forked from platypush/platypush
- Use pubsub pattern rather than `rpush`/`blpop` - it saves memory, it's faster, and it decreases the risk of deadlocks. - Use a connection pool. - Propagate `PLATYPUSH_REDIS_QUEUE` environment variable so any subprocesses can access it.
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259 lines
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import asyncio
import importlib
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from threading import RLock
from typing import Optional, Any
from ..bus import Bus
from ..config import Config
from ..utils import get_enabled_plugins, get_plugin_name_by_class
logger = logging.getLogger('platypush:context')
class Context:
Data class to hold the context of the application.
# backend_name -> backend_instance
backends: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
# plugin_name -> plugin_instance
plugins: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
# Reference to the main application bus
bus: Optional[Bus] = None
_ctx = Context()
# # Map: backend_name -> backend_instance
# backends = {}
# # Map: plugin_name -> plugin_instance
# plugins = {}
# Map: plugin_name -> init_lock to make sure that a plugin isn't initialized
# multiple times
plugins_init_locks = {}
# Reference to the main application bus
# main_bus = None
def get_context() -> Context:
Get the current application context.
return _ctx
def register_backends(bus=None, global_scope=False, **kwargs):
Initialize the backend objects based on the configuration and returns a
name -> backend_instance map.
bus -- If specific (it usually should), the messages processed by the
backends will be posted on this bus.
kwargs -- Any additional key-value parameters required to initialize
the backends
if bus:
_ctx.bus = bus
if global_scope:
backends = _ctx.backends
backends = {}
for name, cfg in Config.get_backends().items():
module = importlib.import_module('platypush.backend.' + name)
# e.g. backend.http main class: HttpBackend
cls_name = ''
for token in module.__name__.title().split('.')[2:]:
cls_name += token.title()
cls_name += 'Backend'
b = getattr(module, cls_name)(bus=bus, **cfg, **kwargs)
backends[name] = b
except AttributeError as e:
logger.warning('No such class in %s: %s', module.__name__, cls_name)
raise RuntimeError(e) from e
return backends
def register_plugins(bus=None):
Register and start all the ``RunnablePlugin`` configured implementations.
from ..plugins import RunnablePlugin
for plugin in get_enabled_plugins().values():
if isinstance(plugin, RunnablePlugin):
plugin.bus = bus
def get_backend(name):
"""Returns the backend instance identified by name if it exists"""
return _ctx.backends.get(name)
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def get_plugin(plugin, plugin_name=None, reload=False):
Registers a plugin instance by name if not registered already, or returns
the registered plugin instance.
:param plugin: Plugin name or class type.
:param plugin_name: Plugin name, kept only for backwards compatibility.
:param reload: If ``True``, the plugin will be reloaded if it's already
been registered.
from ..plugins import Plugin, RunnablePlugin
if isinstance(plugin, str):
name = plugin
elif plugin_name:
name = plugin_name
elif issubclass(plugin, Plugin):
name = get_plugin_name_by_class(plugin) # type: ignore
raise TypeError(f'Invalid plugin type/name: {plugin}')
assert name, 'No plugin name provided'
if name not in plugins_init_locks:
plugins_init_locks[name] = RLock()
if name in _ctx.plugins and not reload:
return _ctx.plugins[name]
module_name = None
if isinstance(plugin, str):
module_name = f'platypush.plugins.{name}'
elif issubclass(plugin, Plugin):
module_name = plugin.__module__
raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid plugin type/name: {plugin}')
plugin = importlib.import_module(module_name)
except ImportError as e:
logger.warning('No such plugin: %s', name)
raise RuntimeError(e) from e
# e.g. main class: MusicMpdPlugin
cls_name = ''
for token in name.split('.'):
if token:
cls_name += token[0].upper() + token[1:]
cls_name += 'Plugin'
plugin_conf = Config.get_plugins()[name] if name in Config.get_plugins() else {}
if 'disabled' in plugin_conf:
if plugin_conf['disabled'] is True:
return None
del plugin_conf['disabled']
if 'enabled' in plugin_conf:
if plugin_conf['enabled'] is False:
return None
del plugin_conf['enabled']
plugin_class = getattr(plugin, cls_name)
except AttributeError as e:
logger.warning('No such class in %s: %s [error: %s]', name, cls_name, e)
raise RuntimeError(e) from e
with plugins_init_locks[name]:
plugin = _ctx.plugins.get(name)
if plugin:
if not reload:
return _ctx.plugins[name]
if isinstance(plugin, RunnablePlugin):
_ctx.plugins[name] = plugin_class(**plugin_conf)
return _ctx.plugins[name]
def get_bus() -> Bus:
Get or register the main application bus.
from platypush.bus.redis import RedisBus
from platypush.utils import get_redis_conf
if _ctx.bus:
return _ctx.bus
redis_queue = (
_ctx.bus = RedisBus(
return _ctx.bus
def get_or_create_event_loop() -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop:
Get or create a new event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except (DeprecationWarning, RuntimeError):
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
return loop
class Variable:
Utility class to wrap platform variables in your custom scripts.
.. code-block:: python
# Pass `persisted=False` to get/set an in-memory variable
# on the Redis instance (default: the variable is
# persisted on the internal database)
var = Variable('myvar')
value = var.get()
var.set('new value')
def __init__(self, name: str, persisted: bool = True):
| = name
self._persisted = persisted
def get(self) -> Optional[Any]:
plugin = get_plugin('variable')
getter = getattr(plugin, 'get' if self._persisted else 'mget')
return getter(
def set(self, value: Any):
plugin = get_plugin('variable')
setter = getattr(plugin, 'set' if self._persisted else 'mset')
setter(**{ value})
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