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2010-05-19 03:21:35 +02:00
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: main.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 17/05/2010 09:22:25
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: BlackLight (, <>
* Company: lulz
* =====================================================================================
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "csp++.h"
// Yes, I know it looks stupid, but ask C++ standard developers about this.
// C++ can't expand template class code until a type is explicitely specified.
// This is nearly like not using templates at all, but join me in asking C++
// compilers developers to massively allow the export keyword and change the
// way templates are managed. Until that moment, you must always include the
// .cpp file of the library inside your source code as well, and specify later
// the types you're going to use this template class for
#include "csp++.cpp"
using namespace std;
typedef enum {
I, CH, A, D, F, E, P, B, L, NL, DK
} Country;
typedef enum {
red, green, blue, yellow
} Colour;
// We're going to specify the types we'll use the CSP class for. in our case,
// the CSP will manage the colours of the countries
template class CSP<Colour>;
#define COUNTRIES 11
#define COLOURS 4
static const char* countries[COUNTRIES] = {
"Italy", "Switz.", "Austria", "Germany", "France", "Spain", "Portugal", "Belgium", "Luxemb.", "Holland", "Denmark"
static const char* colours[COLOURS] = {
"red", "green", "blue", "yellow"
* Constraint function, it expresses the logic of the constraint. In our case,
* the adjoining countries must have different colours. Each colours condition
* is verified only if both the values have been set ("fixed" field in CSPvariable
* structure), in our case by the user, in order to avoid an inconstistent CSP
* from random values found inside of the variables before the initialization
c ( std::vector< CSPvariable<Colour> > variables) {
return (
( !(variables[I] .fixed || variables[CH].fixed) || (variables[I] .value != variables[CH].value) ) &&
( !(variables[I] .fixed || variables[A] .fixed) || (variables[I] .value != variables[A] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[I] .fixed || variables[F] .fixed) || (variables[I] .value != variables[F] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[A] .fixed || variables[CH].fixed) || (variables[A] .value != variables[CH].value) ) &&
( !(variables[A] .fixed || variables[D] .fixed) || (variables[A] .value != variables[D] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[CH].fixed || variables[D] .fixed) || (variables[CH].value != variables[D] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[CH].fixed || variables[F] .fixed) || (variables[CH].value != variables[F] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[D] .fixed || variables[F] .fixed) || (variables[D] .value != variables[F] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[E] .fixed || variables[F] .fixed) || (variables[E] .value != variables[F] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[E] .fixed || variables[P] .fixed) || (variables[E] .value != variables[P] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[B] .fixed || variables[F] .fixed) || (variables[B] .value != variables[F] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[B] .fixed || variables[D] .fixed) || (variables[B] .value != variables[D] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[B] .fixed || variables[NL].fixed) || (variables[B] .value != variables[NL].value) ) &&
( !(variables[B] .fixed || variables[L] .fixed) || (variables[B] .value != variables[L] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[L] .fixed || variables[F] .fixed) || (variables[L] .value != variables[F] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[L] .fixed || variables[D] .fixed) || (variables[L] .value != variables[D] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[NL].fixed || variables[D] .fixed) || (variables[NL].value != variables[D] .value) ) &&
( !(variables[DK].fixed || variables[D] .fixed) || (variables[DK].value != variables[D] .value) )
* FUNCTION: printDomain
* Given the CSP and the index of the variable, prints its allowed domain
printDomain (CSP<Colour> csp, int variable)
cout << "[ ";
for ( size_t i=0; i < csp.getDomain(variable).size(); i++ ) {
cout << colours[csp.getDomain(variable)[i]];
if ( i < csp.getDomain(variable).size() - 1 )
cout << ", ";
cout << " ]";
* FUNCTION: printDomains
* Given the CSP, prints the domains of all the variables
printDomains (CSP<Colour> csp)
for ( size_t i=0; i < csp.getSize(); i++) {
cout << "Domain for variable '" << countries[i] << "':\t";
printDomain(csp, i);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
if (csp.isSatisfiable()) {
cout << "The CSP has a solution\n";
if (csp.hasUniqueSolution())
cout << "The solution is unique\n";
} else
cout << "The CSP does not have a solution\n";
* FUNCTION: getIndexByColour
* Given a colour as string, it picks up the associated index,
* if the colour exists in the list, otherwise it throws an
* evil exception
getIndexByColour ( const char* colour )
for ( size_t i=0; i < COLOURS; i++ ) {
if (!strcmp(colours[i], colour))
return i;
throw 666;
* Given the CSP, the index of a variable and a value, it checks
* if the given value is consistent to the domain of that variable
valueOK ( CSP<Colour> csp, size_t variable, Colour value ) {
for ( size_t i=0; i < csp.getDomain(variable).size(); i++ ) {
if (csp.getDomain(variable)[i] == value)
return true;
return false;
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
vector<Colour> domain;
// Create the domain containing all the allowed colours
for ( int i=0; i < COLOURS; i++)
domain.push_back((Colour) i);
// The CSP will contain as many variables as the number of countries,
// applying the logical constraint specified in "c" function
CSP<Colour> csp(COUNTRIES, c);
// Set the domain for the variables
for ( size_t i=0; i < COUNTRIES; i++ )
csp.setDomain(i, domain);
// Repeat until we don't find a unique solution for the CSP
while (!csp.hasUniqueSolution()) {
for ( size_t i=0; i < COUNTRIES && !csp.hasUniqueSolution(); i++ ) {
bool satisfiable = true;
// If a variable has an empty domain, something went wrong
// if (csp.getDomain(i).size() == 0) {
// cout << "No values left for country " << countries[i]
// << ", the domain was probably too small (few colours) or the problem is unsatisfiable\n";
// return EXIT_FAILURE;
// }
// If a variable has a domain containing an only element,
// just choose it without annoying the user
if (csp.getDomain(i).size() == 1) {
cout << "Setting colour " << colours[csp.getDomain(i)[0]] << " for " << countries[i] << endl;
csp.setValue( i, csp.getDomain(i)[0] );
// Repeat the loop until the user inserts a valid colour for the CSP
do {
bool found;
size_t col_index;
// Repeat the loop until the users inserts a colour in the list
do {
string colour;
cout << "Insert a colour for country '" << countries[i] << "' between " << endl << "\t";
printDomain(csp, i);
cout << ": ";
getline (cin, colour);
try {
col_index = getIndexByColour(colour.c_str());
found = true;
catch (int e) {
cout << "Invalid input, please try again\n";
found = false;
} while (!found);
// Check if the inserted colour is valid for the domain of the variable
satisfiable = valueOK(csp, i, (Colour) col_index);
if (!satisfiable) {
cout << "You made an invalid choice according to the current constraints, please try again\n";
} else {
csp.setValue(i, (Colour) col_index);
} while (!satisfiable);
cout << endl;