
297 lines
8.4 KiB

import browser from 'webextension-polyfill';
// Parse a feed, given as a DOM element
const parseFeed = (feed: Element, url: string | null) => {
if (feed.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'channel')
return parseRSSFeed(feed, url)
return parseAtomFeed(feed, url)
// Parse an RSS feed
const parseRSSFeed = (feed: Element, url: string | null) => {
const imageElement = feed.getElementsByTagName('image')[0]
return {
feedData: {
title: getNodeContent(feed, 'title'),
description: getNodeContent(feed, 'description'),
feedUrl: url?.length ? url : window.location.href,
homeUrl: getNodeContent(feed, 'link'),
image: imageElement ? {
title: getNodeContent(imageElement, 'title'),
imageUrl: getNodeContent(imageElement, 'url'),
targetUrl: getNodeContent(imageElement, 'link'),
} : null,
html: {
title: false,
description: false,
items: Array.from(feed.getElementsByTagName('item')).map((item) => {
return {
title: getNodeContent(item, 'title'),
description: getNodeContent(item, 'description'),
url: getNodeContent(item, 'link'),
image: parseRSSItemImage(item),
pubDate: getNodeContent(item, 'pubDate'),
age: pubDateToInterval(getNodeContent(item, 'pubDate'),),
categories: Array.from(item.getElementsByTagName('category')).map((cat) =>
html: {
title: false,
}).sort((a, b) => itemTime(b) - itemTime(a))
// Parse an Atom feed
const parseAtomFeed = (feed: Element, url: string | null) => {
const homeURL = getAtomLinksByType(feed, 'text/html')?.[0]
const logoURL = toAbsoluteURL(getNodeContent(feed, 'logo'))
const iconURL = toAbsoluteURL(getNodeContent(feed, 'icon'))
return {
feedData: {
title: getNodeContent(feed, 'title'),
description: getNodeContent(feed, 'subtitle'),
feedUrl: url?.length ? url : window.location.href,
homeUrl: homeURL,
image: {
imageUrl: logoURL || iconURL,
targetUrl: homeURL,
html: {
title: feed.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]?.getAttribute('type') === 'html',
description: feed.getElementsByTagName('subtitle')[0]?.getAttribute('type') === 'html',
items: Array.from(feed.getElementsByTagName('entry')).map((item) => {
return {
title: getNodeContent(item, 'title'),
description: getNodeContent(item, 'content') || getNodeContent(item, 'summary'),
url: getAtomLinksByType(item, 'text/html')?.[0],
image: getAtomLinksByType(item, 'image/')?.[0],
pubDate: getNodeContent(item, 'updated'),
age: pubDateToInterval(getNodeContent(item, 'updated')),
categories: Array.from(item.getElementsByTagName('category')).map((cat) =>
html: {
title: item.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]?.getAttribute('type') === 'html',
}).sort((a, b) => itemTime(b) - itemTime(a))
// Convert relative URLs to absolute
const toAbsoluteURL = (link: string | null): string | null => {
if (link?.length && !link.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
let port = window.location.port
if (port.length)
port = `:${port}`
link = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}${port}${link}`
return link
// Get the raw text content of an XML node
const getNodeContent = (parent: Element, tagName: string) =>
// @ts-ignore
// Extract the publication time of an item as a timestamp
const itemTime = (item: {pubDate: string}) => {
const dateStr = item.pubDate
if (!dateStr?.length)
return 0
return (new Date(dateStr)).getTime()
// Convert the publication date to an age string
const pubDateToInterval = (dateStr: string) => {
if (!dateStr?.length)
// @ts-ignore
let interval = ((new Date()) - (new Date(dateStr))) / 1000
let unit = 'seconds'
if (interval >= 60) {
interval /= 60
unit = 'minutes'
if (unit == 'minutes' && interval >= 60) {
interval /= 60
unit = 'hours'
if (unit == 'hours' && interval >= 24) {
interval /= 24
unit = 'days'
if (unit == 'days' && interval >= 30) {
interval /= 30
unit = 'months'
return `${interval.toFixed(0)} ${unit}`
// Extract the main image of an RSS item
const parseRSSItemImage = (item: Element) => {
const images =
.filter((content) =>
(content.getAttribute('type') || '').startsWith('image/') ||
content.getAttribute('medium') === 'image'
if (!images.length)
const { url } = images.reduce((maxImage, content) => {
const width = parseFloat(content.getAttribute('width') || '0')
if (width > maxImage.width) {
maxImage.url = content.getAttribute('url') || ''
maxImage.width = width
return maxImage
}, {
width: parseFloat(images[0].getAttribute('width') || '0'),
url: images[0].getAttribute('url'),
return {
url: url
// Get the <link> HREFs of an Atom element
const getAtomLinksByType = (parent: Element, type: string): Array<string> => {
// @ts-ignore
return Array.from(parent.children).
(e) =>
e.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'link' &&
(e.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase().startsWith(type.toLowerCase()) &&
(e.getAttribute('href') || '').length > 0
map((e) => toAbsoluteURL(e.getAttribute('href'))).
filter((l) => l != null)
// Get the RSS/Atom root element of the current page, if available
const getFeedRoot = (): HTMLElement | null => {
const xmlDoc = document.documentElement
// Check if it's an RSS feed
if (xmlDoc.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'rss')
return xmlDoc
// Check if it's an Atom feed
if (xmlDoc.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'feed')
return xmlDoc
// Chrome-based browsers may wrap the XML into an HTML view
const webkitSource = document.getElementById('webkit-xml-viewer-source-xml')
if (webkitSource)
return webkitSource
// For some ugly reasons, some RSS feeds are rendered inside of a <pre> in a normal HTML DOM
const preElements = document.getElementsByTagName('pre')
if (preElements.length !== 1)
return null
return preElements[0]
// Convert an XML string to a DOM object if it's a valid feed
const textToDOM = (text: string) => {
const parser = new DOMParser()
let xmlDoc = null
try {
// @ts-ignore
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/xml')
} catch (e) { }
if (!xmlDoc)
// @ts-ignore
const root = xmlDoc.documentElement
if (
root.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'rss' ||
root.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'feed'
return root
// Render a feed. It accepts an XML string as an argument.
// If not passed, it will try to render any feeds on the current page.
const renderFeed = (text: string, url: string | null) => {
const xmlDoc = text?.length ? textToDOM(text) : getFeedRoot()
if (!xmlDoc)
// Not a feed
// Check if it's an RSS feed
let feed = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('channel')[0]
if (!feed) {
// Check if it's an Atom feed
if (xmlDoc.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'feed')
feed = xmlDoc
// Save the parsed feed to the storage and redirect to the viewer, url))
window.location.href = browser.runtime.getURL('viewer/index.html')
// Extract any feed URL published on the page
const extractFeedUrl = () => {
const links = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('link'))
.filter((link) =>
link.getAttribute('rel') === 'alternate' &&
link.getAttribute('type')?.startsWith('application/rss+xml') ||
if (!links.length)
return toAbsoluteURL(links[0].getAttribute('href'))
// Main message listener
async (
message: {
type: string,
url: string | null,
document: string,
) => {
if (message.type === 'renderFeed')
return renderFeed(message.document, message.url)
if (message.type === 'extractFeedUrl')
return extractFeedUrl()
console.warn(`Received unknown message type: ${message.type}`)