Further split between sound and core modules

This commit is contained in:
Fabio Manganiello 2018-12-24 17:15:29 +01:00
parent 65465e3a18
commit 3d2636b09c
2 changed files with 655 additions and 646 deletions

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@ -2,653 +2,8 @@
.. moduleauthor:: Fabio Manganiello <blacklight86@gmail.com>
import json
import math
import os
import queue
import tempfile
import time
from enum import Enum
from threading import Thread, Event, RLock
from .core import Sound
from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
class PlaybackState(Enum):
class RecordingState(Enum):
class SoundPlugin(Plugin):
Plugin to interact with a sound device.
* **sounddevice** (``pip install sounddevice``)
* **soundfile** (``pip install soundfile``)
* **numpy** (``pip install numpy``)
def __init__(self, input_device=None, output_device=None,
playback_bufsize=Sound._DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, *args, **kwargs):
:param input_device: Index or name of the default input device. Use :method:`platypush.plugins.sound.query_devices` to get the available devices. Default: system default
:type input_device: int or str
:param output_device: Index or name of the default output device. Use :method:`platypush.plugins.sound.query_devices` to get the available devices. Default: system default
:type output_device: int or str
:param input_blocksize: Blocksize to be applied to the input device. Try to increase this value if you get input overflow errors while recording. Default: 2048
:type input_blocksize: int
:param output_blocksize: Blocksize to be applied to the output device. Try to increase this value if you get output underflow errors while playing. Default: 2048
:type output_blocksize: int
:param playback_bufsize: Number of audio blocks that will be cached while playing (default: 20)
:type playback_bufsize: int
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.input_device = input_device
self.output_device = output_device
self.input_blocksize = input_blocksize
self.output_blocksize = output_blocksize
self.playback_bufsize = playback_bufsize
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.STOPPED
self.playback_state_lock = RLock()
self.playback_paused_changed = Event()
self.recording_state = RecordingState.STOPPED
self.recording_state_lock = RLock()
self.recording_paused_changed = Event()
self.active_streams = {}
self.completed_callback_events = {}
def _get_default_device(self, category):
Query the default audio devices.
:param category: Device category to query. Can be either input or output
:type category: str
import sounddevice as sd
return sd.query_hostapis()[0].get('default_' + category.lower() + '_device')
def query_devices(self, category=None):
Query the available devices
:param category: Device category to query. Can be either input or output. Default: None (query all devices)
:type category: str
:returns: A dictionary representing the available devices. Example::
"name": "pulse",
"hostapi": 0,
"max_input_channels": 32,
"max_output_channels": 32,
"default_low_input_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_low_output_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_high_input_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_high_output_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_samplerate": 44100
"name": "default",
"hostapi": 0,
"max_input_channels": 32,
"max_output_channels": 32,
"default_low_input_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_low_output_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_high_input_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_high_output_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_samplerate": 44100
import sounddevice as sd
devs = sd.query_devices()
if category == 'input':
devs = [d for d in devs if d.get('max_input_channels') > 0]
elif category == 'output':
devs = [d for d in devs if d.get('max_output_channels') > 0]
return devs
def _play_audio_callback(self, q, blocksize, streamtype):
import sounddevice as sd
is_raw_stream = streamtype == sd.RawOutputStream
def audio_callback(outdata, frames, time, status):
if self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.STOPPED:
raise sd.CallbackAbort
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
assert frames == blocksize
if status.output_underflow:
self.logger.warning('Output underflow: increase blocksize?')
outdata = (b'\x00' if is_raw_stream else 0.) * len(outdata)
assert not status
data = q.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
self.logger.warning('Buffer is empty: increase buffersize?')
raise sd.CallbackAbort
if len(data) < len(outdata):
outdata[:len(data)] = data
outdata[len(data):] = (b'\x00' if is_raw_stream else 0.) * \
(len(outdata) - len(data))
outdata[:] = data
return audio_callback
def play(self, file=None, sound=None, device=None, blocksize=None,
bufsize=Sound._DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, samplerate=None, channels=None):
Plays a sound file (support formats: wav, raw) or a synthetic sound.
:param file: Sound file path. Specify this if you want to play a file
:type file: str
:param sound: Sound to play. Specify this if you want to play
synthetic sounds. You can also create polyphonic sounds by just
calling play multple times.
:type sound: Sound. You can initialize it either from a list
of `Sound` objects or from its JSON representation, e.g.:
"midi_note": 69, # 440 Hz A
"gain": 1.0, # Maximum volume
"duration": 1.0 # 1 second or until release/pause/stop
:param device: Output device (default: default configured device or
system default audio output if not configured)
:type device: int or str
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured
`output_blocksize` or 2048)
:type blocksize: int
:param bufsize: Size of the audio buffer (default: 20)
:type bufsize: int
:param samplerate: Audio samplerate. Default: audio file samplerate if
in file mode, 44100 Hz if in synth mode
:type samplerate: int
:param channels: Number of audio channels. Default: number of channels
in the audio file in file mode, 1 if in synth mode
:type channels: int
if not file and not sound:
raise RuntimeError('Please specify either a file to play or a ' +
'list of sound objects')
import sounddevice as sd
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.output_blocksize
stream_index = None
q = queue.Queue(maxsize=bufsize)
f = None
t = 0.
if file:
file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file))
if device is None:
device = self.output_device
if device is None:
device = self._get_default_device('output')
if file:
import soundfile as sf
f = sf.SoundFile(file)
if not samplerate:
samplerate = f.samplerate if f else Sound._DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE
if not channels:
channels = f.channels if f else 1
self.logger.info('Starting playback of {} to device [{}]'.
format(file or sound, device))
if sound:
sound = Sound.build(sound)
# Audio queue pre-fill loop
for _ in range(bufsize):
if f:
data = f.buffer_read(blocksize, dtype='float32')
if not data:
blocktime = float(blocksize / samplerate)
next_t = min(t+blocktime, sound.duration) \
if sound.duration is not None else t+blocktime
data = sound.get_wave(t_start=t, t_end=next_t,
t = next_t
if sound.duration is not None and t >= sound.duration:
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
q.put_nowait(data) # Pre-fill the audio queue
streamtype = sd.RawOutputStream if file else sd.OutputStream
completed_callback_event = Event()
stream = streamtype(samplerate=samplerate, blocksize=blocksize,
device=device, channels=channels,
q=q, blocksize=blocksize,
stream_index = self.start_playback(stream, completed_callback_event)
with stream:
# Timeout set until we expect all the buffered blocks to
# be consumed
timeout = blocksize * bufsize / samplerate
while True:
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
if f:
data = f.buffer_read(blocksize, dtype='float32')
if not data:
blocktime = float(blocksize / samplerate)
next_t = min(t+blocktime, sound.duration) \
if sound.duration is not None else t+blocktime
data = sound.get_wave(t_start=t, t_end=next_t,
t = next_t
if sound.duration is not None and t >= sound.duration:
if self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.STOPPED:
raise sd.CallbackAbort
q.put(data, timeout=timeout)
except queue.Full as e:
if self._get_playback_state() != PlaybackState.PAUSED:
raise e
except queue.Full as e:
self.logger.warning('Playback timeout: audio callback failed?')
if f and not f.closed:
f = None
def record(self, file=None, duration=None, device=None, sample_rate=None,
blocksize=None, latency=0, channels=1, subtype='PCM_24'):
Records audio to a sound file (support formats: wav, raw)
:param file: Sound file (default: the method will create a temporary file with the recording)
:type file: str
:param duration: Recording duration in seconds (default: record until stop event)
:type duration: float
:param device: Input device (default: default configured device or system default audio input if not configured)
:type device: int or str
:param sample_rate: Recording sample rate (default: device default rate)
:type sample_rate: int
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured `input_blocksize` or 2048)
:type blocksize: int
:param latency: Device latency in seconds (default: 0)
:type latency: float
:param channels: Number of channels (default: 1)
:type channels: int
:param subtype: Recording subtype - see `soundfile docs <https://pysoundfile.readthedocs.io/en/0.9.0/#soundfile.available_subtypes>`_ for a list of the available subtypes (default: PCM_24)
:type subtype: str
import sounddevice as sd
if file:
file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file))
file = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='platypush_recording_', suffix='.wav',
if os.path.isfile(file):
self.logger.info('Removing existing audio file {}'.format(file))
if device is None:
device = self.input_device
if device is None:
device = self._get_default_device('input')
if sample_rate is None:
dev_info = sd.query_devices(device, 'input')
sample_rate = int(dev_info['default_samplerate'])
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.input_blocksize
q = queue.Queue()
def audio_callback(indata, frames, time, status):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
if status:
self.logger.warning('Recording callback status: {}'.format(
import soundfile as sf
import numpy
with sf.SoundFile(file, mode='x', samplerate=sample_rate,
channels=channels, subtype=subtype) as f:
with sd.InputStream(samplerate=sample_rate, device=device,
channels=channels, callback=audio_callback,
latency=latency, blocksize=blocksize):
self.logger.info('Started recording from device [{}] to [{}]'.
format(device, file))
recording_started_time = time.time()
while self._get_recording_state() != RecordingState.STOPPED \
and (duration is None or
time.time() - recording_started_time < duration):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
get_args = {
'block': True,
'timeout': max(0, duration - (time.time() -
} if duration is not None else {}
data = q.get(**get_args)
except queue.Empty as e:
self.logger.warning('Recording timeout: audio callback failed?')
def recordplay(self, duration=None, input_device=None, output_device=None,
sample_rate=None, blocksize=None, latency=0, channels=1,
Records audio and plays it on an output sound device (audio pass-through)
:param duration: Recording duration in seconds (default: record until stop event)
:type duration: float
:param input_device: Input device (default: default configured device or system default audio input if not configured)
:type input_device: int or str
:param output_device: Output device (default: default configured device or system default audio output if not configured)
:type output_device: int or str
:param sample_rate: Recording sample rate (default: device default rate)
:type sample_rate: int
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured `output_blocksize` or 2048)
:type blocksize: int
:param latency: Device latency in seconds (default: 0)
:type latency: float
:param channels: Number of channels (default: 1)
:type channels: int
:param dtype: Data type for the recording - see `soundfile docs <https://python-sounddevice.readthedocs.io/en/0.3.12/_modules/sounddevice.html#rec>`_ for available types (default: input device default)
:type dtype: str
import sounddevice as sd
if input_device is None:
input_device = self.input_device
if input_device is None:
input_device = self._get_default_device('input')
if output_device is None:
output_device = self.output_device
if output_device is None:
output_device = self._get_default_device('output')
if sample_rate is None:
dev_info = sd.query_devices(input_device, 'input')
sample_rate = int(dev_info['default_samplerate'])
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.output_blocksize
def audio_callback(indata, outdata, frames, time, status):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
if status:
self.logger.warning('Recording callback status: {}'.format(
outdata[:] = indata
stream_index = None
import soundfile as sf
import numpy
stream = sd.Stream(samplerate=sample_rate, channels=channels,
blocksize=blocksize, latency=latency,
device=(input_device, output_device),
dtype=dtype, callback=audio_callback)
stream_index = self.start_playback(stream)
self.logger.info('Started recording pass-through from device ' +
'[{}] to device [{}]'.
format(input_device, output_device))
recording_started_time = time.time()
while self._get_recording_state() != RecordingState.STOPPED \
and (duration is None or
time.time() - recording_started_time < duration):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
except queue.Empty as e:
self.logger.warning('Recording timeout: audio callback failed?')
def get_active_streams(self):
:returns: A list of active players
return {
i: {
attr: getattr(stream, attr)
for attr in ['active', 'closed', 'stopped', 'blocksize',
'channels', 'cpu_load', 'device', 'dtype',
'latency', 'samplerate', 'samplesize']
if hasattr(stream, attr)
} for i, stream in self.active_streams.items()
def start_playback(self, stream, completed_callback_event=None):
stream_index = None
with self.playback_state_lock:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PLAYING
stream_index = None
for i in range(len(self.active_streams)+1):
if i not in self.active_streams:
stream_index = i
self.active_streams[stream_index] = stream
self.completed_callback_events[stream_index] = \
completed_callback_event if completed_callback_event else Event()
self.logger.info('Playback started on stream index {}'.
return stream_index
def stop_playback(self, *streams):
with self.playback_state_lock:
if not streams:
streams = self.active_streams.keys()
updated_n_players = len(self.active_streams)
completed_callback_events = {}
for i in streams:
if i is None or not (i in self.active_streams):
stream = self.active_streams[i]
updated_n_players -= 1
if self.completed_callback_events[i]:
completed_callback_events[i] = self.completed_callback_events[i]
if not updated_n_players:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.STOPPED
for i, event in completed_callback_events.items():
del self.completed_callback_events[i]
del self.active_streams[i]
self.logger.info('Playback stopped')
def pause_playback(self):
with self.playback_state_lock:
if self.playback_state == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PLAYING
elif self.playback_state == PlaybackState.PLAYING:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PAUSED
self.logger.info('Playback ' + ('paused' if self.playback_state ==
PlaybackState.PAUSED else 'playing'))
def start_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.RECORDING
def stop_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.STOPPED
self.logger.info('Recording stopped')
def pause_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
if self.recording_state == RecordingState.PAUSED:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.RECORDING
elif self.recording_state == RecordingState.RECORDING:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.PAUSED
self.logger.info('Recording paused state toggled')
def _get_playback_state(self):
with self.playback_state_lock:
return self.playback_state
def _get_recording_state(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
return self.recording_state
def get_state(self):
return {
'playback_state': self._get_playback_state().name,
'recording_state': self._get_recording_state().name,
from .plugin import SoundPlugin
# vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
.. moduleauthor:: Fabio Manganiello <blacklight86@gmail.com>
import json
import math
import os
import queue
import tempfile
import time
from enum import Enum
from threading import Thread, Event, RLock
from .core import Sound
from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
class PlaybackState(Enum):
class RecordingState(Enum):
class SoundPlugin(Plugin):
Plugin to interact with a sound device.
* **sounddevice** (``pip install sounddevice``)
* **soundfile** (``pip install soundfile``)
* **numpy** (``pip install numpy``)
def __init__(self, input_device=None, output_device=None,
playback_bufsize=Sound._DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, *args, **kwargs):
:param input_device: Index or name of the default input device. Use :method:`platypush.plugins.sound.query_devices` to get the available devices. Default: system default
:type input_device: int or str
:param output_device: Index or name of the default output device. Use :method:`platypush.plugins.sound.query_devices` to get the available devices. Default: system default
:type output_device: int or str
:param input_blocksize: Blocksize to be applied to the input device. Try to increase this value if you get input overflow errors while recording. Default: 2048
:type input_blocksize: int
:param output_blocksize: Blocksize to be applied to the output device. Try to increase this value if you get output underflow errors while playing. Default: 2048
:type output_blocksize: int
:param playback_bufsize: Number of audio blocks that will be cached while playing (default: 20)
:type playback_bufsize: int
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.input_device = input_device
self.output_device = output_device
self.input_blocksize = input_blocksize
self.output_blocksize = output_blocksize
self.playback_bufsize = playback_bufsize
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.STOPPED
self.playback_state_lock = RLock()
self.playback_paused_changed = Event()
self.recording_state = RecordingState.STOPPED
self.recording_state_lock = RLock()
self.recording_paused_changed = Event()
self.active_streams = {}
self.completed_callback_events = {}
def _get_default_device(self, category):
Query the default audio devices.
:param category: Device category to query. Can be either input or output
:type category: str
import sounddevice as sd
return sd.query_hostapis()[0].get('default_' + category.lower() + '_device')
def query_devices(self, category=None):
Query the available devices
:param category: Device category to query. Can be either input or output. Default: None (query all devices)
:type category: str
:returns: A dictionary representing the available devices. Example::
"name": "pulse",
"hostapi": 0,
"max_input_channels": 32,
"max_output_channels": 32,
"default_low_input_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_low_output_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_high_input_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_high_output_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_samplerate": 44100
"name": "default",
"hostapi": 0,
"max_input_channels": 32,
"max_output_channels": 32,
"default_low_input_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_low_output_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_high_input_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_high_output_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_samplerate": 44100
import sounddevice as sd
devs = sd.query_devices()
if category == 'input':
devs = [d for d in devs if d.get('max_input_channels') > 0]
elif category == 'output':
devs = [d for d in devs if d.get('max_output_channels') > 0]
return devs
def _play_audio_callback(self, q, blocksize, streamtype):
import sounddevice as sd
is_raw_stream = streamtype == sd.RawOutputStream
def audio_callback(outdata, frames, time, status):
if self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.STOPPED:
raise sd.CallbackAbort
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
assert frames == blocksize
if status.output_underflow:
self.logger.warning('Output underflow: increase blocksize?')
outdata = (b'\x00' if is_raw_stream else 0.) * len(outdata)
assert not status
data = q.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
self.logger.warning('Buffer is empty: increase buffersize?')
raise sd.CallbackAbort
if len(data) < len(outdata):
outdata[:len(data)] = data
outdata[len(data):] = (b'\x00' if is_raw_stream else 0.) * \
(len(outdata) - len(data))
outdata[:] = data
return audio_callback
def play(self, file=None, sound=None, device=None, blocksize=None,
bufsize=Sound._DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, samplerate=None, channels=None):
Plays a sound file (support formats: wav, raw) or a synthetic sound.
:param file: Sound file path. Specify this if you want to play a file
:type file: str
:param sound: Sound to play. Specify this if you want to play
synthetic sounds. You can also create polyphonic sounds by just
calling play multple times.
:type sound: Sound. You can initialize it either from a list
of `Sound` objects or from its JSON representation, e.g.:
"midi_note": 69, # 440 Hz A
"gain": 1.0, # Maximum volume
"duration": 1.0 # 1 second or until release/pause/stop
:param device: Output device (default: default configured device or
system default audio output if not configured)
:type device: int or str
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured
`output_blocksize` or 2048)
:type blocksize: int
:param bufsize: Size of the audio buffer (default: 20)
:type bufsize: int
:param samplerate: Audio samplerate. Default: audio file samplerate if
in file mode, 44100 Hz if in synth mode
:type samplerate: int
:param channels: Number of audio channels. Default: number of channels
in the audio file in file mode, 1 if in synth mode
:type channels: int
if not file and not sound:
raise RuntimeError('Please specify either a file to play or a ' +
'list of sound objects')
import sounddevice as sd
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.output_blocksize
stream_index = None
q = queue.Queue(maxsize=bufsize)
f = None
t = 0.
if file:
file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file))
if device is None:
device = self.output_device
if device is None:
device = self._get_default_device('output')
if file:
import soundfile as sf
f = sf.SoundFile(file)
if not samplerate:
samplerate = f.samplerate if f else Sound._DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE
if not channels:
channels = f.channels if f else 1
self.logger.info('Starting playback of {} to device [{}]'.
format(file or sound, device))
if sound:
sound = Sound.build(sound)
# Audio queue pre-fill loop
for _ in range(bufsize):
if f:
data = f.buffer_read(blocksize, dtype='float32')
if not data:
blocktime = float(blocksize / samplerate)
next_t = min(t+blocktime, sound.duration) \
if sound.duration is not None else t+blocktime
data = sound.get_wave(t_start=t, t_end=next_t,
t = next_t
if sound.duration is not None and t >= sound.duration:
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
q.put_nowait(data) # Pre-fill the audio queue
streamtype = sd.RawOutputStream if file else sd.OutputStream
completed_callback_event = Event()
stream = streamtype(samplerate=samplerate, blocksize=blocksize,
device=device, channels=channels,
q=q, blocksize=blocksize,
stream_index = self.start_playback(stream, completed_callback_event)
with stream:
# Timeout set until we expect all the buffered blocks to
# be consumed
timeout = blocksize * bufsize / samplerate
while True:
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
if f:
data = f.buffer_read(blocksize, dtype='float32')
if not data:
blocktime = float(blocksize / samplerate)
next_t = min(t+blocktime, sound.duration) \
if sound.duration is not None else t+blocktime
data = sound.get_wave(t_start=t, t_end=next_t,
t = next_t
if sound.duration is not None and t >= sound.duration:
if self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.STOPPED:
raise sd.CallbackAbort
q.put(data, timeout=timeout)
except queue.Full as e:
if self._get_playback_state() != PlaybackState.PAUSED:
raise e
except queue.Full as e:
self.logger.warning('Playback timeout: audio callback failed?')
if f and not f.closed:
f = None
def record(self, file=None, duration=None, device=None, sample_rate=None,
blocksize=None, latency=0, channels=1, subtype='PCM_24'):
Records audio to a sound file (support formats: wav, raw)
:param file: Sound file (default: the method will create a temporary file with the recording)
:type file: str
:param duration: Recording duration in seconds (default: record until stop event)
:type duration: float
:param device: Input device (default: default configured device or system default audio input if not configured)
:type device: int or str
:param sample_rate: Recording sample rate (default: device default rate)
:type sample_rate: int
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured `input_blocksize` or 2048)
:type blocksize: int
:param latency: Device latency in seconds (default: 0)
:type latency: float
:param channels: Number of channels (default: 1)
:type channels: int
:param subtype: Recording subtype - see `soundfile docs <https://pysoundfile.readthedocs.io/en/0.9.0/#soundfile.available_subtypes>`_ for a list of the available subtypes (default: PCM_24)
:type subtype: str
import sounddevice as sd
if file:
file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file))
file = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='platypush_recording_', suffix='.wav',
if os.path.isfile(file):
self.logger.info('Removing existing audio file {}'.format(file))
if device is None:
device = self.input_device
if device is None:
device = self._get_default_device('input')
if sample_rate is None:
dev_info = sd.query_devices(device, 'input')
sample_rate = int(dev_info['default_samplerate'])
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.input_blocksize
q = queue.Queue()
def audio_callback(indata, frames, time, status):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
if status:
self.logger.warning('Recording callback status: {}'.format(
import soundfile as sf
import numpy
with sf.SoundFile(file, mode='x', samplerate=sample_rate,
channels=channels, subtype=subtype) as f:
with sd.InputStream(samplerate=sample_rate, device=device,
channels=channels, callback=audio_callback,
latency=latency, blocksize=blocksize):
self.logger.info('Started recording from device [{}] to [{}]'.
format(device, file))
recording_started_time = time.time()
while self._get_recording_state() != RecordingState.STOPPED \
and (duration is None or
time.time() - recording_started_time < duration):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
get_args = {
'block': True,
'timeout': max(0, duration - (time.time() -
} if duration is not None else {}
data = q.get(**get_args)
except queue.Empty as e:
self.logger.warning('Recording timeout: audio callback failed?')
def recordplay(self, duration=None, input_device=None, output_device=None,
sample_rate=None, blocksize=None, latency=0, channels=1,
Records audio and plays it on an output sound device (audio pass-through)
:param duration: Recording duration in seconds (default: record until stop event)
:type duration: float
:param input_device: Input device (default: default configured device or system default audio input if not configured)
:type input_device: int or str
:param output_device: Output device (default: default configured device or system default audio output if not configured)
:type output_device: int or str
:param sample_rate: Recording sample rate (default: device default rate)
:type sample_rate: int
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured `output_blocksize` or 2048)
:type blocksize: int
:param latency: Device latency in seconds (default: 0)
:type latency: float
:param channels: Number of channels (default: 1)
:type channels: int
:param dtype: Data type for the recording - see `soundfile docs <https://python-sounddevice.readthedocs.io/en/0.3.12/_modules/sounddevice.html#rec>`_ for available types (default: input device default)
:type dtype: str
import sounddevice as sd
if input_device is None:
input_device = self.input_device
if input_device is None:
input_device = self._get_default_device('input')
if output_device is None:
output_device = self.output_device
if output_device is None:
output_device = self._get_default_device('output')
if sample_rate is None:
dev_info = sd.query_devices(input_device, 'input')
sample_rate = int(dev_info['default_samplerate'])
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.output_blocksize
def audio_callback(indata, outdata, frames, time, status):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
if status:
self.logger.warning('Recording callback status: {}'.format(
outdata[:] = indata
stream_index = None
import soundfile as sf
import numpy
stream = sd.Stream(samplerate=sample_rate, channels=channels,
blocksize=blocksize, latency=latency,
device=(input_device, output_device),
dtype=dtype, callback=audio_callback)
stream_index = self.start_playback(stream)
self.logger.info('Started recording pass-through from device ' +
'[{}] to device [{}]'.
format(input_device, output_device))
recording_started_time = time.time()
while self._get_recording_state() != RecordingState.STOPPED \
and (duration is None or
time.time() - recording_started_time < duration):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
except queue.Empty as e:
self.logger.warning('Recording timeout: audio callback failed?')
def get_active_streams(self):
:returns: A list of active players
return {
i: {
attr: getattr(stream, attr)
for attr in ['active', 'closed', 'stopped', 'blocksize',
'channels', 'cpu_load', 'device', 'dtype',
'latency', 'samplerate', 'samplesize']
if hasattr(stream, attr)
} for i, stream in self.active_streams.items()
def start_playback(self, stream, completed_callback_event=None):
stream_index = None
with self.playback_state_lock:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PLAYING
stream_index = None
for i in range(len(self.active_streams)+1):
if i not in self.active_streams:
stream_index = i
self.active_streams[stream_index] = stream
self.completed_callback_events[stream_index] = \
completed_callback_event if completed_callback_event else Event()
self.logger.info('Playback started on stream index {}'.
return stream_index
def stop_playback(self, *streams):
with self.playback_state_lock:
if not streams:
streams = self.active_streams.keys()
updated_n_players = len(self.active_streams)
completed_callback_events = {}
for i in streams:
if i is None or not (i in self.active_streams):
stream = self.active_streams[i]
updated_n_players -= 1
if self.completed_callback_events[i]:
completed_callback_events[i] = self.completed_callback_events[i]
if not updated_n_players:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.STOPPED
for i, event in completed_callback_events.items():
del self.completed_callback_events[i]
del self.active_streams[i]
self.logger.info('Playback stopped')
def pause_playback(self):
with self.playback_state_lock:
if self.playback_state == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PLAYING
elif self.playback_state == PlaybackState.PLAYING:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PAUSED
self.logger.info('Playback ' + ('paused' if self.playback_state ==
PlaybackState.PAUSED else 'playing'))
def start_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.RECORDING
def stop_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.STOPPED
self.logger.info('Recording stopped')
def pause_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
if self.recording_state == RecordingState.PAUSED:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.RECORDING
elif self.recording_state == RecordingState.RECORDING:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.PAUSED
self.logger.info('Recording paused state toggled')
def _get_playback_state(self):
with self.playback_state_lock:
return self.playback_state
def _get_recording_state(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
return self.recording_state
def get_state(self):
return {
'playback_state': self._get_playback_state().name,
'recording_state': self._get_recording_state().name,
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