Fork 0

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import json
import random
import threading
from enum import Enum
from platypush.message import Message
class Event(Message):
""" Event message class """
def __init__(self, target, type, origin, id=None, **kwargs):
target -- Target node [String]
type -- Event type [EventType]
origin -- Origin node (default: current node) [String]
id -- Event ID (default: auto-generated)
kwargs -- Additional arguments for the event [kwDict]
self.id = id if id else self._generate_id()
self.target = target
self.origin = origin
self.type = type
self.args = kwargs
def build(cls, msg):
""" Builds an event message from a JSON UTF-8 string/bytearray, a
dictionary, or another Event """
msg = super().parse(msg)
event_type = msg['args'].pop('type')
event_class = getattr(EventType, event_type).cls
args = {
'target' : msg['target'],
'origin' : msg['origin'],
**(msg['args'] if 'args' in msg else {}),
args['id'] = msg['id'] if 'id' in msg else cls._generate_id()
return event_class(**args)
def _generate_id():
""" Generate a unique event ID """
id = ''
for i in range(0,16):
id += '%.2x' % random.randint(0, 255)
return id
def __str__(self):
Overrides the str() operator and converts
the message into a UTF-8 JSON string
return json.dumps({
'type' : 'event',
'target' : self.target,
'origin' : self.origin if hasattr(self, 'origin') else None,
'id' : self.id if hasattr(self, 'id') else None,
'args' : {
'type' : self.type.name,
class StopEvent(Event):
""" StopEvent message. When received on a Bus, it will terminate the
listening thread having the specified ID. Useful to keep listeners in
sync and make them quit when the application terminates """
def __init__(self, target, origin, thread_id, id=None, **kwargs):
""" Constructor.
target -- Target node
origin -- Origin node
thread_id -- thread_iden() to be terminated if listening on the bus
id -- Event ID (default: auto-generated)
kwargs -- Extra key-value arguments
super().__init__(target=target, origin=origin, id=id,
type=EventType.STOP, thread_id=thread_id, **kwargs)
def targets_me(self):
""" Returns true if the stop event is for the current thread """
return self.args['thread_id'] == threading.get_ident()
class EventType(Enum):
""" Event types enum """
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
value = len(cls.__members__) + 1
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj._value_ = value
return obj
def __init__(self, label, cls):
self.label = label
self.cls = cls
STOP = 'STOP', StopEvent
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