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import datetime
import os
import re
import requests
import threading
import xmlrpc.client
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional
from platypush.context import get_bus
from platypush.plugins import action
from platypush.plugins.torrent import TorrentPlugin
from platypush.message.event.torrent import \
TorrentDownloadStartEvent, TorrentDownloadedMetadataEvent, TorrentDownloadProgressEvent, \
TorrentDownloadCompletedEvent, TorrentPausedEvent, TorrentResumedEvent, TorrentQueuedEvent, TorrentRemovedEvent, \
class RtorrentPlugin(TorrentPlugin):
Plugin to interact search, download and manage torrents through RTorrent.
The usage of this plugin is advised over :class:`platypush.plugins.torrent.TorrentPlugin`, as RTorrent is a more
flexible and optimized solution for downloading and managing torrents compared to the Platypush native plugin.
- Install ``rtorrent`` on your system - on Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian::
apt-get install rtorrent
- Configure the ``rtorrent`` XML/RPC interface, usually by adding the following lines to your
.. code-block:: yaml
# Enable XML/RPC
scgi_local = /home/user/.rpc.socket
- Use a web server to bridge the RPC interface exposed by RTorrent over HTTP. Some configuration examples are
available `here <>`_. I usually use ``lighttpd``
because it's easy to configure and it comes with a built-in SCGI module. Install the server e.g. using
apt-get install lighttpd
- Create a base configuration file like this under e.g. ``~/.config/rtorrent/lighttpd.conf``:
.. code-block:: python
### Base configuration
server.modules = (
# Make sure that all the directories exist.
# server.document-root isn't really needed, but lighttpd
# won't start if it doesn't find a document root.
server.document-root = "/home/user/.local/share/rtorrent/html"
server.upload-dirs = ( "/home/user/.cache/uploads" )
server.errorlog = "/home/user/.local/log/rtorrent/error.log" = "/home/user/.local/run/"
server.username = "your-user"
server.groupname = "your-group"
server.port = 5000
index-file.names = ( "index.html" )
### Configure the RTorrent XML/RPC endpoint
server.modules += ( "mod_scgi" )
scgi.server = (
# Bind an endpoint called /RPC2 to your local interface
"/RPC2" =>
( "" =>
# Read from the RTorrent XML/RPC socket
"socket" => "/home/user/.rpc.socket",
"check-local" => "disable",
"disable-time" => 0, # don't disable scgi if connection fails
- Start the HTTP service, and optionally enable it as a system/user service::
lighttpd -f ~/.config/rtorrent/lighttpd.conf
2020-09-03 17:16:35 +02:00
- Start RTorrent and check that the XML/RPC interface works:
2020-09-03 17:16:35 +02:00
.. code-block:: bash
$ xmlrpc localhost:8000 system.listMethods
# Should return a list with all the methods exposed by RTorrent.
$ xmlrpc localhost:5000 download_list
Array of 0 items:
- It is advised to let the RTorrent instance run in e.g. ``screen`` or ``tmux`` on the server machine - it is
more reliable than letting the plugin start/stop the instance, and you have an easy CLI interface to attach
to manage/monitor your torrents.
- In this example, the URL to configure in the plugin would be ``http://localhost:5000/RPC2``.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentQueuedEvent` when a new torrent transfer is queued.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentRemovedEvent` when a torrent transfer is removed.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadStartEvent` when a torrent transfer starts.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadedMetadataEvent` when the metadata of a torrent
transfer has been downloaded.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadProgressEvent` when a transfer is progressing.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentPausedEvent` when a transfer is paused.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentResumedEvent` when a transfer is resumed.
* :class:`platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadCompletedEvent` when a transfer is completed.
2021-01-14 00:15:35 +01:00
def __init__(self, url: str, poll_seconds: float = 5.0, download_dir: str = '~/.rtorrent/watch', **kwargs):
:param url: HTTP URL that exposes the XML/RPC interface of RTorrent (e.g. ``http://localhost:5000/RPC2``).
:param poll_seconds: How often the plugin will monitor for changes in the torrent state (default: 5 seconds).
2021-01-14 00:15:35 +01:00
:param download_dir: Directory where torrents and metadata files will be downloaded
(default: ``~/.rtorrent/watch``).
2021-01-14 00:15:35 +01:00
self.torrent_files_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(download_dir))
Path(self.torrent_files_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True, mode=0o755)
self._monitor_stop = threading.Event()
self._monitor_thread: Optional[threading.Thread] = None
self._last_status = {}
self._torrent_urls = {}
self._status_lock = threading.RLock()
self.poll_seconds = poll_seconds
self.url = url
self.client = xmlrpc.client.Server(self.url)
self.methods = set(self._list_methods())
def _get_client(self) -> xmlrpc.client.Server:
return xmlrpc.client.Server(self.url)
def _fire_event(self, event: TorrentEvent, *_, **__):
bus = get_bus()
def _process_events(self, status: dict, last_status: dict):
if not status:
if not last_status:
progress = status.get('progress', 0)
name = status.get('name')
start_date = status.get('start_date')
finish_date = status.get('finish_date')
is_active = status.get('is_active')
if name and not last_status.get('name'):
if start_date and not last_status.get('start_date'):
if is_active and not last_status.get('is_active'):
elif not is_active and last_status.get('is_active'):
if progress > 0:
if progress > last_status.get('progress', 0):
if finish_date and not last_status.get('finish_date'):
def _torrent_monitor(self, *_, **__):
def thread():'Starting torrent monitoring')
while not self._monitor_stop.is_set():
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
statuses = self.status().output
last_statuses = self._last_status.copy()
self._last_status = statuses
torrent_hashes = set(statuses.keys()).union(last_statuses.keys())
for torrent_hash in torrent_hashes:
self._process_events(statuses.get(torrent_hash, {}), last_statuses.get(torrent_hash, {}))
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning('Error while monitoring torrent status')
self._monitor_stop.wait(timeout=self.poll_seconds)'Stopped torrent monitoring')
return thread
def _multicall(self, *args) -> List[list]:
if 'd.multicall2' in self.methods:
return self.client.d.multicall2('', *args)
if 'd.multicall' in self.methods:
return self.client.d.multicall(*args)
raise AssertionError('No multicall method available on the rtorrent interface')
def start_monitor(self):
Start monitoring the status of the RTorrent instance.
if self._monitor_thread and self._monitor_thread.is_alive():'Torrent monitoring already running')
self._monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._torrent_monitor())
def stop_monitor(self):
Stop monitoring the status of the RTorrent instance.
if not (self._monitor_thread and self._monitor_thread.is_alive()):'Torrent monitoring already stopped')
self._monitor_thread = None
def download_torrent_file(self, torrent: str) -> str:
Download a torrent link to ``torrent_files_dir``.
:param torrent: Torrent URL, magnet link or local file.
:return: Path to the locally downloaded .torrent file.
if torrent.startswith('magnet:?'):
# Magnet link: extract and download
m ='xt=urn:btih:([^&/]+)', torrent)
assert m, 'Invalid magnet link: {}'.format(torrent)
torrent_hash =
torrent_file = os.path.join(self.torrent_files_dir, '{}.torrent'.format(torrent_hash))
with open(torrent_file, 'w') as f:
f.write('d10:magnet-uri{length}:{info}e'.format(length=len(torrent), info=torrent))
self._torrent_urls[torrent_hash] = torrent
return torrent_file
if torrent.startswith('http://') or torrent.startswith('https://'):
# HTTP resource
info = requests.get(torrent).text
torrent_file = os.path.join(self.torrent_files_dir, torrent.split('/')[-1])
if not torrent_file.endswith('.torrent'):
torrent_file += '.torrent'
with open(torrent_file, 'w') as f:
self._torrent_urls[torrent_file.split('.')[0]] = torrent
return torrent_file
# Local torrent file
torrent_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(torrent))
assert os.path.isfile(torrent_file), 'No such torrent file: {}'.format(torrent)
self._torrent_urls[os.path.basename(torrent_file).split('.')[0]] = 'file://' + torrent
return torrent_file
def download(self, torrent: str, is_media: bool = False, *_, **__):
Download a torrent.
:param torrent: Torrent to download. Supported formats:
* Magnet URLs
* Torrent URLs
* Local torrent files
:param is_media: Set it to true if you're downloading a media file that you'd like to stream as soon as the
first chunks are available. If so, then the events and the status method will only include media files
:return: The status of the torrent.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
torrent_file = self.download_torrent_file(torrent).output
client = self._get_client()
client.load.start('', torrent_file)
def _list_methods(self) -> List[str]:
return self.client.system.listMethods()
def list_methods(self) -> List[str]:
:return: The list of methods exposed by the RTorrent instance
return list(self.methods)
def status(self, torrent: str = None) -> dict:
Get the status of the current transfers.
:param torrent: Torrent hash.
:returns: A dictionary:
.. code-block:: json
"HASH1234567890": {
"hash": "HASH1234567890",
"name": "Your torrent name",
"save_path": "/home/user/Downloads/Your torrent name",
"is_active": true,
"is_open": true,
"completed_bytes": 666894336,
"download_rate": 451345,
"is_multi_file": true,
"remaining_bytes": 1482827011,
"size_bytes": 2149721347,
"load_date": "2020-09-02T18:42:19",
"peers": 0,
"state": "paused",
"start_date": "2020-09-02T18:42:19",
"finish_date": null,
"upload_rate": 143967,
"progress": 31.0,
"files": ["list", "of", "downloaded", "files"]
attrs = ['hash', 'name', 'save_path', 'is_active', 'is_open', 'completed_bytes', 'download_rate',
'is_multi_file', 'remaining_bytes', 'size_bytes', 'load_date', 'peers', 'start_date',
'finish_date', 'upload_rate']
cmds = ['d.hash=', '', '', 'd.is_active=', 'd.is_open=', 'd.completed_bytes=',
'd.down.rate=', 'd.is_multi_file=', 'd.left_bytes=', 'd.size_bytes=', 'd.load_date=',
'd.peers_connected=', 'd.timestamp.started=', 'd.timestamp.finished=', 'd.up.rate=']
mappers = {
'is_active': lambda v: bool(v),
'is_open': lambda v: bool(v),
'is_multi_file': lambda v: bool(v),
'load_date': lambda v: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(v) if v else None,
'start_date': lambda v: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(v) if v else None,
'finish_date': lambda v: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(v) if v else None,
with self._status_lock:
torrents = {
info[0]: {
attr: mappers[attr](info[i]) if attr in mappers else info[i]
for i, attr in enumerate(attrs)
for info in self._multicall('', *cmds)
for torrent_id, info in torrents.items():
torrents[torrent_id]['progress'] = round(100. * (info['completed_bytes']/info['size_bytes']), 1)
torrents[torrent_id]['url'] = self._torrent_urls.get(torrent_id, torrent_id)
torrents[torrent_id]['is_paused'] = not info['is_active']
torrents[torrent_id]['paused'] = not info['is_active'] # Back compatibility with TorrentPlugin
torrents[torrent_id]['size'] = info['size_bytes'] # Back compatibility with TorrentPlugin
torrents[torrent_id]['files'] = []
if not info['is_open']:
torrents[torrent_id]['state'] = 'stopped'
elif not info['is_active']:
torrents[torrent_id]['state'] = 'paused'
torrents[torrent_id]['state'] = 'downloading'
if info.get('save_path'):
torrents[torrent_id]['files'] = list(str(f) for f in Path(info['save_path']).rglob('*')) \
if info.get('is_multi_file') else info['save_path']
return torrents.get(torrent, {}) if torrent else torrents
def open(self, torrent: str) -> dict:
Open a loaded torrent transfer.
:param torrent: Torrent hash.
:return: The status of the torrent.
return self.status(torrent).output
def pause(self, torrent: str) -> dict:
Pause a torrent transfer.
:param torrent: Torrent hash.
:return: The status of the torrent.
return self.status(torrent).output
def resume(self, torrent) -> dict:
Resume a torrent transfer.
:param torrent: Torrent hash.
:return: The status of the torrent.
return self.status(torrent).output
def stop(self, torrent) -> dict:
Stop a torrent transfer.
:param torrent: Torrent hash.
:return: The status of the torrent.
return self.status(torrent).output
def remove(self, torrent):
Stop and remove a torrent transfer (without removing the downloaded files).
:param torrent: Torrent hash.
def quit(self):
Terminate all the active transfers and quit the monitor.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
torrents = list(self.status().output.keys()).copy()
for torrent in torrents:
def execute(self, method: str, *args, **kwargs):
Execute a raw command over the RTorrent RPC interface.
:param method: Method name.
:param args: Method arguments.
:param kwargs: Method keyword-arguments.
:return: Anything returned by the RPC method.
method = getattr(self.client, method)
return method(*args, **kwargs)
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