
201 lines
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import enum
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import yaml
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Mapping, Callable, Type
supported_package_managers = {
'pacman': 'pacman -S',
'apt': 'apt-get install',
_available_package_manager = None
class ManifestType(enum.Enum):
PLUGIN = 'plugin'
BACKEND = 'backend'
class Manifest(ABC):
Base class for plugin/backend manifests.
def __init__(self, package: str, description: Optional[str] = None,
install: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, events: Optional[Mapping] = None, **_):
self.description = description
self.install = install or {} = events or {}
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.package = package
self.component_name = '.'.join(package.split('.')[2:])
self.component = None
def component_getter(self) -> Callable[[str], object]:
raise NotImplementedError
def from_file(cls, filename: str) -> "Manifest":
with open(str(filename), 'r') as f:
manifest = yaml.safe_load(f).get('manifest', {})
assert 'type' in manifest, f'Manifest file {filename} has no type field'
comp_type = ManifestType(manifest.pop('type'))
manifest_class = _manifest_class_by_type[comp_type]
return manifest_class(**manifest)
def from_class(cls, clazz) -> "Manifest":
return cls.from_file(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(clazz)))
def from_component(cls, comp) -> "Manifest":
return cls.from_class(comp.__class__)
def get_component(self):
self.component = self.component_getter(self.component_name)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning(f'Could not load {self.component_name}: {e}')
return self.component
def __repr__(self):
return json.dumps({
'description': self.description,
'install': self.install,
'type': _manifest_type_by_class[self.__class__].value,
'package': self.package,
'component_name': self.component_name,
class PluginManifest(Manifest):
def component_getter(self):
from platypush.context import get_plugin
return get_plugin
class BackendManifest(Manifest):
def component_getter(self):
from platypush.context import get_backend
return get_backend
_manifest_class_by_type: Mapping[ManifestType, Type[Manifest]] = {
ManifestType.PLUGIN: PluginManifest,
ManifestType.BACKEND: BackendManifest,
_manifest_type_by_class: Mapping[Type[Manifest], ManifestType] = {
cls: t for t, cls in _manifest_class_by_type.items()
def scan_manifests(base_class: Type) -> Iterable[str]:
for mf in pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(base_class))).rglob('manifest.yaml'):
yield str(mf)
def get_manifests(base_class: Type) -> Iterable[Manifest]:
return [
for mf in scan_manifests(base_class)
def get_components(base_class: Type) -> Iterable:
manifests = get_manifests(base_class)
components = {mf.get_component() for mf in manifests}
return {comp for comp in components if comp is not None}
def get_manifests_from_conf(conf_file: Optional[str] = None) -> Mapping[str, Manifest]:
import platypush
from platypush.config import Config
conf_args = []
if conf_file:
app_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(platypush))
manifest_files = set()
for name in Config.get_backends().keys():
manifest_files.add(os.path.join(app_dir, 'backend', *name.split('.'), 'manifest.yaml'))
for name in Config.get_plugins().keys():
manifest_files.add(os.path.join(app_dir, 'plugins', *name.split('.'), 'manifest.yaml'))
return {
manifest_file: Manifest.from_file(manifest_file)
for manifest_file in manifest_files
def get_dependencies_from_conf(conf_file: Optional[str] = None) -> Mapping[str, Iterable[str]]:
manifests = get_manifests_from_conf(conf_file)
deps = {
'pip': set(),
'packages': set(),
'exec': set(),
for manifest in manifests.values():
deps['pip'].update(manifest.install.get('pip', set()))
deps['exec'].update(manifest.install.get('exec', set()))
has_requires_packages = len([
section for section in manifest.install.keys()
if section in supported_package_managers
]) > 0
if has_requires_packages:
pkg_manager = get_available_package_manager()
deps['packages'].update(manifest.install.get(pkg_manager, set()))
return deps
def get_install_commands_from_conf(conf_file: Optional[str] = None) -> Mapping[str, str]:
deps = get_dependencies_from_conf(conf_file)
return {
'pip': f'pip install {" ".join(deps["pip"])}',
'exec': deps["exec"],
'packages': f'{supported_package_managers[_available_package_manager]} {" ".join(deps["packages"])}'
if deps['packages'] else None,
def get_available_package_manager() -> str:
global _available_package_manager
if _available_package_manager:
return _available_package_manager
available_package_managers = [
pkg_manager for pkg_manager in supported_package_managers.keys()
if shutil.which(pkg_manager)
assert available_package_managers, (
'Your OS does not provide any of the supported package managers. '
f'Supported package managers: {supported_package_managers.keys()}'
_available_package_manager = available_package_managers[0]
return _available_package_manager