Robin Jarry ebcd6fcea1 lint: check for bad white space habits
A little coding hygiene cannot hurt. Add a simple awk script to check
all source files for bad white space habits:

- trailing white space
- trailing new lines at the end of files
- missing new line at the end of files
- spaces followed by tabs

The script outputs color when the terminal supports it. It exits with
a non-zero code when there was at least one white space issue found.
Call the script in the lint step.

Example output of the awk script:

 config/default_styleset:1:# <-- trailing whitespace
 config/default_styleset:3:# <-- trailing whitespace
 doc/aerc.1.scd:78:        Executes an arbitrary command in the background. Aerc will set the <-- trailing whitespace
 doc/aerc.1.scd:234:        <-- trailing whitespace
 doc/aerc.1.scd:237:        <-- trailing whitespace
 worker/types/thread_test.go:74:        //         return ErrSkipThread<-- space(s) followed by tab(s)
 worker/lib/testdata/message/invalid/hexa: trailing new line(s)

Fix issues reported by the script.

NB: The ENDFILE match is a GNU extension. It will be ignored on BSD-awk
and trailing new lines will not be detected. The lint make target is
only invoked on alpine linux which has GNU awk anyway.

NB: Empty cells in scdoc tables require trailing white space... Avoid
this by setting content in these cells. I don't really see a use for
empty cells.

Signed-off-by: Robin Jarry <>
Tested-by: Moritz Poldrack <>
2022-10-19 10:19:19 +02:00

106 lines
2.1 KiB

package types
import (
func genFakeTree() *Thread {
tree := &Thread{
Uid: 0,
var prevChild *Thread
for i := 1; i < 3; i++ {
child := &Thread{
Uid: uint32(i * 10),
Parent: tree,
PrevSibling: prevChild,
if prevChild != nil {
prevChild.NextSibling = child
} else if tree.FirstChild == nil {
tree.FirstChild = child
} else {
prevChild = child
var prevSecond *Thread
for j := 1; j < 3; j++ {
second := &Thread{
Uid: child.Uid + uint32(j),
Parent: child,
PrevSibling: prevSecond,
if prevSecond != nil {
prevSecond.NextSibling = second
} else if child.FirstChild == nil {
child.FirstChild = second
} else {
prevSecond = second
var prevThird *Thread
limit := 3
if j == 2 {
limit = 8
for k := 1; k < limit; k++ {
third := &Thread{
Uid: second.Uid*10 + uint32(k),
Parent: second,
PrevSibling: prevThird,
if prevThird != nil {
prevThird.NextSibling = third
} else if second.FirstChild == nil {
second.FirstChild = third
} else {
prevThird = third
return tree
func TestNewWalk(t *testing.T) {
tree := genFakeTree()
var prefix []string
lastLevel := 0
tree.Walk(func(t *Thread, lvl int, e error) error {
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: %v\n", e)
if lvl > lastLevel && lvl > 1 {
// we actually just descended... so figure out what connector we need
// level 1 is flush to the root, so we avoid the indentation there
if t.Parent.NextSibling != nil {
prefix = append(prefix, "│ ")
} else {
prefix = append(prefix, " ")
} else if lvl < lastLevel {
// ascended, need to trim the prefix layers
diff := lastLevel - lvl
prefix = prefix[:len(prefix)-diff]
var arrow string
if t.Parent != nil {
if t.NextSibling != nil {
arrow = "├─>"
} else {
arrow = "└─>"
// format
fmt.Printf("%s%s%s\n", strings.Join(prefix, ""), arrow, t)
lastLevel = lvl
return nil