forked from platypush/platypush
This is useful to determine which is the default set of scripts that should be used by the installer depending on the detected installed package manager.
461 lines
14 KiB
461 lines
14 KiB
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import sys
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import override
import yaml
from platypush.message.event import Event
_available_package_manager = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseImage(Enum):
Supported base images for Dockerfiles.
ALPINE = 'alpine'
DEBIAN = 'debian'
UBUNTU = 'ubuntu'
def __str__(self) -> str:
Explicit __str__ override for argparse purposes.
return self.value
class PackageManager:
Representation of a package manager.
executable: str
""" The executable name. """
default_os: str
The default distro whose configuration we should use if this package
manager is detected.
install: Iterable[str] = field(default_factory=tuple)
""" The install command, as a sequence of strings. """
uninstall: Iterable[str] = field(default_factory=tuple)
""" The uninstall command, as a sequence of strings. """
class PackageManagers(Enum):
Supported package managers.
APK = PackageManager(
install=('apk', 'add', '--update', '--no-interactive', '--no-cache'),
uninstall=('apk', 'del', '--no-interactive'),
APT = PackageManager(
install=('apt', 'install', '-y'),
uninstall=('apt', 'remove', '-y'),
PACMAN = PackageManager(
install=('pacman', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--needed'),
uninstall=('pacman', '-R', '--noconfirm'),
def get_command(cls, name: str) -> Iterable[str]:
:param name: The name of the package manager executable to get the
command for.
:return: The base command to execute, as a sequence of strings.
pkg_manager = next(iter(pm for pm in cls if pm.value.executable == name), None)
if not pkg_manager:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown package manager: {name}')
return pkg_manager.value.install
def scan(cls) -> Optional["PackageManagers"]:
Get the name of the available package manager on the system, if supported.
# pylint: disable=global-statement
global _available_package_manager
if _available_package_manager:
return _available_package_manager
available_package_managers = [
for pkg_manager in cls
if shutil.which(pkg_manager.value.executable)
if not available_package_managers:
'\nYour OS does not provide any of the supported package managers.\n'
'You may have to install some optional dependencies manually.\n'
'Supported package managers: %s.\n',
', '.join([pm.value.executable for pm in cls]),
return None
_available_package_manager = available_package_managers[0]
return _available_package_manager
class InstallContext(Enum):
Supported installation contexts.
NONE = None
DOCKER = 'docker'
VENV = 'venv'
class ManifestType(Enum):
Manifest types.
PLUGIN = 'plugin'
BACKEND = 'backend'
class Dependencies:
Dependencies for a plugin/backend.
before: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
""" Commands to execute before the component is installed. """
packages: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
""" System packages required by the component. """
pip: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
""" pip dependencies. """
after: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
""" Commands to execute after the component is installed. """
pkg_manager: Optional[PackageManagers] = None
""" Override the default package manager detected on the system. """
install_context: InstallContext = InstallContext.NONE
""" The installation context - Docker, virtual environment or bare metal. """
base_image: Optional[BaseImage] = None
""" Base image used in case of Docker installations. """
def _is_venv(self) -> bool:
:return: True if the dependencies scanning logic is running either in a
virtual environment or in a virtual environment preparation
return (
self.install_context == InstallContext.VENV or sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix
def _is_docker(self) -> bool:
:return: True if the dependencies scanning logic is running either in a
Docker environment.
return (
self.install_context == InstallContext.DOCKER
or 'DOCKER_CTX' in os.environ
or os.path.isfile('/.dockerenv')
def from_config(
conf_file: Optional[str] = None,
pkg_manager: Optional[PackageManagers] = None,
install_context: InstallContext = InstallContext.NONE,
base_image: Optional[BaseImage] = None,
) -> "Dependencies":
Parse the required dependencies from a configuration file.
deps = cls(
for manifest in Manifests.by_config(conf_file, pkg_manager=pkg_manager):
deps.before += manifest.install.before
deps.after += manifest.install.after
return deps
def to_pkg_install_commands(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
Generates the package manager commands required to install the given
dependencies on the system.
wants_sudo = not (self._is_docker or os.getuid() == 0)
pkg_manager = self.pkg_manager or PackageManagers.scan()
if self.packages and pkg_manager:
yield ' '.join(
*(['sudo'] if wants_sudo else []),
*sorted(self.packages), # type: ignore
def to_pip_install_commands(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
Generates the pip commands required to install the given dependencies on
the system.
wants_break_system_packages = not (
# Docker installations shouldn't require --break-system-packages in
# pip, except for Debian
(self._is_docker and self.base_image != BaseImage.DEBIAN)
# --break-system-packages has been introduced in Python 3.10
or sys.version_info < (3, 11)
# If we're in a virtual environment then we don't need
# --break-system-packages
or self._is_venv
if self.pip:
yield (
'pip install -U --no-input --no-cache-dir '
+ ('--break-system-packages ' if wants_break_system_packages else '')
+ ' '.join(sorted(self.pip))
def to_install_commands(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
Generates the commands required to install the given dependencies on
this system.
for cmd in self.before:
yield cmd
for cmd in self.to_pkg_install_commands():
yield cmd
for cmd in self.to_pip_install_commands():
yield cmd
for cmd in self.after:
yield cmd
class Manifest(ABC):
Base class for plugin/backend manifests.
def __init__(
package: str,
description: Optional[str] = None,
install: Optional[Dict[str, Iterable[str]]] = None,
events: Optional[Mapping] = None,
pkg_manager: Optional[PackageManagers] = None,
self._pkg_manager = pkg_manager or PackageManagers.scan()
self.description = description
self.install = self._init_deps(install or {})
| = self._init_events(events or {})
self.package = package
self.component_name = '.'.join(package.split('.')[2:])
self.component = None
def manifest_type(self) -> ManifestType:
:return: The type of the manifest.
def _init_deps(self, install: Mapping[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Dependencies:
deps = Dependencies()
for key, items in install.items():
if key == 'pip':
elif key == 'before':
deps.before += items
elif key == 'after':
deps.after += items
elif self._pkg_manager and key == self._pkg_manager.value.executable:
return deps
def _init_events(
events: Union[Iterable[str], Mapping[str, Optional[str]]]
) -> Dict[Type[Event], str]:
evt_dict = events if isinstance(events, Mapping) else {e: None for e in events}
ret = {}
for evt_name, doc in evt_dict.items():
evt_module_name, evt_class_name = evt_name.rsplit('.', 1)
evt_module = importlib.import_module(evt_module_name)
evt_class = getattr(evt_module, evt_class_name)
except Exception as e:
raise AssertionError(f'Could not load event {evt_name}: {e}') from e
ret[evt_class] = doc or evt_class.__doc__
return ret
def from_file(
cls, filename: str, pkg_manager: Optional[PackageManagers] = None
) -> "Manifest":
Parse a manifest filename into a ``Manifest`` class.
with open(str(filename), 'r') as f:
manifest = yaml.safe_load(f).get('manifest', {})
assert 'type' in manifest, f'Manifest file {filename} has no type field'
comp_type = ManifestType(manifest.pop('type'))
manifest_class = cls.by_type(comp_type)
return manifest_class(**manifest, pkg_manager=pkg_manager)
def by_type(cls, manifest_type: ManifestType) -> Type["Manifest"]:
:return: The manifest class corresponding to the given manifest type.
if manifest_type == ManifestType.PLUGIN:
return PluginManifest
if manifest_type == ManifestType.BACKEND:
return BackendManifest
raise ValueError(f'Unknown manifest type: {manifest_type}')
def __repr__(self):
:return: A JSON serialized representation of the manifest.
return json.dumps(
'description': self.description,
'install': self.install,
'events': {
'.'.join([evt_type.__module__, evt_type.__name__]): doc
for evt_type, doc in
'type': self.manifest_type.value,
'package': self.package,
'component_name': self.component_name,
class PluginManifest(Manifest):
Plugin manifest.
def manifest_type(self) -> ManifestType:
return ManifestType.PLUGIN
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class BackendManifest(Manifest):
Backend manifest.
def manifest_type(self) -> ManifestType:
return ManifestType.BACKEND
class Manifests:
General-purpose manifests utilities.
def by_base_class(
base_class: Type, pkg_manager: Optional[PackageManagers] = None
) -> Generator[Manifest, None, None]:
Get all the manifest files declared under the base path of a given class
and parse them into :class:`Manifest` objects.
for mf in pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(base_class))).rglob(
yield Manifest.from_file(str(mf), pkg_manager=pkg_manager)
def by_config(
conf_file: Optional[str] = None,
pkg_manager: Optional[PackageManagers] = None,
) -> Generator[Manifest, None, None]:
Get all the manifest objects associated to the extensions declared in a
given configuration file.
import platypush
from platypush.config import Config
conf_args = []
if conf_file:
app_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(platypush))
for name in Config.get_backends().keys():
yield Manifest.from_file(
os.path.join(app_dir, 'backend', *name.split('.'), 'manifest.yaml'),
for name in Config.get_plugins().keys():
yield Manifest.from_file(
os.path.join(app_dir, 'plugins', *name.split('.'), 'manifest.yaml'),