2020-09-01 10:33:56 +02:00

91 lines
4.7 KiB

from email.message import Message
from typing import Optional, List
from smtplib import SMTP, SMTP_SSL
from platypush.plugins.mail import MailOutPlugin, ServerInfo
class MailSmtpPlugin(MailOutPlugin):
Plugin to interact with a mail server over SMTP.
_default_port = 25
_default_ssl_port = 465
def __init__(self, server: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, local_hostname: Optional[str] = None,
source_address: Optional[List[str]] = None, username: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None, password_cmd: Optional[str] = None, access_token: Optional[str] = None,
oauth_mechanism: Optional[str] = 'XOAUTH2', oauth_vendor: Optional[str] = None, ssl: bool = False,
keyfile: Optional[str] = None, certfile: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = 60, **kwargs):
:param server: Server name/address.
:param port: Port (default: 25 for plain, 465 for SSL).
:param local_hostname: If specified, local_hostname is used as the FQDN of the local host in the HELO/EHLO
command. Otherwise, the local hostname is found using socket.getfqdn().
:param source_address: The optional source_address parameter allows binding to some specific source address in
a machine with multiple network interfaces, and/or to some specific source TCP port. It takes a 2-tuple
(host, port), for the socket to bind to as its source address before connecting. If omitted (or if host or
port are '' and/or 0 respectively) the OS default behavior will be used.
:param username: SMTP username.
:param password: SMTP password.
:param password_cmd: If you don't want to input your password in the configuration, run this command to fetch
or decrypt the password.
:param access_token: OAuth2 access token if the server supports OAuth authentication.
:param oauth_mechanism: OAuth2 mechanism (default: ``XOAUTH2``).
:param oauth_vendor: OAuth2 vendor (default: None).
:param ssl: Use SSL (default: False).
:param keyfile: Private key file for SSL connection if client authentication is required.
:param certfile: SSL certificate file or chain.
:param timeout: Server connect/read timeout in seconds (default: 60).
self.local_hostname = local_hostname
self.source_address = source_address
self.server_info = self._get_server_info(server=server, port=port, username=username, password=password,
password_cmd=password_cmd, ssl=ssl, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile,
access_token=access_token, oauth_mechanism=oauth_mechanism,
oauth_vendor=oauth_vendor, timeout=timeout)
def _get_server_info(self, server: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, username: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None, password_cmd: Optional[str] = None,
ssl: Optional[bool] = None, keyfile: Optional[str] = None, certfile: Optional[str] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> ServerInfo:
return super()._get_server_info(server=server, port=port, username=username, password=password,
password_cmd=password_cmd, ssl=ssl, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile,
default_port=self._default_port, default_ssl_port=self._default_ssl_port,
def connect(self, **connect_args) -> SMTP:
info = self._get_server_info(**connect_args)'Connecting to {}'.format(info.server))
smtp_args = {
'host': info.server,
'port': info.port,
'local_hostname': self.local_hostname,
'source_address': self.source_address,
if info.ssl:
client_type = SMTP_SSL
smtp_args.update(certfile=info.certfile, keyfile=info.keyfile)
client_type = SMTP
client = client_type(**smtp_args)
if info.password:
client.login(info.username, info.password)
return client
def send_message(self, message: Message, **connect_args):
with self.connect(**connect_args) as client:
errors = client.sendmail(message['From'], message['To'], message.as_string())
if errors:
return None, ['{}: {}'.format(code, err) for code, err in errors.items()]
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