128 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable file
128 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable file
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import yaml
from pushbullet import Pushbullet
from runbullet import parse_config_file
from runbullet.backend.kafka import KafkaBackend
from runbullet.backend.local import LocalBackend
def print_usage():
print ('''Usage: {} [-h|--help] <-t|--target <target name>> <-a|--action <action name>> payload
-h, --help:\t\tShow this help and exit
-b, --backend:\tBackend to deliver the message [pushbullet|kafka] (default: whatever specified in your config with pusher=True)
-t, --target:\tName of the target device/host
-a, --action\tAction to run, it includes both the package name and the method (e.g. shell.exec or music.mpd.play)
payload:\t\tArguments to the action
def get_pb_device_by_name(pb, name):
devices = [
_ for _ in pb.devices if _.nickname == name
return devices[0] if devices else None
def send_pb_message(pb, device_name, msg):
device = get_pb_device_by_name(pb, name=device_name)
if not device:
print('Device {} not found - please create a virtual device on ' +
'your PushBullet account'.format(config['backend.pushbullet']['device']))
pb.push_note('', json.dumps(msg), device)
def send_kafka_message(backend, msg):
def send_local_message(backend, msg):
def get_backend(config):
# TODO Refactor this as something better and reuse the same
# backend classes from the runbullet consumer module
if 'backend.local' in config \
and 'pusher' in config['backend.local'] \
and config['backend.local']['pusher']:
c = config['backend.local']
return LocalBackend({'fifo': c['fifo']})
elif 'backend.pushbullet' in config \
and 'pusher' in config['backend.pushbullet'] \
and config['backend.pushbullet']['pusher']:
API_KEY = config['backend.pushbullet']['token']
return Pushbullet(API_KEY)
elif 'backend.kafka' in config \
and 'pusher' in config['backend.kafka'] \
and config['backend.kafka']['pusher']:
c = config['backend.kafka']
return KafkaBackend({'server':c['server'], 'topic':c['topic']})
def main():
config = parse_config_file()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--target', '-t', dest='target', required=True,
help="Destination of the command")
parser.add_argument('--action', '-a', dest='action', required=True,
help="Action to execute, as package.method")
parser.add_argument('--backend', '-b', dest='backend', required=False,
help="Backend to deliver the message " +
"[pushbullet|kafka|local] (default: whatever " +
"specified in your config with pusher=True)")
opts, args = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])
payload = {}
if len(args) % 2 != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Odd number of key-value options passed: {}'.
if opts.target == 'localhost' and 'backend.local' in config:
cfg = config['backend.local']
cfg['pusher'] = True
config = { 'backend.local': cfg }
if opts.backend:
backend_cfg_name = 'backend.' + opts.backend
if backend_cfg_name not in config:
raise RuntimeError('{} backend specified, but no configuration ' +
'for it available'.format(backend_cfg_name))
cfg = config[backend_cfg_name]
cfg['pusher'] = True
config = { backend_cfg_name: cfg }
backend = get_backend(config)
for i in range(0, len(args), 2):
payload[re.sub('^-+', '', args[i])] = args[i+1]
msg = {
'target': opts.target,
'action': opts.action,
print('msg: {}'.format(msg))
if isinstance(backend, Pushbullet):
send_pb_message(backend, config['backend.pushbullet']['device'], msg)
elif isinstance(backend, KafkaBackend):
send_kafka_message(backend, msg)
elif isinstance(backend, LocalBackend):
send_local_message(backend, msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: