2024-05-23 00:17:55 +02:00
export SKIPCI="$PWD/.skipci"
export CACHEFILE="$PWD/platypush/components.json.gz"
[ -f "$SKIPCI" ] && exit 0
# Backup the original git configuration before changing attributes
export GIT_CONF="$PWD/.git/config"
export TMP_GIT_CONF="/tmp/git.config.orig"
. .drone/macros/configure-git.sh
# Only regenerate the components cache if either the plugins, backends,
# events or schemas folders have some changes (excluding the webapp files).
if [ -z "$(git log --pretty=oneline $DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER...$DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE -- platypush/backend platypush/plugins platypush/schemas platypush/message/event ':(exclude)platypush/backend/http/webapp')" ]; then
echo 'No changes to the components file'
exit 0
. .drone/macros/configure-ssh.sh
. .drone/macros/configure-gpg.sh
echo 'Updating components cache'
2024-11-10 21:44:27 +01:00
apk add --update --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing/ $(cat platypush/install/requirements/alpine.txt)
2024-05-23 00:17:55 +02:00
pip install . --break-system-packages
python - <<EOF
from platypush import get_plugin
# Create a .skipci file to mark the fact that the next steps should be skipped
# (we're going to do another push anyway, so another pipeline will be triggered)
touch "$SKIPCI"
git add "$CACHEFILE"
git commit "$CACHEFILE" -S -m "[Automatic] Updated components cache" --no-verify
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin git@git.platypush.tech:platypush/platypush.git
git push -f origin master
# Restore the original git configuration