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from typing import Optional
from platypush.plugins import action
from platypush.plugins.http.request import HttpRequestPlugin
from import WeatherPlugin
class WeatherOpenweathermapPlugin(HttpRequestPlugin, WeatherPlugin):
OpenWeatherMap plugin. This is the advised plugin to use for weather forecasts since Darksky has officially
shut down their API.
You'll need an API token from `OpenWeatherMap <>`_ in order to use this API.
base_url = ''
def __init__(self, token: str, location: Optional[str] = None, city_id: Optional[int] = None,
lat: Optional[float] = None, long: Optional[float] = None,
zip_code: Optional[str] = None, units: str = 'metric', **kwargs):
:param token: OpenWeatherMap API token.
:param location: If set, then this location will be used by default for weather lookup. If multiple locations
share the same name you can disambiguate by specifying the country code as well - e.g. ``London,GB``.
:param city_id: If set, then this city ID will be used by default for weather lookup. The full list of city IDs
is available `here <>`_.
:param lat: If lat/long are set, then the weather by default will be retrieved for the specified geo location.
:param long: If lat/long are set, then the weather by default will be retrieved for the specified geo location.
:param zip_code: If set, then this ZIP code (should be in the form ``zip,country_code``) will be used by default
for weather lookup.
:param units: Supported: ``metric`` (default), ``standard`` and ``imperial``.
super().__init__(method='get', output='json', **kwargs)
self._token = token
self._location_query = None
self._location_query = self._get_location_query(location=location, city_id=city_id, lat=lat, long=long,
self.units = units
def _get_location_query(self, location: Optional[str] = None, city_id: Optional[int] = None,
lat: Optional[float] = None, long: Optional[float] = None,
zip_code: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
if city_id:
return {'id': city_id}
if lat and long:
return {'lat': lat, 'lon': long}
if zip_code:
return {'zip': zip_code}
if location:
return {'q': location}
assert self._location_query, 'Specify either location, city_id or lat/long'
return self._location_query
def get(self, url, **kwargs):
kwargs['params'] = {
'appid': self._token,
**kwargs.get('params', {}),
return super().get(url, **kwargs)
def _convert_percentage(perc: Optional[float]) -> Optional[float]:
if perc is None:
return perc / 100.
def _m_to_km(m: Optional[float]) -> Optional[float]:
if m is None:
return m / 1000.
def _get_precip_type(response: dict) -> Optional[str]:
if response.get('snow', {}).get('1h', 0) > 0:
return 'snow'
if response.get('rain', {}).get('1h', 0) > 0:
return 'rain'
def _convert_weather_response(cls, response: dict) -> dict:
return {
'time': response.get('dt'),
'summary': response.get('weather', [{'main': 'Unknown'}])[0].get('main', 'Unknown'),
'icon': response.get('weather', [{'icon': 'unknown'}])[0].get('icon', 'unknown'),
'precipIntensity': response.get('rain', response.get('snow', {})).get('1h', 0),
'precipType': cls._get_precip_type(response),
'temperature': response.get('main', {}).get('temp'),
'apparentTemperature': response.get('main', {}).get('feels_like'),
'humidity': cls._convert_percentage(response.get('main', {}).get('humidity')),
'pressure': response.get('main', {}).get('pressure'),
'windSpeed': response.get('wind', {}).get('speed'),
'windDirection': response.get('wind', {}).get('deg'),
'windGust': response.get('wind', {}).get('gust'),
'cloudCover': cls._convert_percentage(response.get('clouds', {}).get('all')),
'visibility': cls._m_to_km(response.get('visibility')),
'sunrise': response.get('sys', {}).get('sunrise'),
'sunset': response.get('sys', {}).get('sunset'),
def get_current_weather(self, *, location: Optional[str] = None, city_id: Optional[int] = None,
lat: Optional[float] = None, long: Optional[float] = None, zip_code: Optional[str] = None,
units: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
Returns the current weather.
:param location: Override the ``location`` configuration value.
:param city_id: Override the ``city_id`` configuration value.
:param lat: Override the ``lat`` configuration value.
:param long: Override the ``long`` configuration value.
:param zip_code: Override the ``zip_code`` configuration value.
:param units: Override the ``units`` configuration value.
params = {
'units': units or self.units,
**self._get_location_query(location=location, city_id=city_id, lat=lat, long=long)
response = self.get(self.base_url, params=params).output
return self._convert_weather_response(response)