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2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* LibNeural++ v.0.2 - All-purpose library for managing neural networks *
* Copyright (C) 2009, BlackLight *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the *
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with *
* this program. If not, see <>. *
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error "This is a C++ library, you know, so you'd better use a C++ compiler to compile it"
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
#ifndef __NEURALPP
#define __NEURALPP
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include "neural++_exception.hpp"
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
using namespace std;
namespace neuralpp {
//! Default rand value: |sin(rand)|, always >= 0 and <= 1
#define RAND ( (double) abs( sinf((double) rand()) ) )
//! Initial value for the inertial momentum of the synapses
#define BETA0 0.7
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
class Synapsis;
class Neuron;
class Layer;
class NeuralNet;
class NetworkFileNotFoundException;
class InvalidXMLException;
* @class NeuralNet
* @brief Main project's class. Use *ONLY* this class, unless you know what you're doing
class NeuralNet {
int epochs;
int ref_epochs;
double l_rate;
double ex;
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
Layer* input;
Layer* hidden;
Layer* output;
* @brief It updates the weights of the net's synapsis through back-propagation.
* In-class use only
void updateWeights();
* @brief It commits the changes made by updateWeights() to the layer l.
* In-class use only
* @param l Layer to commit the changes
void commitChanges (Layer *l);
* @brief It get the error made on the expected result as |v-v'|/v
* @param Expected value
* @return Mean error
double error(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
double (*actv_f)(double);
double (*deriv)(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Enum to choose the eventual training source for our network (XML from a file or from a string)
typedef enum { file, str } source;
NeuralNet() {}
* @brief Constructor
* @param in_size Size of the input layer
* @param hidden_size Size of the hidden layer
* @param out_size Size of the output layer
* @param l learn rate (get it after doing some experiments, but generally try to
* keep its value quite low to be more accurate)
* @param e Epochs (cycles) to execute (the most you execute, the most the network
* can be accurate for its purpose)
NeuralNet (size_t, size_t, size_t, double, int);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Constructor
* @param file Binary file containing a neural network previously saved by save() method
* @throw NetworkFileNotFoundException
NeuralNet (const char*) throw();
* @brief Constructor
* @param in_size Size of the input layer
* @param hidden_size Size of the hidden layer
* @param out_size Size of the output layer
* @param actv Activation function to use (default: f(x)=x)
* @param deriv Derivate for the activation function to use (default: f'(x)=1)
* @param l learn rate (get it after doing some experiments, but generally try to
* keep its value quite low to be more accurate)
* @param e Epochs (cycles) to execute (the most you execute, the most the network
* can be accurate for its purpose)
NeuralNet (size_t, size_t, size_t, double(*)(double), double(*)(double), double, int);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It gets the output of the network (note: the layer output should contain
* an only neuron)
double getOutput();
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It gets the output of the network in case the output layer contains more neurons
vector<double> getVectorOutput();
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It gets the value expected. Of course you should specify this when you
* build your network by using setExpected.
double expected();
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It sets the value you expect from your network
void setExpected(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It updates through back-propagation the weights of the synapsis and
* computes again the output value for <i>epochs</i> times, calling back
* updateWeights and commitChanges functions
void update();
* @brief It propagates values through the network. Use this when you want to give
* an already trained network some new values the get to the output
void propagate();
* @brief It sets the input for the network
* @param v Vector of doubles, containing the values to give to your network
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
void setInput (vector<double>&);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It links the layers of the network (input, hidden, output). Don't use unless
* you exactly know what you're doing, it is already called by the constructor
void link();
* @brief Save a trained neural network to a binary file
bool save(const char*);
* @brief Train a network using a training set loaded from an XML file. A sample XML file
* is available in examples/adder.xml
* @param xml XML file containing our training set
* @param src Source type from which the XML will be loaded (from a file [default] or from a string)
* @throw InvalidXMLException
void train(string, source) throw();
* @brief Initialize the training XML for the neural network
* @param xml String that will contain the XML
static void initXML (string&);
* @brief Splits a string into a vector of doubles, given a delimitator
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @param delim Delimitator
* @param str String to be splitted
* @return Vector of doubles containing splitted values
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
static vector<double> split (char, string);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Get a training set from a string and copies it to an XML
* For example, these strings could be training sets for making sums:
* "2,3;5" - "5,6;11" - "2,2;4" - "4,5:9"
* This method called on the first string will return an XML such this:
* '&lt;training id="0"&gt;&lt;input id="0"&gt;2&lt;/input&gt;&lt;input id="1"&gt;3&lt;/input&gt;&lt;output id="0"&gt;5&lt;/output&gt;
* &lt/training&gt;'
* @param id ID for the given training set (0,1,..,n)
* @param set String containing input values and expected outputs
* @return XML string
static string XMLFromSet (int, string);
* @brief Closes an open XML document generated by "initXML" and "XMLFromSet"
* @param XML string to be closed
static void closeXML(string&);
* @class Synapsis
* @brief Class for managing synapsis. Don't use this class directly unless you know what
* you're doing, use NeuralNet instead
class Synapsis {
double delta;
double prev_delta;
double weight;
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
Neuron *in;
Neuron *out;
double (*actv_f)(double);
double (*deriv)(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Constructor
* @param i Input neuron
* @param o Output neuron
* @param w Weight for the synapsis
* @param d Delta for the synapsis
Synapsis(Neuron* i, Neuron* o, double w, double d);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Constructor
* @param i Input neuron
* @param o Output neuron
* @param a Activation function
* @param d Derivate for activation function
Synapsis (Neuron* i, Neuron* o, double(*a)(double), double(*d)(double));
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Constructor
* @param i Input neuron
* @param o Output neuron
* @param w Weight for the synapsis (default: random)
* @param a Activation function
* @param d Derivate for activation function
Synapsis (Neuron* i, Neuron* o,
double w, double(*a)(double), double(*d)(double));
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @return Reference to input neuron of the synapsis
Neuron* getIn();
* @return Reference to output neuron of the synapsis
Neuron* getOut();
* @brief It sets the weight of the synapsis
void setWeight(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It sets the delta (how much to change the weight after an update)
* of the synapsis
void setDelta(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @return Weight of the synapsis
double getWeight();
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @return Delta of the synapsis
double getDelta();
* @brief Get the delta of the synapsis at the previous iteration
* @return The previous delta
double getPrevDelta();
* @brief Get the inertial momentum of a synapsis. This value is inversely proportional
* to the number of steps done in the learning phase (quite high at the beginning, decreasing
* to zero towards the end of the learning algorithm), and is needed to avoid strong
* oscillations in output values at the beginning, caused by the random values assigned to
* the synaptical weights
* @param N The number of iterations the network must have to adjust the output values
* @param x The number of iterations already taken
* @return The inertial momentum of the synapsis
double momentum (int N, int x);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @class Neuron
* @brief Class for managing neurons. Don't use this class directly unless you know what
* you're doing, use NeuralNet instead
class Neuron {
double actv_val;
double prop_val;
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
vector< Synapsis > in;
vector< Synapsis > out;
double (*actv_f)(double);
double (*deriv)(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Constructor
* @param a Activation function
* @param d Its derivate
Neuron (double (*)(double), double(*)(double));
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Alternative constructor, that gets also the synapsis linked to the neuron
Neuron (vector< Synapsis >, vector< Synapsis >, double (*)(double), double(*)(double));
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Gets the i-th synapsis connected on the input of the neuron
Synapsis& synIn (size_t i);
* @brief Gets the i-th synapsis connected on the output of the neuron
Synapsis& synOut (size_t i);
* @brief It pushes a new input synapsis
void push_in (Synapsis&);
* @brief It pushes a new output synapsis
void push_out (Synapsis&);
* @brief Change the activation value of the neuron
void setActv (double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Change the propagation value of the neuron
void setProp (double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It gets the activation value of the neuron
double getActv();
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It gets the propagation value of the neuron
double getProp();
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It propagates its activation value to the connected neurons
double propagate();
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @return Number of input synapsis
size_t nIn();
* @return Number of output synapsis
size_t nOut();
* @brief Remove input and output synapsis from a neuron
void synClear() { in.clear(); out.clear(); }
* @class Layer
* @brief Class for managing layers of neurons. Don't use this class directly unless you know what
* you're doing, use NeuralNet instead
class Layer {
vector< Neuron > elements;
void (*update_weights)();
double (*actv_f)(double);
double (*deriv)(double);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Constructor
* @param sz Size of the layer
* @param a Activation function
* @param d Its derivate
Layer (size_t sz, double (*a)(double), double(*d)(double));
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Alternative constructor. It directly gets a vector of neurons to build
* the layer
Layer (vector< Neuron >&, double(*a)(double), double(*d)(double));
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief Redefinition for operator []. It gets the neuron at <i>i</i>
Neuron& operator[] (size_t);
* @brief It links a layer to another
* @param l Layer to connect to the current as input layer
void link (Layer&);
* @brief It sets a vector of propagation values to all its neurons
* @param v Vector of values to write as propagation values
void setProp (vector<double>&);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It sets a vector of activation values to all its neurons
* @param v Vector of values to write as activation values
void setActv (vector<double>&);
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
* @brief It propagates its activation values to the output layers
void propagate();
* @return Number of neurons in the layer
size_t size();
struct netrecord {
int input_size;
int hidden_size;
int output_size;
int epochs;
double l_rate;
double ex;
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
struct neuronrecord {
double prop;
double actv;
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00
struct synrecord {
double w;
double d;
2009-02-18 00:12:03 +01:00