newIdx < 0 {
newIdx -= delta
if newIdx >= len(uids) {
newIdx = len(uids) - 1
} else if newIdx < 0 {
newIdx = 0
if store.BuildThreads() && store.ThreadedView() {
store.threadCallback = func() {
if uids := store.Uids(); len(uids) > newIdx {
store.selectedUid = uids[newIdx]
if store.marker != nil {
nextResultIndex := len(store.results) - store.resultIndex - 2*delta
if nextResultIndex < 0 || nextResultIndex >= len(store.results) {
nextResultUid := store.results[nextResultIndex]
if nextResultUid == store.SelectedUid() {
store.resultIndex += delta
func (store *MessageStore) Next() {
func (store *MessageStore) Prev() {
func (store *MessageStore) Search(args []string, cb func([]uint32)) {
Argv: args,
}, func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
if msg, ok := msg.(*types.SearchResults); ok {
allowedUids := store.Uids()
uids := make([]uint32, 0, len(msg.Uids))
for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
for _, uidCheck := range allowedUids {
if uid == uidCheck {
uids = append(uids, uid)
sort.SortBy(uids, allowedUids)
func (store *MessageStore) ApplySearch(results []uint32) {
store.results = results
store.resultIndex = -1
func (store *MessageStore) SetFilter(args []string) {
store.filter = append(store.filter, args...)
func (store *MessageStore) ApplyClear() {
store.filter = []string{"filter"}
store.results = nil
if store.onFilterChange != nil {
store.Sort(nil, nil)
func (store *MessageStore) nextPrevResult(delta int) {
if len(store.results) == 0 {
store.resultIndex += delta
if store.resultIndex >= len(store.results) {
store.resultIndex = 0
if store.resultIndex < 0 {
store.resultIndex = len(store.results) - 1
func (store *MessageStore) NextResult() {
func (store *MessageStore) PrevResult() {
func (store *MessageStore) ModifyLabels(uids []uint32, add, remove []string,
cb func(msg types.WorkerMessage),
) {
Uids: uids,
Add: add,
Remove: remove,
}, cb)
func (store *MessageStore) Sort(criteria []*types.SortCriterion, cb func(types.WorkerMessage)) {
store.sortCriteria = criteria
store.Sorting = true
handle_return := func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
store.Sorting = false
if cb != nil {
if store.threadedView && !store.buildThreads {
SortCriteria: criteria,
FilterCriteria: store.filter,
}, handle_return)
} else {
SortCriteria: criteria,
FilterCriteria: store.filter,
}, handle_return)
func (store *MessageStore) GetCurrentSortCriteria() []*types.SortCriterion {
return store.sortCriteria
func (store *MessageStore) SetMarker(m marker.Marker) {
store.marker = m
func (store *MessageStore) Marker() marker.Marker {
if store.marker == nil {
store.marker = marker.New(store)
return store.marker
// FindIndexByUid returns the index in store.Uids() or -1 if not found
func (store *MessageStore) FindIndexByUid(uid uint32) int {
for idx, u := range store.Uids() {
if u == uid {
return idx
return -1
// Capabilities returns a models.Capabilities struct or nil if not available
func (store *MessageStore) Capabilities() *models.Capabilities {
return store.DirInfo.Caps
// SelectedIndex returns the index of the selected message in the uid list or
// -1 if not found
func (store *MessageStore) SelectedIndex() int {
return store.FindIndexByUid(store.selectedUid)