Fix charset to UTF-8 in part attachments. The forward and recall commands fetch message parts with the go-message package which decodes to UTF-8. Hence, we should set the charset of the part attachment to utf-8 and not just copying over the one from the original message. Reported-by: Bence Ferdinandy <> Signed-off-by: Koni Marti <> Acked-by: Robin Jarry <>
215 lines
4.9 KiB
215 lines
4.9 KiB
package msg
import (
type forward struct{}
func init() {
func (forward) Aliases() []string {
return []string{"forward"}
func (forward) Complete(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) []string {
return nil
func (forward) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
opts, optind, err := getopt.Getopts(args, "AFT:")
if err != nil {
return err
attachAll := false
attachFull := false
template := ""
for _, opt := range opts {
switch opt.Option {
case 'A':
attachAll = true
case 'F':
attachFull = true
case 'T':
template = opt.Value
if attachAll && attachFull {
return errors.New("Options -A and -F are mutually exclusive")
widget := aerc.SelectedTabContent().(widgets.ProvidesMessage)
acct := widget.SelectedAccount()
if acct == nil {
return errors.New("No account selected")
store := widget.Store()
if store == nil {
return errors.New("Cannot perform action. Messages still loading")
msg, err := widget.SelectedMessage()
if err != nil {
return err
logging.Infof("Forwarding email %s", msg.Envelope.MessageId)
h := &mail.Header{}
subject := "Fwd: " + msg.Envelope.Subject
var tolist []*mail.Address
to := strings.Join(args[optind:], ", ")
if strings.Contains(to, "@") {
tolist, err = mail.ParseAddressList(to)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid to address(es): %w", err)
if len(tolist) > 0 {
h.SetAddressList("to", tolist)
original := models.OriginalMail{
From: format.FormatAddresses(msg.Envelope.From),
Date: msg.Envelope.Date,
RFC822Headers: msg.RFC822Headers,
addTab := func() (*widgets.Composer, error) {
composer, err := widgets.NewComposer(aerc, acct, aerc.Config(),
acct.AccountConfig(), acct.Worker(), template, h, original)
if err != nil {
aerc.PushError("Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, err
tab := aerc.NewTab(composer, subject)
if !h.Has("to") {
} else {
composer.OnHeaderChange("Subject", func(subject string) {
if subject == "" {
tab.Name = "New email"
} else {
tab.Name = subject
return composer, nil
if attachFull {
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "aerc-tmp-attachment")
if err != nil {
return err
tmpFileName := path.Join(tmpDir,
strings.ReplaceAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s.eml", msg.Envelope.Subject), "/", "-"))
store.FetchFull([]uint32{msg.Uid}, func(fm *types.FullMessage) {
tmpFile, err := os.Create(tmpFileName)
if err != nil {
logging.Warnf("failed to create temporary attachment: %v", err)
_, err = addTab()
if err != nil {
logging.Warnf("failed to add tab: %v", err)
defer tmpFile.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(tmpFile, fm.Content.Reader)
if err != nil {
logging.Warnf("failed to write to tmpfile: %v", err)
composer, err := addTab()
if err != nil {
composer.OnClose(func(_ *widgets.Composer) {
} else {
if template == "" {
template = aerc.Config().Templates.Forwards
part := lib.FindPlaintext(msg.BodyStructure, nil)
if part == nil {
part = lib.FindFirstNonMultipart(msg.BodyStructure, nil)
// if it's still nil here, we don't have a multipart msg, that's fine
err = addMimeType(msg, part, &original)
if err != nil {
return err
store.FetchBodyPart(msg.Uid, part, func(reader io.Reader) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
for scanner.Scan() {
buf.WriteString(scanner.Text() + "\n")
original.Text = buf.String()
// create composer
composer, err := addTab()
if err != nil {
// add attachments
if attachAll {
var mu sync.Mutex
parts := lib.FindAllNonMultipart(msg.BodyStructure, nil, nil)
for _, p := range parts {
if lib.EqualParts(p, part) {
bs, err := msg.BodyStructure.PartAtIndex(p)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf("cannot get PartAtIndex %v: %v", p, err)
store.FetchBodyPart(msg.Uid, p, func(reader io.Reader) {
mime := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", bs.MIMEType, bs.MIMESubType)
params := lib.SetUtf8Charset(bs.Params)
name, ok := params["name"]
if !ok {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%d", bs.MIMEType, bs.MIMESubType, rand.Uint64())
composer.AddPartAttachment(name, mime, params, reader)
return nil