git shortlog -sn is nice but it does not display the number of changed files and the amount of changed lines. $ git shortlog -sn 0.12.0.. 46 Tim Culverhouse 28 Robin Jarry 14 Koni Marti 9 Moritz Poldrack 2 Ben Cohen 2 Bence Ferdinandy 2 Julian Pidancet 2 inwit 1 Jason Cox 1 Jason Stewart 1 John Gebbie 1 Tobias Wölfel 1 kt programs Add a simple bash script that adds extra information: $ ./contrib/ 0.12.0.. Author Commits Changed Files Insertions Deletions Tim Culverhouse 46 134 +973 -1090 Robin Jarry 28 70 +671 -358 Koni Marti 14 47 +437 -205 Moritz Poldrack 9 18 +178 -44 Ben Cohen 2 2 +16 -2 Bence Ferdinandy 2 6 +104 +0 Julian Pidancet 2 9 +149 -2 inwit 2 3 +11 -1 Jason Cox 1 7 +106 -6 Jason Stewart 1 1 +4 -2 John Gebbie 1 3 +118 -1 Tobias Wölfel 1 3 +3 -3 kt programs 1 3 +37 -6 Use the script to generate the release tag and email. Signed-off-by: Robin Jarry <> Acked-on-irc-by: Tim Culverhouse <>
60 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file
60 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file
set -e
echo "======= Determining next version..."
prev_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
next_tag=$(echo $prev_tag | awk -F. -v OFS=. '{$(NF-1) += 1; print}')
read -rp "next tag ($next_tag)? " n
if [ -n "$n" ]; then
echo "======= Creating release commit..."
sed -i Makefile -e "s/$prev_tag/$next_tag/g"
sed -i -e "s|^## \[Unreleased\].*|&\n\n## [$next_tag]($tag_url) - $(date +%Y-%m-%d)|"
git add Makefile
git commit -sm "Release version $next_tag"
echo "======= Creating tag..."
changes=$(sed -n "/^## \[$next_tag\].*/,/^## \[$prev_tag\].*/{//!p;}" \
| | sed '1d;$d;s/^#\+/#/' )
git -c core.commentchar='%' tag --edit --sign \
-m "Release $next_tag highlights:" \
-m "$changes" \
-m "Thanks to all contributors!" \
-m "~\$ contrib/ $prev_tag..$next_tag
$(contrib/ $prev_tag..)" \
echo "======= Pushing to remote..."
git push origin master "$next_tag"
echo "======= Sending release email..."
email=$(mktemp aerc-release-XXXXXXXX.eml)
trap "rm -f -- $email" EXIT
cat >"$email" <<EOF
To: aerc-annouce <~rjarry/>
Cc: aerc-devel <~rjarry/>
Bcc: aerc <~sircmpwn/>,
$(git config <$(git config>
Reply-To: aerc-devel <~rjarry/>
Subject: aerc $next_tag
User-Agent: aerc/$next_tag
Message-ID: <$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).$(base32 -w12 < /dev/urandom | head -n1)@$(hostname)>
Hi all,
I am glad to announce the release of aerc $next_tag.
$(git tag -l --format='%(contents)' "$next_tag" | sed -n '/BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE/q;p')
${EDITOR:-vi} "$email"
/usr/sbin/sendmail -t < "$email"